American Ranch

Chapter 764 Ending the Battle (34)

Chapter 764 Ending the Battle (34)

In Clyde's cabin, the finishing touches continued.

After Qin Yi made the phone call, he saw that John and the others had already launched the final assault towards the basement, so he couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed into the house with his rifle in hand.

Jenny behind her also wanted to follow him and rush in, but considering the seriously injured big man, she restrained her inner impulse and stayed behind to clean up and bandage the big man under the protection of the two slightly injured players.

But under the light that was just turned on, his face looked rosy and rosy, and he looked very charming.

Of course, it's not because of anything else, it's just stimulated by tonight's scene!

This war-like scene really terrified her, and at the same time, there was an overwhelming desire to stop
Walker and Gerald appeased the residents and rushed over quickly.

Walker borrowed blankets and quilts from the homes of nearby residents to warm up the injured team members. Gerrard began to greet the police and take evidence and take pictures of the scene. A lot of trouble.

But Qin Yi rushed into the house, took a look at the gangsters who fell to the ground and moaned, and went up one by one to give them a hand knife, knocking everyone unconscious, so that these guys would not shoot coldly behind them!

At this moment, John and the others rushed down to the basement carefully.

Thanks to the effects of the tear gas, flash bombs and shock bombs thrown into the basement just now, they did not encounter effective resistance.

After a while of shouts like "Put down the gun, put down the gun, you damn bastard! Get down!", John shouted "Safe", and all the team members relaxed their vigilance a little!
But it is still impossible to completely disarm the guard at this time.

After all, after a battle, three people were injured by our own side, and several were scratched by bullets and shrapnel. It can be said that they died after a little carelessness, so everyone's nervousness still needs time to slowly resolve. .

Qin Yi also went down, and saw a man, although he was tortured by several kinds of special ammunition to the point of tears and dejection, but he still had a cold face, and his occasionally opened eyes shone like a cunning wild wolf. !

This made his heart tremble, this guy can be seen as a sinister and cunning ruthless person at a glance, do you want to find a reason to shoot him?

Such a person, it is still easy to die!

"This damned guy is really insidious. He threw the grenade, the one at the door! And when he came down just now, there was another one at the guy's feet. If it wasn't for being stunned, we would have a bigger one." casualties!"

Just thinking about it, John's voice suddenly sounded, Qin Yi looked up and saw that he was holding a grenade in his hand.

Qin Yi nodded.

Just now he wondered, why didn't this guy take Brown as a hostage when he was stubbornly resisting?

It turns out that this guy didn't intend to get out alive at all. This grenade exploded at close range, and even he couldn't be spared
Sure enough!

After walking half a circle around the cold-faced man, Qin Yi suddenly slapped him, knocking him unconscious.

Although this guy is crying, he still insists on looking at people with gloomy eyes. It doesn't scare people, but it makes people very disgusting-what's so good about your swollen eyes, you really think you are beautiful girl!
It's still the easiest way to get knocked out.

"Boss, found the target!"

The team members who were searching in the basement finally found Brown's trace from the innermost cubicle.

Qin Yi hurried over to check.

This guy didn't know what he had gone through, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he was shot in the thigh. At this moment, he fell unconscious in the corner.

He waved, and two players immediately carried Brown out.

Continue to look around, and found that there is also a sofa bed in this small cubicle, and a young girl is lying on it.

Her face was pale, and thick gauze was wrapped around her white left wrist. It seemed that she had cut her wrist before, and she didn't know whether she committed suicide or was tortured by these vicious gangsters.

Qin Yi tried it with his hand. The girl was still breathing, but it was very weak. If she didn't give first aid, she might not last long.

"Oh? She seems to be the youngest daughter of the Minister of Defense!" John also followed him, and looked sideways for a few times, a little puzzled, but also a little clear.

"Minister of Defense?"

Qin Yi was taken aback, damn it, why is this matter getting bigger and bigger?
Although he was surprised, he still didn't dare to delay. He hurriedly asked the team members to lift her up carefully, and send her up first. When the helicopter arrived, he immediately sent her to Helena Hospital!
Damn, this young lady is not something we can mess with. It is true that I saved her, but if something goes wrong, the Minister of Defense will hate her
Bad luck, bad luck!

At present, he is afraid of trouble, and he really doesn't want to provoke the top officials of the US government.

He was about to go out, but he felt as if he had kicked something with his toes. He bent down and looked under the sofa bed, and his heart beat half a beat faster in fright!

Asking the team members to come over to help, the two victims were dragged out immediately, and one of them was a fat man who was a doctor from the clinic in the small town.

The other Qin Yi didn't know him either, so he called Sergeant Gerald to come down and identify him. Isn't it Mr. Clyde?

According to the judgment of the experienced John, the time of Clyde's death was about 12 hours ago, that is, at noon during the day, and the town doctor was later, around 10 o'clock in the evening.

It seems that after the gangster killed the doctor, he pretended to be Clyde and invited Brown to come over to treat the girl, which triggered a series of events.

Well, now two more lives are lost!
Gerald was in charge of cleaning up the scene, and Qin Yi took the people back to the car, finally able to take a rest.

But before Qin Yi could breathe a sigh of relief, he was taken aback by the report sent by the big head. Damn it, Fat Bear and his gang were really brave enough to ambush Helena's anti-terrorist special police, causing heavy casualties.
Alas, eventful autumn!
He thought about the means of dealing with the aftermath for a while, and felt that there was basically nothing wrong with the whole story, but just in case, he tidied up the language and called Senator Scott, who had already fallen asleep.

Without Diana, Scott's old couple spent the holidays alone. They were already desolate and depressed. At this time, he called in the middle of the night, which ignited Scott's resentment and jealousy!
So, before he could speak, Scott scolded him first, and asked for some red wine, top truffles and so on as compensation
Qin Yi was sweating, this old guy really has a bad temper!
But this time, he had no choice but to admit it. Why did he need Scott's help now?
But in the future, he must avenge this arrow!
The two chattered for a while, and Qin Yi told the whole story, and vaguely revealed the FBI's movements.

Hearing that he was involved in such a matter, Scott couldn't help but blame him again. After all, this matter is really hard to say, and if he is not careful, he may commit a taboo!
It's not easy to talk about it in detail on the phone. Scott simply plans to come over in person. As a federal congressman and the Speaker of the Montana State Assembly, he still has some right to speak. If he comes to help, it shouldn't be difficult to settle the matter.

The battle in the small town has come to an end. Looking at the dilapidated scene after the fierce battle, everyone is speechless.

Living in the ranch area near the Rocky Mountains, everyone is familiar with firearms, but it is an anecdote that a gunfight between the police and robbers can be fought to this extent!

That's right, the police and bandit battle - the Augusta police received a report from the family members. In order to rescue the kidnapped Brown, they surrounded the Clyde House. Faced with the gangsters who armed with powerful weapons and resisted, the police launched a justice campaign. Shootout!

During this period, the residents of the town provided great help to the police. This is a victory for all residents of Augusta!

Of course, it was also a victory for the Helena police—only afterwards, when Gerald came to the transport vehicle and saw the video from the micro-aircraft, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed and muttered in his heart: Damn SWAT, it's really too weak!

(End of this chapter)

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