American Ranch

Chapter 686 Water Snake and Brother

Chapter 686 Water Snake and Brother

Qin Yi and Angel were sitting on the wooden pier and playing in the water. The animals also wagged their tails and ran around. Teddy, who had grown to a height of more than one meter, twisted his fat buttocks and threw his head into the water, splashing Boss Splash!
The water spray wet the fur of the kittens and foxes, which made them squeal in dissatisfaction!

But in the face of the burly and combative Teddy Boss, he could only whine twice and then put his ears back innocently and embarrassingly, shaking the water droplets on his body vigorously.

Seeing Teddy swimming freely in the water, and finally catching a big fat fish, the kitten couldn't bear it any longer. After walking back and forth on the wooden pier for a few times, he ran to the lake bank and walked along the shallow water area. Swimming towards Teddy, it seems like he wants to grab a bite!
The two foxes, Harry and Jasmine, and the puppies that Mai gave birth to also went into the water.

However, they did not swim to the deep water like kittens, but caught crabs and shrimps in the aquatic plants on the shore of the lake.

It's a pity that although the puppy is strong and strong, he is still young, stupid and has no hunting experience. At this moment, facing the crab with its teeth and claws, it will be caught in the mouth and nose from time to time, and it screams in pain.
Mai, who used to be on patrol nearby, has become less professional than before because she loves the children. From time to time, she goes to help the puppy punish the big crab!
Only Heimi was still working hard, wagging his tail slightly and looking around with his ears up.

After touching the cool lake water and playing with the animals for a while, catching small fish became the most important thing on the little girl's mind again.

The fishing gear is tied to the wooden stakes on both sides, not only the nets for catching small fish, but also the T-shaped bamboo baskets for catching crabs and freshwater shrimps. They are kept in the lake all day long, and occasionally come and have a look when you want to have a tooth-making festival. There must be a lot to gain.

Catching small fish is related to delicious food, and delicious food can give Angel the most motivation, so at this moment, when Qin Yi picked it up and put it on the wooden pier, the little girl ran over happily, "Dad, I'm here!" Pull the net for you, I am the best at catching fish!"

"Well, Dad is looking for someone to help!"

Since she happily treated collecting the net as a game, Qin Yi didn't stop her, he just carried the big bucket to the other side to check the harvest of the bamboo basket, but just as he untied the rope, before he could pull the bamboo basket out of the lake, Angel Just a scream.

"Wow, Dad, come and see, there is a little snake, it steals our little fish!"

Hearing the little snake, Qin Yi was shocked and hurried up.

Although the snakes here are generally non-venomous, if you are unlucky, it is not uncommon to encounter poisonous ones. Besides, even if they are not poisonous, being bitten is no joke!

When Heimi heard Angel's scream, he rushed over, gritted his teeth, and let out a warning sound. Teddy and the kitten who were playing in the water didn't know what was going on, but they all swam this way. come over.

Qin Yi rushed to Angel's side in two steps, and at a glance, it was indeed a yellow blue and white snake, curling up in the net bag that had not completely escaped from the lake water, but it was definitely not the little snake in Angel's mouth. If this thing stretched out, I'm afraid not to be more than 1.5 meters!
However, Qin Yi didn't see what the little girl said about stealing small fish. Perhaps in the girl's consciousness, she sneaked into her own fishing net to steal fish!
Before he had time to think too much, Qin Yi took the rope from the little girl's hand and protected her behind him.

In fact, when the net bag was pulled out of the water, the mouth of the net had shrunk, and the big snake could not get out, and it was powerless to hurt people. However, it is better to be careful when facing this kind of creature.

Angel didn't feel scared, but was more curious. She poked her head from behind Qin Yi, and muttered expectantly: "Father, let's take the little snake home. I want it to play with me. Big pythons don't care about it." Play with others!"

Well, by the way, I also sued the boa constrictor!
But Qin Yi doesn't plan to take it back. It doesn't matter if there is a big boa constrictor at home. The big guy sleeps all day and hardly comes out, but if he brings this little snake back, Angel will definitely carry it around all day long. As soon as it came, the girls couldn't live in peace!

