American Ranch

Chapter 722 Lazy Wolf (24)

Chapter 722 Lazy Wolf (24)

Black rice and wheat, yes, they are!
Qin Yi was overjoyed in his heart, and secretly said that he is a good partner, and finally he did not lose the chain at the critical moment!

The reason why he held back for so long was that he was waiting for Black Rice and Wheat to cut off the retreat of the two coyotes!
He followed sneakily for several hundred meters, but couldn't find a suitable opportunity to make a move. In order to prevent the coyote from escaping without being killed in one blow, Qin Yi instructed Black Rice and Wheat to go around to the side or even the opposite side under the cover of the pasture to attack from both sides.

After waiting for a few minutes, but there was no movement of black rice and wheat, Qin Yi thought something was wrong, and when the coyotes retreated with their prey, he finally couldn't wait any longer, so he raised his gun to keep them.

The distance of more than [-] meters is still a bit far for an old-fashioned shotgun. Although Qin Yi's marksmanship is good, it is difficult to guarantee a fatal blow. He is even ready for the coyote to escape!

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Black Rice and Wheat successfully completed the task assigned to them, and because of the crisis and sense of oppression brought by Qin Yi and the other, the coyote distracted most of its attention, and did not realize that it was hiding in the grove. The black rice wheat!

But what surprised Qin Yi was that the dogs who were supposed to be interceptors took the initiative to attack, which made the shotguns of the two of them useless, otherwise Qin Yi would have to cry and faint if they accidentally injured the dogs.
Black Rice and Wheat ran out of the woods, only seven or eight meters away from the two coyotes. This distance is only a breath for the fast-running dogs. When the coyotes reacted, they were already close body!

Through the scope of the shotgun, Qin Yi could clearly see that the dogs' mouths were turned outwards, their gleaming canine teeth were completely exposed, their thick limbs were strong and powerful, and as they ran, grass clippings and dirt flew around, The hair dancing in the wind adds a bit of majesty to them!
The dogs suddenly attacked, frightened the two coyotes to whimper and whine, and dropped the white-tailed deer, leaping more than one meter high, with a strange twist in the air, avoiding the fatal blow of black rice and wheat on their throats !
But in the face of the black rice and wheat that can single out the cougar, it is false for the two coyotes to want to get out of the whole body!

Seeing the prey jumping up and dodging, Black Rice and Wheat also leaped up and bit. After two howls, Black Rice bit the white-haired wolf's left front shoulder, and Wheat bit the scarred wolf's mouth, and cut half of the wolf's mouth. The flesh of the lower jaw was torn off!

Qin Yi and Ye Fang have been watching the battle through the scope. Seeing that the scarred wolf's lower lip has been torn off, revealing a row of big yellow teeth covered with blood, the two of them couldn't help being dumbfounded. They were stimulated by the bloody battle. Sweaty palms.

"I wipe!"

Ye Fang couldn't help squatting up, and burst out swearing in surprise and joy, "Mai Mai is so domineering, kissing her forcefully, and even biting her entire lip off, poor Scar Wolf, now it's a shame!" Talking like a wolf, haha!"

Qin Yi's head was full of black lines.

Strong kiss?

Don't insult my wheat, how can the coyote's body, which is two circles smaller, be worthy of the wheat like a calf!

Just as he was about to laugh and scold him, Qin Yi couldn't care less, and quickly sat up cross-legged, looking towards the newly changed battlefield.

Over there, Black Rice and Wheat succeeded in one blow. With his strong physique, the two coyotes fell to the ground, but the coyotes also counterattacked like a conditioned reflex. The moment they were bitten, they also whined and rushed Bite off the black rice and wheat!
The white-haired wolf was bitten on its forelimb, whimpering in pain, turned its head and bit Heimi's neck, but was thrown out by Heimi's mouth, but even so, a handful of hair was still bitten off by the white-haired wolf. !

Heimi was furious. Seeing that the white-haired wolf was limping and trying to escape, he hurriedly chased after it. His body, which was twice as big and powerful, frightened the white-haired wolf into death, seeing that he couldn't run away. , simply turned his head, and grinned sternly at Heimi.

