American Ranch

Chapter 698

Chapter 698

Generally speaking, after four months of pregnancy, you can feel the movement of the fetus. Although it is not absolute, and as long as the diagnosis is normal, it means that the fetus is healthy, but to be honest, the family still hopes to feel the baby. baby activity.

So today Susa had fetal movement for the first time, and everyone who had been looking forward to it for more than a month was inevitably overjoyed.

Especially Qin's mother, she couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear, as if her big fat grandson had been born, she was overjoyed, which added a lot of joy to the atmosphere.

Angel also sat next to Susa with a smile, telling stories to her younger brother in a crisp voice.

A story of "Tauren vs. Boar Monster" was loosely and logically confused by her, but the cute little girl was muttering to tell the story to her unborn brother. This scene was warm and interesting, and some elderly tourists nearby stopped talking. , listen with interest!

Following his mother's instructions, Qin Yi went to the small shop on the ship, picked up some fresh fruits, and bought some fruits, which were for Susa and Rachel to supplement their nutrition, so as not to treat the babies badly.

However, Qin Yi noticed that while Ruiqier was happy, she was also a little disappointed, which was not obvious, but Qin Yi couldn't tell it!
Naturally, it's impossible to be neglected. Even Ke Luo, who is alive and kicking all day long and hasn't grown up, will not be neglected in the slightest, whether it is Qin Yi or Qin's mother, let alone her expectant mother who is pregnant with a baby!
After thinking about it for a while, Qin Yi understood that it must be that Susa's lower abdomen was moving, but she didn't.
It's a bit funny, how can this be used for comparison, there are many people who have no fetal movement from the beginning to the end, and Rachel is only 23 years old, a few years younger than Susa, the possibility of fetal movement in young pregnant women Sex is also lower.

The fruit was picked up by everyone, he supported Rachel's shoulders from behind, and whispered in her ear: "God, look at Rachel's big belly, how can it be so big, she is pregnant with a litter Piggy?"

Rachel immediately rolled her eyes amusedly, and said angrily, "You're only pregnant with a piglet! Even if you are, then you're still a big pig."

Sitting so close to each other, the small movements and whispers of the two of them were naturally heard by everyone, but everyone knew that Rachel was thin-skinned, so everyone pretended not to know and mainly chatted around Susa and Rachel.

"Okay, the word piggy is really stupid, but the baby must be a chubby little guy, look, your belly is bigger than Susa's!" Qin Yi stroked Rachel's cheek Lower abdomen, half to coax her, but it is true that he did not lie.

It was nearly a month later than Susa, and Rachel's belly was naturally not as good as Susa's at the beginning, but in the past two months, her belly has grown suddenly, and it is even bigger than Susa, which surprised the whole family. Hi again.

However, if the belly is big, the baby will be fat. This kind of saying is just a family joke. At this time, Qin Yi comforted Rachel, but he was also thinking in his heart, what if Susa is the "thin-skinned and big-bodied" type What about?

But there is no need to think so much, it is enough to make the wives happy now, after the baby is born, even if it is not a fat little guy like he said, the wives must just be happy and have no time to worry about it His past nonsense!

The girls didn't go fishing any more, anyway, they already had a lot of harvest, not to mention ten or so feet long fish, that one-meter big fish is enough for the whole family to eat and drink!

Only Qin Yi couldn't stay idle, and went back to the side of the boat to fish, chatting with an enthusiastic old white man next to him, and returning to the ferry, there were many big fish hooked, good guy, nearly two hundred pounds, packed A big basket!
The enthusiastic crew members helped to freeze the ship for a while, and finally helped to lift the trunk together with the ice cubes. Although Qin Yi did not lack the strength, he naturally didn't bother to bother if there was someone to help.

Of course, this is not free. Generally, if these crew members or volunteers are asked to help, some tips are required.

The fat crew member in the red T-shirt caught fish and pulled out the hook, and finally delivered it to the car, which was regarded as a good service. Qin Yi gave him an extra ten dollars.

It was only after five o'clock in the afternoon, and there were still two or three hours before dark, and the girls were still not willing to go back to the hotel.Qin Yi remembered that during the chat just now, the crab fishing that the old white man said seemed quite interesting, so he confirmed the location of the crab fishing with the crew again, and went to the small shop to buy chicken legs, nylon ropes and fishing nets, and then took the whole family with him let's go.

The place Qin Yi chose to fish for crabs was the tidal embankment of a bay more than ten kilometers away from the pier. Large stones were paved with slopes extending into the sea, stretching for several kilometers along the coastline, with no end in sight at a glance.

As soon as he arrived at the land and before he got off the car, Qin Yi knew that the old white man and the enthusiastic crew had not lied to him. This place was indeed a good place to catch crabs, because there were people standing facing the sea not far away on the coastline hundreds of meters away. , They all come here to catch crabs.

After parking the car on the side of the road, the girls helped to carry the rope and the chicken leg box, and walked towards the coastline with a smile, while Angel ran in the front like a diligent little bee. brisk.

Qin Yi took out a few folding recliners from the trunk, tucked them under his armpits, picked up another basket of fruit, and followed them leisurely.

Qin's mother and Susie supported Susa and Rachel. Although this is a tidal embankment, the road surface is obviously a bit random and slightly uneven, but this also makes the coastline less humanistic and more natural.

After he arranged the deck chairs and helped the wives to sit down, Ke Luo and the others had already started fishing for crabs.

There is no technical content in this, the thick nylon rope of the wire, one end is held in the hand, and the other end is tied with chicken legs and thrown into the water, and then it is just talking, laughing, watching and waiting!
It is relatively quiet here, except for the ships coming and going in the distance, there are only leisurely seagulls left, blowing the faint sea breeze, watching the boundless sea, the wide field of vision gives people a feeling of freedom, faintly, there is a feeling of lightness The illusion of flying.

The girls wanted to go barefoot, but the rocks were a bit rough after all, and they made their feet hurt, so they couldn't put on refreshing sandals.

Angel is the most casual, with little slippers as a cushion, sitting down comfortably, and stepping her fat feet in the sea water, the irregular pebbles and cool sea water, made her laugh and shake her little feet.

The only regret here is that there is no shade, and there is not even a coconut tree nearby. Fortunately, it is already six o'clock in the afternoon. If you come here at noon, you will definitely be sweating profusely!

Qin Yi also took the rope and started working. Throw the chicken leg down for about 1 minute, and when you pull it back, you will feel a slight stagnation. This means that a crab has taken the bait. This greedy little guy is following you Fight for ownership of the drumsticks!

Don’t pull too fast at this time, otherwise it will be easy to unhook, slowly pull back, a few seconds later, in the shallow water area, I saw a big crab holding the chicken leg desperately, and quickly caught the bottom with the net, and there was a bang, the chicken leg and the crab They were all caught.

This is a fat blue crab. The crab claws, claws, and shell are all blue. Qin Yi weighed it, and it weighs two or three. It's a good harvest!
If he wanted to throw the chicken legs down again, the girls had harvested one after another, and happily asked him to help them fish them out. In this way, his idea of ​​continuing to catch crabs came to naught. Anyway, he brought them out to play. Just be happy.

Qin Yi simply went into the water with a fishing net. He fished crabs for them in the shallow water less than the calf depth. After an hour or so, he also harvested thirty or forty fat crabs, which filled a small refrigerator. full!
There are both sea fish and crabs, and there is no escape from a meal of fresh seafood tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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