Chapter 68
"Yi, how do you prepare lunch at noon, the first meal for friends, it must be richer!"

Qin Yi thought for a while before opening his mouth, "Let's prepare some Chinese and Western food. It doesn't take much trouble to cook a meal. You can't be rude. I will come back at noon to cook Chinese food, and you will prepare Western food."

Su Sa nodded, got up to get two cups of coffee and brought them over, and then cleared the tableware, while Liu Qimeng sat on the sofa and played with Angel, Qin Yi watched and shook his head.

Through these daily reactions, we know that Susa and Liu Qimeng are really two completely different people. Susa cooks and tidies the house, like a good wife and mother, while Liu Qimeng eats and plays all day long and doesn't care about anything. , Heartless, never embarrassed!
But after thinking about it again, I think this is fine, as long as Susa has the housework and Liu Qimeng is in charge of making fun!
Smelling the strong aroma of coffee, Qin Yi knew that it was the roasted coffee beans last night. After taking a sip, smacking his lips, and savoring the sweetness in his mouth, Qin Yi couldn't think of many words to describe it. is so perfect.

After drinking the coffee, I remembered the salted duck I made before going to bed yesterday, got up and went to the kitchen to change the water, then put the roasted carp in a big basin, and brought them out to feed the dogs. Meggie and Teddy also ate fish , but a lot of vegetables.There are a lot of these half-meter-long fish in the Sun River, and it is easy to scoop them directly with the big net bag, so that Qin Yi doesn't have to worry about the food problems of the dogs and brown bears.

At 9:4, Qin Yi told Angel to stay at home obediently, told Susa, and drove the pickup to pick up the plane.Yesterday, Christine sent the flight number. A total of [-] people will be coming. A pickup truck can just fit in it. Just throw the luggage in the back of the car.

The plane from Los Angeles to Augusta in the morning did not arrive until after 10:10. There were no accidents along the way. When we arrived at the airport, it was only a little after [-]:[-]. After spending half an hour playing with our mobile phones, we finally arrived at Jiss Ting's flight landed, and he quickly took a small cardboard to pick him up.

People came out one after another, and Qin Yi held up the cardboard stupidly, and looked at the young girls who came out one by one. He had no choice but to meet them once. In the past 20 days, he only remembered the general appearance!

There are fewer and fewer people. In the end, two women, two men and four people came out. Gu Liang was wearing big sunglasses, the kind that covered half of his face, carrying a small bag, and walked leisurely. Pity the two 1 meters behind. The buddies on the left and right, carrying handbags on their shoulders, each with three big bags and small bags, wearing sports shoes and big pants, one of them is a sturdy guy with a beard and a ponytail. Qin Yi is amazed by this. Dressing up, I really can't learn it by myself!
There are Guliang, four people, could it be them?
But I couldn't remember Guliang's face at first, and now that the big sunglasses are covering it, I don't know if it is.
Qin Yi shook the cardboard in her hand at Gu Liang, who was about the same height as in her impression, but managed to attract Gu Liang's attention. She paused, and then simply shook her head at the three companions who were looking at her, Go straight out!
Qin Yi looked at the handsome figure, touched his nose, and recognized the wrong person. It's a good thing that Christine didn't know, otherwise he said on the phone that he still remembered her.
Shaking his head, he continued to look at the beautiful girls one by one, but in a small airport like Augusta, there are not many people on a flight. After a while, almost all the people came out, and there were only a few people scattered across the door. Look inside, you can see to the end at a glance, where are there people?
Qin Yi put away the cardboard, wondering what happened, Christine said it was the wrong flight?
In my impression, this girl doesn't look like such a careless person!
"Dududu! Dududu!"

At this time, the phone rang, and the number of Ji Siting, after she called yesterday, Qin Yi had already stored it in the phone.

"Hi, this is Yi, is it Christine? Have you gotten off the plane yet?" Qin Yi held his mobile phone with question marks all over his head.

"Yes, I have come out and am watching you!"

Christine's voice was funny and helpless, which made Qin Yi very puzzled, but why did he think so much now, so he quickly turned around and looked around, "Are you out? Are you here?"

