American Ranch

Chapter 704 Stan's Request (14)

Chapter 704 Stan's Request (14)

In the early morning of the pasture in summer, the sun is bright but not hot at all. The warm sunshine, cool breeze, and fresh air are all so fascinating.

The sky and the earth are in full bloom, and everything is fully visible. It is a kind of purity after baptism, with an indescribable tenderness. Qin Yi, who is facing the blue sky and green grass and tasting beer, feels that his soul wants to break out of his shell, lazily , seems to embrace the whole of nature.

A heavy rain has passed for several days, but the sweltering heat accumulated in the past few days has been swept away since then.

The weather has returned to the mildness of the same period in previous years. Although it is early summer, the daily temperature has never exceeded 23 degrees. With such a suitable climate, coupled with the open and colorful pasture scenery, the family can enjoy the ordinary life to the maximum extent. joy.

However, in the rain a few days ago, the torrential rain lasted all night until the next morning, when the God of Rain stopped his anger for a while, and changed to a continuous drizzle of tick-tock, light and diffuse, and lasted for another whole day. It was not until late at night that it finally stopped completely.

A sudden heavy rainfall not only made the Sun River more plentiful, but also greatly increased the water volume of lakes and creeks all over the pasture, and even a piece of low-lying land formed a temporary swamp!
Looking from a distance, there is a little silvery white among the pastures of yellow flowers and green grasses. From time to time, cattle and sheep walk and drink water, and wild deer splash and jump, all splashing water, floating pastures, mixed with fish and shrimps jumping and playing in the water, and water birds swimming and fighting for food. , let Qin Yi, who has nothing to do to sit and look at the scenery, feel the tranquility and peace from the heart.


With a crisp shout, Qin Yi, who was a little distracted, became energetic all of a sudden!

Sitting on the balcony on the second floor, he looked down following the sound, only to see Angel, who was barefoot and only wearing denim shorts and a vest, was leaning on a fishing net and waving her head upwards. tiny hand.

Becky next to her was also dressed as a barefoot girl, and she carried a small bucket and a fishing net with a short handle, but the tool for fishing was used by her to catch butterflies. Use it too much!

"We are going to catch crabs, do you want to go together?"

The little girl looked forward to making the invitation.

Qin Yi glanced to the north first. A dozen meters away, Ke Luo and the others were walking outside the living area.

Obviously, their goal is a swamp formed by the accumulation of rainwater a few hundred meters away. Some fish, shrimps and crabs swam here along the temporary stream before. Today coincides with the weekend, so they brought the girls and The animals went out to play so they wouldn't disturb Susa and Rachel by running around the house.

Of course, Ke Luo and the others are restless masters, and they just want to go out to play!
"No, Dad has friends coming, so Dad has to stay at home and wait." Qin Yi got up from the recliner, and lay down in front of the polished wooden fence, "An Qier and Becky need to catch more Crab, delicious for lunch!"

At first, Angel was a little disappointed to hear that he didn't go with her, but the last sentence coaxed her into a smile, and Becky on the side also laughed so hard that she couldn't see her teeth!

"Well then, Dad will stay at home with Mom! Sister Betsy and I will catch a lot of crabs!"

Becky didn't speak, just shook the small bucket with a smile. It seems that the task of the small bucket is very heavy today.

Watching the two girls chasing Ke Luo and the others, Qin Yi couldn't help laughing, it really was the most delicious!

Teddy and the others, who were fighting with each other and squatting on the grass sniffing flowers, saw the little master running fast, so they also rushed to chase after him.

However, on the way of running, he still kept his mischievous nature. Some wild flowers were seeded under Teddy's fat bear's paws; the kitten fluttered at butterflies from time to time, and there might be some insects, which made him run past and hurried Stopped, walked back two steps, bowed his head and sniffed.

