American Ranch

Chapter 747 Another Journey to the Chapter Country

Chapter 747

*During the turn, I ran a bit slowly, and there will be one chapter later, so it’s hard to say more, let’s make up for it with five chapters tomorrow.

"Dad, this is a gift I prepared for Uncle Ye and Aunt Liu. Can you put it away for me?"

Just as Qin Yi put some tea leaves and coffee beans into the car, he turned around and walked into the room. Angel, who was kneeling on the sofa, immediately slid down the sofa joyfully, and ran over holding a small box.

The girls who were teasing the little ones to watch educational cartoons all smiled and looked at it, maybe the gift prepared by Angel is something more interesting.

This aroused his curiosity, so he flipped through it in his hand, and even weighed it with his hands. The weight was not heavy, and he wondered if there was a big apple wrapped in it.

But looking at the shape of the box, this is obviously not the case.

The gift box was nothing special, just the kind of floral box, about the size of a watch box, tied with a pink ribbon and tied with a crooked bow.

From this point, it can be seen that this gift box was wrapped by the little girl herself, and Susa and the others were not asked for help, because even Amanda, who is carefree, is much better at tying bows than this!
"Can you tell Dad what the gift is?"

"Persimmon cake!"

Looking at the little girl's smug face, Qin Yi was surprised and amused, taking persimmon cakes as a wedding gift?

Well, it's sure to be a pretty memorable gift!

But Angel is just a child, so it's very rare to be able to prepare a gift with heart. Moreover, if she can share the delicious food, the couple should feel lucky!
An Qier followed Qin Yi with a smile, and when he sat down on the sofa, she playfully lay on his knees and swayed gently.

"The persimmon cakes are so delicious, I can't bear to finish eating them, Dad, do you think they will like my present?"

"Why not? Persimmon cakes are really delicious! And look, such a beautiful gift box, Angel is really amazing!"


After being praised by Qin Yi, An Qier also felt that she was really good, humming a nursery rhyme, and ran upstairs to get her small luggage.

Qin Yi also got up and went upstairs, he had to move the girls' big suitcases to the car.

After picking persimmons in the woods in the afternoon, the family started to pack their things. The wedding of Ye Fang and Liu Qimeng was about to take place, and they had to fly there overnight, which would save time. Anyway, they could rest on the big plane.

Half an hour later, the time also came to 08:30, and the family changed into brighter outfits.

For example, Susa, women's slim-fit suit pants and a loose white T-shirt with hips, plus a small black suit, the whole person looks capable and intellectual.

Rachel's thin knitted windbreaker and leggings also showed a restrained and demure temperament; on the contrary, Ke Luo finally changed out of the black leggings that accompanied her throughout the summer, wearing a small fresh floral dress, faintly It also has the meaning of a famous lady!
lotus leaf skirt, dress
The three of Sara also enjoyed the last madness before the weather turned cold!
In fact, the time is about to enter November, and Montana is already very cold, and soon, the fireplace in the house will be burning.

So girls dressed like this will actually be shivering from the cold outdoors!
However, the family can't stay outside for a few minutes, and this season, the weather in the capital city can't be called very cold, it's just a bit chilly.

What's more, for women, for the sake of beauty, temperature difficulties can also be overcome!

At the request of the girls, Qin Yi finally changed his usual casual style, white shirt and casual suit, and transformed this friendly and laid-back guy into a charming urban sportsman!
When she changed her clothes just now and stood up to be judged by the girls, Ke Luo once said: It's a waste of such a tough body not to wear a suit!

This sentence was unanimously approved by the girls, and the soul of a certain guy who was stern and handsome felt a little bit of joy in his heart!
If you are already dressed up beautifully, then naturally you are about to set off!

But as soon as he left the main house, the little tiger in Susa's arms kicked his calves and babbled. Susa immediately rolled his eyes, amused and helpless, and carried him into the house to change diapers.
Qin Yi and the others laughed, and followed in to help.

In fact, only Qin Yi was the one who really helped, and Ke Luo and the others just joined in the fun, and then took the opportunity to touch the little guy's chubby, white and tender body a few times, scratching itches, poking his belly, making the little guy giggle!

This time when I returned to China to attend the wedding, the elders did not go with me because they thought it was too troublesome to go back and forth.

Of course, this is also because Qin Yi and the others only go out for two days, which is a relatively short time. Otherwise, Qin's mother will definitely follow. It is simply impossible for her to be separated from the big fat grandchildren for a long time!
Nine hours later, the big plane landed at the duty airport (location name is sensitive), yes, it is the duty of the small commodity city!
The wedding was scheduled to be held the day after tomorrow, so Qin Yi decided to take the opportunity to take his wife and children out for a stroll.

Anyway, the wedding of the two friends has already been prepared, and there is no need for their family to meddle in it, just relax when you have time!

Moreover, Su Sa and the others wanted to experience the feeling of traveling through ancient China, but the last time they returned to China to hold a full moon wine, the time was too tight, and they have not been able to achieve their wish. This time, it is the dream that Qin Yi promised them. journey of!
It was already nine o'clock in the evening domestic time, but everyone had a good rest during the journey. At this time, they were all in good spirits. Qin Yi did not delay, directly rented a car, and rushed to Hengdian Film and Television City overnight.

It's a pity that when we arrived, it was past ten o'clock. Even the Dream Valley, which specializes in night tours, has closed to thank visitors. Qin Yi, who wanted to do some recreational activities while he couldn't sleep, was a little disappointed.

The family turned to the center of Hengdian Town, which is the most prosperous Wansheng Street in Hengdian. I heard that the night market and snacks here are very good. Qin Yi took everyone to try their luck.

The time at night is still long, so don't waste it!

When we got to the ground, we couldn’t find a more formal parking lot, so we just followed the crowd and found a place to stop in front of a small shop on the street. The family either hugged their children, or straddled their small bags, packed lightly, and followed the flow of people on the street. hang out.

It is said to be the center of the town, but it is just a snack street. The buildings on both sides are not high, and they look like three or five floors. The crowd is bustling, the shop signs are flashing with neon lights, and the street is full of dining cars selling various snacks.

On both sides of the road, apart from a few clothing stores and gift shops, most of the rest are small restaurants, noodle restaurants, ramen restaurants, hot pot restaurants, etc. There are also pancakes and fried rice noodles in small shops, and there are many barbecue stalls on both sides of the street. few.

Of course, there are also signboards such as "hotel on the second floor" and "Internet cafe on the second floor".

It is indeed true to say that it is a snack street!

Snacks are everywhere, people are mixed, and the air is naturally fresh. The whole street is filled with the smell of barbecue and various snacks. Of course, there is also a strange smell formed by the smell of sweat and perfume.

All of them merged together, giving people a feeling that the world of mortals is rolling in, it is indeed quite lively!

Is this the power of civilization?
Qin Yi led his wife and children for a stroll, observing the various people around him, stopping in front of a snack cart from time to time, chatting for a while, and then picked up strange snacks that he found curious and acceptable, and asked to be a little careful taste.

Seeing his wife and children having fun, Qin Yi also felt comforted. Even if the attractions are lost, as long as the family is happy, this in itself is a great enjoyment!

Looking at the turbulent street scene again, his eyes were a little dazed, as if he had returned to the lush era of college.

Back then, when three or five friends were hanging out in the snack street outside the campus, it was such a leisurely and lively atmosphere!

Unknowingly, so many years have passed.
For a moment, Qin Yi felt a lot of emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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