Especially Susa and Rachel were the most frightened.

At this time, Teddy and the kitten also swam to the front, but seeing that it was just a small snake, they became indifferent again, patting the water to catch fish, only Heimi was still staring at the water snake, but his tail was wagging , I don't necessarily pay much attention to it.

"An Qier, my mother is most afraid of snakes. If you bring her home and get scared, my brother will die."

Qin Yi touched Heimi's head to comfort him, and then deliberately exaggerated the impact of the incident, but the effect was very good.

Do you want a pet snake, or a younger brother?
Angel tilted her head and thought for less than half a second, then she poked her head until the chickens ate rice: "Then I don't want the little snake! Dad, let's let it go?"

Qin Yi had long wanted to throw the snake away, but he still got the girl's consent, so he carefully untied the net mouth, threw the net bag back into the water again, and watched the big snake and small fish wandering away, feeling inexplicably relieved tone.

Seeing that the little girl was still looking at the water snake swimming away with its head held high, Qin Yi patted her on the head to comfort her: "Does Angel still like parrots? How about Dad buying one for you some other day?"

"Yeah, I like it very much. The little parrots are so beautiful and they can sing!" Angel immediately forgot about the water snake, kicked her feet happily, and shook Qin Yi's arm, wishing she could have one now!
A net of small fish was not left due to the disturbance of the water snake. Fortunately, there was no problem with the bamboo basket. A lot of crabs and freshwater shrimps were harvested, which were also delicious, so Angel was also satisfied, and divided a few crabs with a small bucket. I went home with Qin Yi.

Back in the living area, I saw girls surrounding my mother from a distance, and I didn't know what they were playing with.

Angel, on the other hand, held up the small bucket like a treasure, and yelled that there was a big crab to eat at night.

Ke Luo approached with a smile, seeing the crabs and tender freshwater shrimps in the bucket, he couldn't help but smile brighter. Recently, he has been busy, and his mother also stewed chicken soup and fish soup all day long. The girls wanted to change it for a long time. Taste it!
The girls stepped aside, and Qin Yi also saw what his mother was doing: a basket full of Sophora japonica flowers!
The clusters of small white flowers exuded a faint and elegant sweet fragrance, which was refreshing and at the same time brought back delicious memories of his childhood, steaming rice with Sophora japonica flowers, he did not expect that after so many years, in a place so far away from his hometown, Can experience this familiar feeling again!
As soon as he thought about it, he could guess that this rare Sophora japonica was probably picked from some small forest when his father was grazing, because he was the best at eating it. Compared with it, my mother didn't have that kind of thought!
Pick up a trumpet-shaped white flower, put it in your mouth to chew slowly, it is a little sweet, a little astringent, the taste is the same as that of my hometown.

It was the first time for Susa and the others to know that this stuff could also be used for cooking. They had been around to help pick it for a long time, and they were still a little curious. They all asked about the specific taste of the dish after making it. While chatting, the topic changed and changed to chatting about Qin. Things from Yi's childhood
Qin's mother doesn't save face for Qin Yi. When she was a child, she was naughty like a monkey, she was stabbed in the wheat field by iron rods, and when she was a little old, she liked to climb high and fell, and her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, and she didn't have a long memory.
The girls burst into laughter, and Angel also grinned and giggled, saying that Dad is not a good boy!
After all, Qin Yi was a little embarrassed, so he used the excuse of going to the small vegetable garden to break some corn cobs, and walked away in a hurry.

But the corn on the cob is really necessary. When steaming the acacia flower rice, it is sweet and tempting to simply stew in the bottom of the pot, and Susa and Rachel are also eating more coarse grains, so the tender corn seems to be quite appropriate.

In the evening, steamed crabs, braised shrimps in red oil, rice with garlic sauce, and a few refreshing vegetarian dishes are very simple, but the family who eat a lot of fish and meat meals these days are very satisfied.

Especially Angel, who has a bulging belly, but still whimpers that she wants to eat tomorrow!

Naturally, you can eat if you want to, but thinking about it, I have traveled a lot during the past few days, but I seldom tasted local delicacies. The horn is up!
(End of this chapter)

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