American Ranch

Chapter 733 There are many wild animals by the river (25)

Chapter 733 There are many wild animals by the river (25)

I haven't been back for two years, and the water in the river has become a little clearer. It is no longer black as before, but has turned a turbid light green, which may be due to the rich plankton and algae.

In the shallow water area where the calf is deep by the river, you can still see some messy aquatic plants at the bottom of the water.

This kind of water quality is still not very good, but compared with the previous pollution, it is already a good change.

As Qin Yi and the others approached the river, the faint fishy smell became stronger, and there was also a rotten smell of rotten leaves.

Of course it smells bad, but it's not unbearable.

The breeze, the willows, and the ripples in the river when the fish swim in the water make the whole family feel good, so they ignore the fishy smell.

Qin Yi held the baby in his left hand, held a dry branch in his right hand, and walked in front, beating on the grass while walking.

This is to frighten the snake, otherwise, if you see a snake at your feet rashly, it won't scare the girls to scream!
When I was looking for wild fruits just now, I came across several.

There was even one time when Amanda squatted down to pick wild fruits, only to suddenly find a big snake more than one meter long not far in front of her. This carefree female man was so frightened that she jumped!
On the contrary, Angel was so courageous that she even caught a toad to feed the little snake!
It’s just that toads are more disgusting than snakes, and Susa and the others, who were a little calm because they were far away, also let Angel throw them away in disgust, but they were chased all over the ground by the naughty little girl
Walking in the grass, there will be a "flapping" sound from time to time, which can always scare everyone so that everyone can't help but stop.

This is a disturbed quail.

Angel wanted to catch one and take it home to raise, but the quail flew tens of meters away, disappeared into the grass!
Qin Yi guessed that there might be quail nests in the nearby grass, but unfortunately the grass was so dense that it would take too much time and effort to find it, so it was not a good choice for his family who were short on time.

In addition to quail, there are also wild pigeons and turtledoves, and several pheasants and ducks have also been seen!

The movements of these large birds are more violent. They fly out of the grass suddenly, making a lot of noise, as if something is rushing towards them, which often makes people tremble!
But the three little guys didn't feel scared, especially the baby, when he heard the movement, he quickly turned his head to look around, his eyes widened!
He was bold and curious, and the girls praised him one after another, saying that the children must be smart, courageous and good children when they grow up.

Well, it's hard to say what will happen when they grow up, but in the eyes of mothers, children must be the best!
The turtledove cooed, and the pheasant made a nasal roar while flying. It was hoarse and pale, and it sounded like the braying of a donkey. It was so ugly!

The sound is complex, but on the river bank with no one inhabited, deep grass and dense forest, it makes the atmosphere of the wilderness more intense, deep and quiet.

Walking by the river covered with rotting branches and leaves, a few meters in front of him, one by one frogs jumped into the water. After the family walked past, they got out of the water plants again, half of their bodies lying in the water, croaking non-stop .

Some arthropod water creatures such as water turtles, crayfish, and grass shrimps also swam from the shallow water area by the river, sank to the bottom of the water, and hid among the aquatic plants, which made Qin Yi's heart itch to watch. , Just use a fishing net and cast a net to catch some.

The crayfish (big-headed prawns) covered in pitch black, with teeth and claws open, looked a bit like crayfish, but my hometown didn't have the habit of eating this stuff, and Qin Yi didn't plan to try it either.

But the grass shrimp is delicious. It is stewed with fungus and white fungus, frangipani, and finally sprinkled with coriander and green onion. It tastes very fresh!
In the words of my hometown, it is a big dish that can entertain distinguished guests from afar!
The family walked slowly by the river, and from time to time they could see groups of fish swimming happily in the water, ranging in length from one palm to twenty centimeters, with dark backs.

"Wow, that fish is huge! See it? It's in the middle of the river!"

Ke Luo pointed to the river and exclaimed joyfully, jumping for joy, like a little girl.

"Yes, a very big fish, very fat."

Diana, who had been looking at the river, also saw it, and hurried to testify for Ke Luo, and looked at Qin Yi, full of expectations, it seems that she really wants to taste the taste of the local big fish!
Qin Yi and the others also heard the sound of "crashing" water, and quickly turned their heads to look over, but only saw the palm-sized fish tail, and then, there were only circles of relatively large ripples on the river surface, and the fish had disappeared. gone.

Angel, who was following Qin Yi's buttocks, put one arm around Qin Yi's thigh, raised her head and asked curiously, "Dad, is the big fish delicious?"

Susa and Rachel all giggled and laughed: You have to eat it to know whether the big fish is good or not!
Obviously, the subtext of the little girl is: Dad, let's eat big fish tonight!

How could Qin Yi refuse, patted the little girl on the head, and agreed: "Father doesn't know if it's delicious, but we can catch a few big fish and bring them home for grandma to cook for us!"

The little girl nodded immediately, grabbed Qin Yi's clothes and walked forward, but couldn't help looking back, muttering to herself: Uncle John is so stupid, he was so slow to get the fishing net home
Qin Yi wandered with his wife and children, talking and laughing all the way, Ke Luo wanted to eat piebald pheasant; Diana wanted to eat big fish; Da******** picks wild straw mushrooms.
Only Susa kept smiling and chatting softly, never saying what she wanted to eat.

Qin Yi was curious, and asked her, and she looked forward to it a little bit: "Can wild ducks be eaten? Well, I didn't realize until today that there are so many wild animals that I have never eaten before. If I can taste all of them If so, that would be the best!"

Ke Luo, Rachel and the others all laughed, saying that it wasn't them who were the most greedy, but the most stable Susa!
“People also want to eat”

An Qier looked at Qin Yi pitifully, and shook Qin Yi's clothes with her little hand, she couldn't wait!
Seeing the eagerness of the little girls, the girls laughed even louder.

Qin Yi naturally agreed again and again, and led everyone along the river bank for another mile, and finally came to the small pier in his memory.

The name of the small pier is actually a bit exaggerated. It is just a flat river bank. The river on both sides of the river is dug deep and built with mortar and soil to form a strong river bank for small iron-clad wooden boats to dock.

Very simple, only two boats, three meters long and less than two meters wide, one of them leaked, was washed by the river to a dozen meters east of the small pier, and ran aground on the river bank, half of the cabin was river water, half was mud
The remaining one boat is still in good condition, a tin boat with planks on it, so you can't even see the side of the boat, but it's no problem to stand on it and row a boat.

The girls are eager to try.

Qin Yi handed the baby to Ke Luo, and got some weeds to spread on the boat deck, asking the girls to do it carefully, and Angel was surrounded in the middle, and then he ruined a straight young poplar tree for As a pole, rowing on the river with everyone laughing and joking!

This guy's rowing skills are not very good, the boat turns and turns on the water, and walks quite zigzag, which makes the girls laugh
Only Angel is the most well-behaved, clapping her little hands to cheer for Dad!
Fortunately, the hull of the boat is stable, although it turns to the left and right for a while, it is safe and secure. Everyone is noisy and in a good mood.

More than half an hour later, John finally came with two bodyguards. The remaining one was supposed to be looking at the car on the road. Whether it is a rural person or a city person, there are good and bad. The car was parked halfway in the wild. It's better to keep people watching.

The three of John brought a lot of things, such as fishing rods, baits, fishing nets, round casting nets, and buckets. Qin Yi called his father and asked him to borrow them in the village. Qin Yi and others Going to have a big fight in the big river!
(End of this chapter)

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