American Ranch

Chapter 738

Chapter 738
Qin Yi stared at him, cursed sharply, and swiped the shovel towards Mingzi!
This murderous guy dared to hit his wife's idea, it was a life and death enmity, so he didn't hold back, the iron shovel went straight to Mingzi's forehead, if this hit was real, he would smash his head into a hole , If you don't die, you have to be crippled!

It's a pity that Qin Yi was holding the shovel in his hand all the time, and he didn't behave very well just now. Ming Zi and the others were aggressive, but they were already on guard!

Moreover, he was standing at the gate, Ming Zi and others were in the middle of the road, and the two sides were separated by several meters. No matter how fast he was, it would take a second and a half to jump over, which gave Ming Zi reaction time!
Of course, this time is also relative. After all, Qin Yi's speed is different from ordinary people. When Ming Zi reacted, this powerful and heavy chop was already in front of him!

As soon as Qin Yi made a move, Qin's father picked up half a brick from the bamboo basket and wanted to help, but was immediately startled by Qin Yi's play, and immediately stopped him with a trembling voice.

It's just that Qin Yi is angry, and his father's words don't work!

Mingzi was so frightened that his ghosts froze, his legs went limp, and he almost squatted down.
He didn't care about his face, rolled around like a lazy donkey, narrowly dodging this blow to the head!
But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Qin Yi's strength remained undiminished, and following a slant, the shovel rushed towards his neck again!

Ming Zi, who has rolled on the ground twice, has just lost her old power and not yet regenerated her new power, now she can't dodge even if she wants to!
Under the influence of psychology, the coolness on the forehead has not yet receded, and the neck can't help but feel a chill again. Watching the shovel fall, Mingzi can only scold his mother in his heart: Mahler Gobi, what the hell is this kid doing abroad? human life!

But being forced into a hurry, Ming Zi also felt ruthless in his heart, thinking that if he didn't die here today, he would definitely return ten times and a hundred times later!
These thoughts were only for a moment, and Wei Hong and the others were also stunned by Qin Yi's ferocity, and they reacted for a while.

Although Qin Yi spoke harshly just now, no matter the truth or falsehood, he was still smiling all the time. These bastards only thought that he had a tough temper, but they never expected that if he didn't agree with each other, they would swing the shovel at him and kill him. Dead hand.
The iron shovel shoveled towards Mingzi's neck, as if he wanted to behead Mingzi, which scared Father Qin quite a bit, and rushed forward to stop him.

It's not worth provoking a lawsuit for such a fool!
Seeing that the blow was about to see blood, the girls who had been peeking behind the big iron gate all shouted coquettishly: "Yi, don't kill him!"

With a trembling voice in panic, like cold water pouring on his forehead in winter, Qin Yi, who was so angry in his heart, was pulled back from the brink of losing control.

His mind was cleared, and he also knew that he couldn't commit the serious crime of murder just for the sake of being quick, otherwise it would be a lot of trouble.

So at the last moment, Qin Yi twisted his wrist, and there was a sound of "呵啦", sparks flew everywhere, and the round-headed shovel stuck to Mingzi's neck, inserted several centimeters into the asphalt road, and half of the shovel rolled up.
Ming Zi's eyes were glazed over, and his face turned pale from fright for a moment, then his trousers were wet a lot, and a strong smell of urine wafted out.
Susa and the others who pushed the door out were also relieved to see that there was no catastrophe in the end.

But Qin Yi didn't want to let Ming Zi go just like that: Damn, you dare to think about my wife, if you don't teach you a lesson, you will have lived for more than 20 years in vain!

So without any warning, Qin Yi jumped in front of Ming Zi, stepped on it, and with a squeak, Ming Zi's right arm was broken!

This was not over yet, he pressed Ming Zi's chest with his knees, punched his face with a punch, a few teeth flew out, and half of his face suddenly swelled into a pig's head!
Ming Zi was also terrified at first, but Qin Yi stopped at the last moment, which made him misunderstand, thinking that Qin Yi dared not really kill him.

So he regained his courage, and while struggling to resist, he shouted with his big swollen mouth: "Male Gobi, Wei Hongwozhinima, why don't you help me and abolish him together!"

