American Ranch

Chapter 771 Going to Sea (14)

Chapter 771 Going to Sea (14)

The Great Barrier Reef is located in the subtropics, and it is also a world-class famous scenic spot. There are many people who come here for vacation all year round.

The wharf is full of various yachts. Out of the harbor, the yachts and cruise ships near and far are like white water birds wandering on the water under the blue sky and white clouds.

From time to time, the sound of quacking seagulls can be heard above the head, and the feeling of leisure naturally occupies my heart.

In the waters near Hamilton Island in early April, the sea surface temperature is around 27 degrees, which is very cool. For Qin Yi and others who have been disturbed by the snowstorm in Montana for several months, it is an excellent leisure resort.

After listening to the little tour guide Angel's explanation, the girls coaxed her with fruit juice and asked her to take her younger siblings to play, and they came to the second deck of the yacht together.

Here, the girls are lined up in a row, lying or lying on the deck chairs, enjoying the warm sunshine, and the whole person is lazy and leisurely.

Their bodies are different. At this time, they are wearing bikinis of various colors, which not only outlines their figures, but also shows a large area of ​​seductive scenery.

Especially Colo, Amanda and Diana, the three women are the most relaxed, and the clothes are the most sexy. The small cloth can only wrap a small part, and the large piece of white tenderness exudes a seductive luster, which is helpful to see. Qin Yi, who was wearing sunscreen, drools behind his back!
Of course, it is indispensable to take advantage of the opportunity.

At this time, the children were not in front of them, and the daughters-in-law didn't mind being touched a few times by him, but instead enjoyed this kind of secret stimulation, and those blurred eyes made Qin Yi really wish to carry them back to the house to have a baby!

In the future, when I find time, I have to bring my daughters-in-law to come again. When the time comes, leave everyone behind and enjoy the scenery of Meeru Island.
Qin Yi settled down, and after making such a plan, he wiped the daughter-in-laws a few times indiscriminately, and ran away quickly.

Arriving on the main deck, Angel looked like an adult, with big sunglasses stuck on her small face, lying on her back on the deck chair.

The three little guys next to her were also dressed like this, and they were also lying down wearing sunglasses. A group of cool little guys!
It's just the appearance of eating fingers, which ruins the image a little bit, and the fat calf keeps kicking, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, and it doesn't stop for a moment!
If it wasn't for An Qier humming a nursery rhyme, these three restless little guys would have started to make a fuss long ago.

Seeing Qin Yi approaching, the children couldn't lie down in an instant, turned over on the recliner several times, and finally managed to sit up, chanting "baba" with their fleshy little mouths, and opened their little hands to hug. ,

After giving a high-five to Angel, who was lying on the ground smiling and unwilling to get up, Qin Yi turned to the three little guys, stretched out his hands to pinch their cheeks and scratched their itch, making them giggle.

After a while, Qin Yi lay down on the recliner, and the three little guys suddenly turned upside down, lying in his arms, pulling their ears and hair, tossing Qin Yi so hard that they simply picked up the little lion and the little tiger Then let Angel hold the baby and run to the small swimming pool on the back deck of the yacht in a group.

Playing in the water is a great love of the children. After changing into the duckling and shark swimming rings, they can't wait to crawl towards the swimming pool.

With a puff, a small splash of water was splashed, and then it emerged from the water with the buoyancy of the swimming ring, and swam around!

Angel also likes to play with water the most. She throws bubble balls and other toys into the water, jumps down with a plop, splashing big splashes, and the younger brothers and sisters are also washed away by ripples, like boats in a storm.
But the three babies were not afraid of such waves. They shook their little heads clumsily, chanting "sister", kicked their calves and swam towards Angel, playing a chasing game with their sister.

Qin Yi finally had time to use the surfboard to lie on the water and float on the water, teasing the children who came swimming from time to time, enjoying himself.

"Whoa, look, we've burst into God's gallery!"

After more than ten minutes, with Ke Luo's admiration, Qin Yi, who was playing in the water with the children, was also aroused.

Step out of the swimming pool with the baby in your arms, look down at the guardrail, and see colorful corals, like chrysanthemums surrounded by clusters, like strange branches, like lifelike antlers, in different shapes.

Under the sunshine on the sea surface, these corals are shining with attractive and beautiful luster, which makes people happy.

Groups of colorful small fish swim among them, looking so natural and harmonious.

Overhead, the girls gathered on the side of the boat, admiring the beautiful scenery of the coral reefs in the shallow sea area, busy taking pictures, and talking about it at the same time.

Especially when I found a coral with a strange shape, I was even more chattering and jumping for joy. The excitement was like a little girl who found a treasure!
Even with Angel's great strength, holding the two younger brothers seemed a little difficult, but she still leaned over, looking at the beautiful scenery under the boat, her eyes lit up for a moment, wishing she could move the coral reef home!

Qin Yi simply sat down on the deck, and the three little guys were lying on their stomachs right in front of them, holding the guardrail with their little hands and looking down.

They are tightly attached, pointing at the sea with their little fingers from time to time, turning their little heads and babbling at Qin Yi. I don't know if they are talking about beautiful swimming fish, beautiful corals, or both.

Qin Yi also responded based on his own guess, and a conversation started between the father and the child that others could not understand.

The noisy but joyful scene made the girls on the second deck look amused. Rachel took the opportunity to take a photo and planned to take it home for the elders to appreciate.

But after Qin Yi accompanied him for a while, the children suddenly pointed to a big spotted fish swimming by on the bottom of the sea, yelled "Fatty", and turned their heads to look at him, their little eyes full of expectation, Obviously want him to catch a big meal
It's not feasible to catch big fish, but Qin Yi finally appeased the little ones by promising to eat meat at night.

Now that we have arrived at the sea area of ​​the coral reef, we have arrived at our destination, and the sea conditions in the sea area of ​​the coral reef are not very good, and the underwater is full of hidden reefs, but the Venus cannot continue wandering around.

Qin Yi informed John to stop the yacht, and brought in snorkeling equipment. Everyone put on their own equipment, and swam around the nearby sea surface, admiring all kinds of corals and fishes on the bottom of the sea.

The girls couldn't wait a long time ago. They put on waterproof masks and breathing hoses, got into the water on the back deck, crouched on the sea surface, and swam around in a semi-submersible manner.

The delicate body wetted by sea water becomes more and more attractive, like white and tender mermaids, and the flippers on the feet are beautiful fish tails!
Angel is not to be outdone, although she is small, her swimming skills are not bad at all, but she is more flexible, swimming among the girls, bumping into Colo and pushing Amanda from time to time, very naughty!

If she hadn't been biting the breathing hose, she would definitely have heard her giggling triumphantly!
Qin Yi can only watch, in the seawater swimming pool surrounded by the stern of the yacht, pulling the children on the duckling boat, and be a competent dad with peace of mind!

Fortunately, Susa and Rachel were with them. The three of them played in the water while taking care of the children. They had a lot of fun. The continuous laughter finally made Sarah lose her interest in snorkeling. Let's play water fight together
Snorkeling is not uncommon, but scuba diving and underwater walks are rare experiences that no one wants to miss!

Naturally, there is no shortage of relevant equipment on the yacht. The family has come out to play so many times. The diving experience is not professional, but in the shallow sea area with a depth of 30 to [-] meters, there is still no problem.

The girls were divided into two groups, led by Qin Yi, and dived into the bottom of the sea one after another, watching the corals up close, especially when swimming against the corals, it was like sliding on a painting. Great excitement and satisfaction for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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