I wanted to ask where Christine was, but before I turned around to look around, I found two girls with great figures and two fashionable young men on the side of the road ten meters away, looking straight at me , one of the slightly taller Gu Liang was shaking his phone at Qin Yi. Seeing this, Qin Yi already knew that there was no need to ask!
After hanging up the phone and walking over, I couldn't help complaining, this Christine is not an honest person, she clearly saw her just now, but she just pretended not to know her, she made sure of the only thing in her heart, and called directly gone without a trace
Both girls are wearing black jeans, canvas shoes, and white T-shirts. The only difference is the sun hat. Christine's is beige, and the other girl's is pink with red trim. They are both so youthful and invincible!
"Ha, Christine, I saw that it was you, but half of your face is covered by your big sunglasses, so it's really hard to recognize!" Qin Yi explained a little, and quickly changed the subject, "These three are you Friends, hello, I'm Yi Qin, just call me Yi."

"Trevor, Trevor Moretz." The ponytail buddy shook hands with Qin Yi, and then pointed to a man and a woman to help Qin Yi introduce, "This is my brother Colin and sister Colo. It's a pleasure to visit you I hope I won't disturb you as a guest at my ranch!"

This buddy is nice, humble and polite, and has a friendly attitude, which makes Qin Yi very satisfied.

Colin and Ke Luo also greeted each other politely, and Qin Yi said something like welcome, have a happy holiday, and so on, and he must not lose his status as a great state of etiquette in China!

"Let's go, Yi, someone secretly took pictures of us!" After watching everyone say hello, Ji Siting found someone not far away holding a mobile phone and smiling towards her. She must have recognized herself and Ke Luo, although they are both used to In order to be secretly photographed, but I can't stand here and let people watch, I'm here on vacation!

A few people looked around at the men and women who were obviously taking pictures secretly, and they knew that the two girls had been recognized. As for no one coming up to ask for autographs, it was because others would know that they were here for vacation. Normally, they would not come up at this time Bother them, besides, there are very few star fans in Montana, except for those who are country music or local out stars.

"Sneak shot? It must be because of the two beauties around me. No one has ever taken a sneak shot of me before!" Qin Yi said that he was joking when he said that he was secretly shot, but it was true that the two beauties attracted the sneak shot. Laughing out loud, Qin Yi shrugged his shoulders to express his indifference, "Gentlemen and girls, let's get in the car!"

Qin Yi took a few people to the parking lot.

Several people threw their luggage behind them, and Christine sat in the co-pilot, leaving the three siblings in the back seat.

"Okay, gentlemen and girls, we are going back to the ranch." Qin Yi started the pickup and started on the road.

After leaving Augusta, there are continuous pastures or farms on the side of the road. The peaceful and peaceful rural scenery of Montana makes the few people in the car feel relaxed physically and mentally.

"I have been to Montana before, but I have never been here in the mood of a vacation. It feels completely different, very novel and relaxing."

Ke Luo looked at a small farm yard in the distance, and imagined how comfortable it would be to live there. If he rode a horse to visit the pasture and tend the vegetable garden every day, he wanted to feel the unfettered and free feeling, which is completely different from that of a star. Different experience it.

The other three nodded, expressing their agreement with Kolo.

After hearing this, Qin Yi acted like someone who came here, "This place is indeed very comfortable, but after a long time, you may feel that life is too ordinary. At that time, you will miss the magnificence outside!"

Although he has always enjoyed this kind of comfortable life, there are many people who will be like him, but I believe that more people are the kind of people who yearn for the prosperity of the outside world. For them, life on the ranch may be a good adjustment. Carefree, but after a long time, you will feel that life has no bright spots!
Only those who are willing to be mediocre can truly enjoy the tranquility of ranch life!
Just like myself!
Qin Yi laughed heartily.

After hearing this, the four of them turned their heads to look at him, and then looked out of the window. They felt that what Qin Yi said was right. After thinking about it carefully, they found that they were still reluctant to give up the prosperity of the entertainment industry, at least not now.

(End of this chapter)

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