How could Heimi be frightened by it, so he pounced on it without hesitation, threw the white-haired wolf to the ground, was hit by its hind legs twice, bit the white-haired wolf's throat, and then left and right With a twist, the neck was snapped cleanly!

Qin Yi was a little distressed, because no matter how powerful the black rice is, it is inevitable that people will fight back. No, he was bitten on the left front shoulder, there were a few small blood holes, and a bunch of hair was dyed red.

Wheat is not as tough as black rice. After taking advantage of it, he dodges to the side and spits out half of his lips back to Scar Wolf, seemingly disdainful of eating such sour and hard wolf meat. .

Facing the slowly approaching wheat, the scarred wolf bared its blood-dripping wolf mouth, while whining to warn, while slowly backing away, and distracted to guard against the black rice who fought the battle, it was miserable!

At this moment, the white-tailed deer didn't dare to think about it. Being able to escape from here would be the biggest gain of the day.

Seeing that Mai Mai was gaining the upper hand, Qin Yi, who was relaxed, also thought maliciously in his heart: Maybe Mai Mai dislikes Scar Wolf's bad breath!
Heimi didn't snatch wheat's prey, and took a few steps back to stand guard in front of the grove to prevent the scar wolf from escaping into the woods.

Facing only wheat as an opponent, the Scar Wolf didn't feel relaxed either. It didn't react at all to Mai's blow just now. Wild animals have deep intuitions about danger, so they naturally know that they are not wheat's opponents.

Suddenly, the scarred wolf, who had been retreating all the time, pounced on Mai with bared teeth. Mai, who had little combat experience, was taken aback, as if he didn't expect it to dare to attack.

But just because of this daze, the scarred wolf who pounced forward turned around and fled quickly along the direction parallel to the woods!

"Hehe, this guy knows how to bluff!" Qin Yi yelled with a smile and was also surprised. It seems that these animals living in the wild have a reputation for being cunning for nothing.

"Haha, this is fun!"

Ye Fang swung his legs and knelt on the ground, raised his shotgun to aim at the fleeing Scar Wolf, and said, "Look, I'll show you a headshot!"

"I just hope you don't pop the wheat on the head."

Qin Yi hit him with a smile, thought for a while, and stopped him, because at this moment, he felt that the tricked Mai Mai had already chased him.

Probably because of anger, it ran a few minutes faster than when picking up rubber balls in the past, and within a few seconds, it caught up with Scar Wolf. As soon as it lowered its head, it was about to bite Scar Wolf's hind legs!
The Scar Wolf had its tail between its legs, its teeth bared in fright, and it quickly turned back to bite. Because the action was too violent, it even squatted on the ground, but at a critical moment, it still stretched its neck and bared its teeth to maintain a deterrent!
He wanted to play with his wheat, but he couldn't care about it now, and the black rice also came to attack, and the scar wolf bit left and right, but facing the siege of black rice and wheat, he still couldn't support it, and soon the bite wounds were densely covered , a hind leg was also abolished.

Just a moment ago, it was playing with the white-tailed deer with the white-haired wolf, but now it has become a replica of the white-tailed deer, being besieged and played by black rice and wheat.
This guy Ye Fang pretended to be compassionate, shook his head and sighed: "Oh, what a poor life!"


Qin Yizhao slapped him on the back, laughed and called him funny.

At this time, the exhausted Scar Wolf reacted a bit slower, was bitten on the neck by Wheat, and died quickly.

Qin Yi got up and walked up. The black rice and wheat, who were showing a fierce face, immediately came up to him wagging their tails. After Qin Yi rubbed his head hard a few times, he was satisfied and followed behind. behind him.

Scarred wolves were bitten with wounds all over their bodies. A piece of wolf fur was scrapped, but white-haired wolves were better. The main fur was intact. I turned around and made wolf fur pants to keep warm in winter when there was knee-deep snow. best.

The scar wolf can't be discarded either, it's not bad to sew a few pairs of gloves!

Qin Yi took a few glances at the poor white-tailed deer, and told Ye Fang to carry the deer and the wolf respectively, then turned around and found the moose, and took them home together.

(End of this chapter)

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