American Ranch

Chapter 712 Family Drama

Chapter 712 Family Drama
As soon as the screen changed, Qin Yi brought his family, followed Jenny and Becky to Walker Farm.

Seeing Becky's aggrieved and cute appearance pretending to be strong, everyone couldn't stop laughing. It's funny to think about the little guy running away from home yelling.

Walker and Viviera had also received the news a long time ago, and they were waiting at home at the moment, looking smiling, as if Becky was going to run away from home, and it was nothing serious at all.

Seeing Becky who was pouting and angry, Viviera came up to her with a smile, squatted in front of her and asked, "Does Becky really want to leave home? I don't want to see grandpa, grandma, or mom and dad anymore?"

"If you don't play with me, you must not like me anymore. I don't want to stay at home anymore!"

The little girl pursed her mouth, her eyes were red and she was about to cry, but she still nodded her head stubbornly, but she sniffed, and then muttered to add: "I want to leave here, when you miss me, If you can find me, I will come back to play with you again."

Qin Yi and the others saw it as funny, but they couldn't bear to see her wronged, so Angel ran up, hugged her little head and patted her lightly, comforting her like a big sister, which made Bei Qi felt better.

At this time, although Jenny and the others were smiling, they felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts, and even the eye circles were faintly red, and their little baby yelled not to let them go.

But can this be blamed on the little girl?

She is only a little bit old, so she doesn't know a lot of truths.

The four adults in the family are busy all day long. Most of the time, she is allowed to play alone. This is really unfair to the children. Although they have to earn money to support the family, this cannot be an excuse for not having time to play with the children!

"Where can Betsy go? You're so young!"

Viviera was making the last effort, even though it had been discussed long ago to let the little girl vent her anger, if she could be kept, she still didn't want to watch her leave.

Becky had already thought about everything in school, and now she just muttered with her small mouth: "Betsy has a lot of dollars, I will borrow them at Sister Angel's house first, and then I can help Uncle Yi with work, Uncle Yi Will give me wages, I can rent a big house, when I save enough money! Then I can continue to go to school and play with the children!"

The little girl's calculations were pretty good, but when these words came out of the mouth of such a young child, everyone felt quite amusing, but at the same time felt a little sad.

Jenny put her hands together and covered her mouth and nose. Although it looked like she was smiling from the shape of her face, her eyes were already filled with tears.

Thinking in my heart, after coaxing the little girl today, I must re-plan my future work. If possible, spending three hours a day traveling between the clinic and the farm is actually a very good idea. After all, many middle-class families have to go to work Spend a lot of time on the road.

Qin Yi pursed his lips, but he didn't have many thoughts in his mind. He felt that Becky's "running away from home" was not a bad thing. At least it would make the Walker family realize what was the most important thing.

On the other hand, Susa and Rachel, who have big bellies, have more delicate emotions. At this moment, they seem to be invested in watching a movie, their eyes are red, and they only think that when the baby is born, they must spend more time with them Play!
"Well then, if Betsy doesn't feel happy at home, we have nothing against you leaving the house!"

Walker, who had been silent all this time, pretended to smile relaxedly at this moment, then led the poor but pretending indifferent Becky into the house, and said as he walked: "We have already packed Becky's luggage, here, a whole day It's a big bag, it's all Becky's stuff!"

Qin Yi and others followed into the house and found that there was indeed a small bulging box on the sofa in the living room, and they didn't know what was inside.

This surprised everyone. I didn't expect the old couple to help pack the luggage in advance. This posture seemed to be eager for the little girl to leave home.
Becky also had this feeling, and she couldn't help poking her mouth higher, thinking that her grandparents really didn't like her, so she finally couldn't help her tears!
The little girl also wanted to save face, even though she was so wronged, she still stepped forward and tried to lift her luggage down, but unfortunately it was too heavy, she barely lifted it, but fell to the ground with a "bang"!

The little girl was aggrieved and teary-eyed, pitiful and helpless, but still stubbornly refused to ask anyone for help, pouted her little butt, struggled to straighten the little trailer, then raised her head, rubbed her big eyes with her little hand, and took a last look Grandparents and mom.

Hmph, they don't want them anyway, so just leave!

The little girl thought sadly, pulled the box and walked out.

Seeing that her good sister was so pitiful, Angel was also very sad, and hurried up to hold Becky's little hand, patted her comfortingly, and then led her towards Qin Yi and the others.

Ke Luo hurriedly helped the girls pull the boxes over. This girl is lively and optimistic, but in fact she is fragile in her heart. At this moment, she is even more saddened by this family drama!
Seeing that she was about to cry, Qin Yi quickly squeezed her palm secretly to remind her to control her emotions.

Up to now, there was nothing to say, Qin Yi and the others went out with the two girls, looked at the two small figures, especially Becky's pitiful back, and didn't know whether it was funny or sad.

Finally, Jenny couldn't bear it anymore, and caught up with Becky, showing a smiling face but crying: "Little baby, can mommy go with you?"

Becky choked up: "Doesn't Mom want to stay at home too?"

"No, mom wants to stay at home, but mom wants to be with Becky more!" Jenny helped Becky wipe the tears from her face, then hugged her tightly in her arms, "So, Becky is willing Are you taking mommy with you?"

The little girl was so happy. Although she was still crying, she showed a happy smile. Finally, someone likes her, which is really great!

"Of course, mom can go with me, but mom hasn't packed her luggage yet, okay, I'll stay at home for a while, you hurry up, I can only stay for a while, Uncle Yi and the others are also very busy , I can't waste their time!"

Qin Yi and the others watched with a smile, but they had mixed feelings in their hearts, but in such a scene, the family really couldn't say anything, so let them solve it themselves.

Only Angel patted Betsy's little shoulders and comforted her all the time.

Jenny choked with sobs and shook her head, touched Becky's head, and kissed her hard, "Mom doesn't need to pack things. Becky has a lot of dollars. When Mom needs something, Becky can buy it for Mom, right?"

Of course there is no need to pack things, it was just a play, coaxed the little girl out of anger, and coaxed her back at night!

But Becky didn't know what the adults were planning. After listening to Jenny's words, she happily patted her chest and promised, "Of course, Becky will buy it for Mom! Uncle Yi will give me a job, and I can earn a lot of dollars. Whatever mom wants, you can tell me!"

The little girl pretended that she would come to support her mother in the future, and the sadness and grievance of leaving home disappeared a lot at once.

Finally, I still have to run away from home!
Susa and the others coaxed the maids into the car, but Qin Yi didn't follow in a hurry, but fell behind to comfort Walker and Viviera.

"Don't think too much, do you really think she is willing to leave you? This is a joke. I can't see that she wants to come back in three days! What's more, if you come to the ranch to coax her at night, you can coax her return."

Letting Betsy run away from home is a way everyone came up with after the initial shock at school. It not only fulfilled the girl's wishes, but also allowed her to feel the mood of leaving home, so that she could recognize who was the favorite. her people.

Viviera forced a smile and only looked at Becky through the car window, but Walker nodded: "Maybe I should hire some helpers for the farm."

(End of this chapter)

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