Before he finished speaking, Qin Yi punched him again, and the other half of his teeth fell out a lot!
Wei Hong and the others were frightened by Qin Yi's ferocity, but for the faceless bastards, they would rather suffer a meal than run away without a fight, otherwise they won't be able to mess around in the future!
Anyway, he didn't dare to kill anyone, and a group of people couldn't beat him alone?
Wei Hong and the others became ruthless, and rushed over with ferocious faces. Zhiyou hesitated for a moment, but still rushed forward!

Qin's father held half a brick and waited for a long time. Seeing this, there was no hesitation. He rushed directly to Wei Hong and smashed his head and face. Unfortunately, Wei Hong dodged and smashed him on the back instead. fist!
Fourth Grandma Feng, Auntie Feng, and others at the north end of the village noticed the movement here, and they also went out one after another, trotting towards this side.

Qin's mother and grandpa couldn't help, Su Sa and the others talked about it just now, so they stayed at home to take care of Angel and the three little guys.

At this time, a big fight broke out, and they, who wanted to help, were a little at a loss, and they had never fought in their lives.
But still cursing coquettishly, he took out the wooden stick he had prepared from behind the door, and was about to go up to help!

Seeing this, Qin Yi was afraid that something might happen to them, so he hurriedly asked them to take over Ming Zi.

He flew towards Wei Hong and the others, kicked a little bastard to the ground, helped his father out of the siege, turned around and bullied Wei Hong, blocked the opponent's punch with his left hand, and kicked out at the same time, Right under Wei Hong's crotch!
There was a "bang", the egg, I'm afraid it has been broken.
Wei Hong covered her crotch, opened her mouth wide but couldn't make a sound, her eyes were bulging, she only persisted for two seconds, then her eyes turned white, and she fainted from the pain on the spot!

Qin Yi kicked out, but he ignored it, turned around and grabbed a gangster who wanted to protect himself, and flung it away with all his strength, grabbed Zhiyou's finger-length thick black hair, pressed down with both hands, At the same time, he raised his knee violently, and Zhiyou's face was covered in blood.

A few seconds before and after, Qin Yi beat several people to the ground, and Qin's father finally got something. A brick hit a thin man in red on the shoulder, and the man who hit him covered his shoulders and stepped back, squatting on the ground, Grinning his teeth in pain, he couldn't get up.

He's not stupid, obviously he can't beat him, only a fool suffers that!
But on the girls side, after listening to the whole conversation, they were also jealous of Ming Zi, Qin Yi jumped up to beat Wei Hong, and they immediately went crazy!
Seeing that Mingzi pouted his buttocks and wanted to get up, Ke Luo held up the thick poplar pole with a rolling pin and smashed it down with a stick. I can't get up.
Susa, Rachel and the others rushed forward, kicking each other, kicking loudly, Ming Zi kicked back several times, but the careful girls dodged them.

Finally, Amanda seized the opportunity and kicked Akiko's crotch!

The critical damage caused by the pointed-toed leather shoes made Ming Zi break out in cold sweat in pain, and he soon followed in Wei Hong's footsteps!
Qin Yi turned around and happened to see this scene, and couldn't help feeling anxious: I can't offend Amanda in the future!

At this time, the neighbors from the neighborhood also gathered together, and seeing that Qin Yi's family had a small-to-many fight, and those who could still fight couldn't get up, they couldn't help but feel emotional.

Especially with Amanda's kick, many people murmured in their hearts: This Xiaoyi's family is really unambiguous in beating people. With this kick, you still have to kill off your children and grandchildren?
Qin Yi and the others stopped, and Zhiyou and the others, who were not seriously injured, quickly dragged Mingzi and Wei Hong away.

The neighbors all watched, Qin Yi couldn't catch up again, so let them go first, if they don't have a long memory, they will play tricks again, and then teach them a lesson they will never forget!
"Hey, Xiao Yi, what are you trying to do with this kind of stupid people? We belong to a good family, and we can't compare to them who have lost their children and grandchildren!"

Second Mistress tried to comfort her, and the neighbors also spoke out, cursing Ming Zi and the others, but none of them advocated being serious with each other.

Qin Yi responded with a few words, and after the neighbors had dispersed, he took the girls home.

(End of this chapter)

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