The foxes huddled against each other, and the dogs bit each other as if they were playing, rolling into a ball from time to time, getting up stupidly, shaking their bodies, and continuing to run and fight
The two tortoises, Dabao and Xiaobao, are more peaceful. The old tortoise follows behind like a swaying, neither fast nor slow. Of course, this is just the surface. I don’t know if they are anxious to run faster. up.

After all, it is impossible for them to run fast!
Only the little elephant, Fanny, did not follow to catch crabs. At this moment, she was obediently standing at the door of the main house, eating watermelon dices with Rachel.

Not counting the watermelon in the greenhouse, what Rachel is enjoying at the moment is the big watermelon just harvested this year. Before, she only saw Qin Yi and others feasting on it. She wanted to eat it a long time ago. Today, she finally got Qin's mother's consent. A small plate of diced watermelon can be eaten She is content!

Noticing that Qin Yi on the second floor was looking at her, Rachel forked up a piece of watermelon with a smile and held it up as if to feed him, but it was a few meters away, how could it be reached?
However, Qin Yi still opened his mouth wide, and motioned her to use diced watermelon to shoot. Unfortunately, Rachel wanted to still, and after shaking him a few times, she stuffed it into her mouth in an incomparable manner. Deliberately squinting his eyes with an expression of enjoyment, Qin Yi was so "pissed off" that he bit her from the air!
After teasing my daughter-in-law for a while, Qin Yi turned around and sat down on the recliner again until she was called by his mother to drink the nutritious soup, picked up his glass of clear beer, and took a big swig!

Since the daughter-in-laws were pregnant with their babies, he hasn't been drinking like this for a long time.

After ten o'clock in the morning, Kroenke came to the ranch from Missoula by helicopter. Qin Yi invited him to have a cup of coffee and chatted for a while before arriving at the stables. His two thoroughbred horses are here. It has been entrusted to foster care for several months, and it happened to ride a few laps.

An ordinary family whose life had just improved was almost cornered by huge medical expenses. After Qin Yi learned about it, he felt that he couldn't stand by, so he contacted Kroenke for help.

Kroenke, who holds a medium-sized medical aid fund, readily agreed after learning about the incident. Anyway, the ultimate purpose of the medical fund is to spend money to buy social prestige. As long as there is a real need, it is the same to help anyone!
However, Qin Yi was only helping people to find a way to survive. After connecting the two parties, he stopped asking about this matter. Kroenke's visit this time has nothing to do with this matter.

To put it bluntly, this incident is a matter of life and death for Andre's family, but to Qin Yi, it is just a trivial matter, which is forgotten in a flash and is not worth mentioning!
Therefore, even though his smooth actions are destined to be well-known in the small town and even the nearby counties, and thus win greater respect from the residents at no cost, Qin Yi's mentality has not changed, and his life is as leisurely as ever.

Even after Andre received the news that day, he braved the storm and lightning to come to the ranch to express his gratitude. Qin Yi didn't feel at ease, but just comforted him, saying, "Although there will be some twists and turns, God will always give kindness to good people. Leave a path to the light" or something like that.

Kroenke doesn't care about these little things, and the fund is managed by his eldest son, he just said hello, this time, besides drinking wine and coffee, looking for someone to complain about the poor performance of his several teams In addition, I just wanted to take the opportunity to finalize the date of the Bonebreaker's breeding.

So after riding his two thoroughbred horses and having a speed race with Qin Yi and barely winning, Kroenke formally issued his request: "Yi, I think it's time for you to fulfill the agreement." It's time, God testifies, you promised to give me two breeding quotas for bonebreakers!"

Qin Yi laughed, but he was not in a hurry, he bit his finger and whistled.

Xiao Hei was waiting for a few children with Xiaoxishui, grazing leisurely around the racecourse, staring at the noble thoroughbred from time to time, snorting a few times, as if educating the children to inherit its arrogance!
Suddenly hearing Qin Yi's whistle, a loud neigh, and ran over with the children.

(End of this chapter)

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