American Ranch

Chapter 678 Unexpected Lightning Strike (44)

Chapter 678 Unexpected Lightning Strike (44)

In the morning, Qin Yi called Danny and asked him to come and pick up a few boxes of express mail that needed to be sent out. Inside were eggs and chocolates made yesterday, and they were sent to Laura and Simon, Miles, Scott and Milan respectively. Da.

As for other friends, just call to say hello.

Ryan and Susie's share had already been delivered last night. Qin Yi drove to the farm alone, and brought some for Hobbs, and then the family went to Walker Farm in a group.

Two days ago, Walker, Jones, and Marcus had already delivered holiday gifts, and they even bought some nice toys for Angel. This morning is the time for the family to return gifts.

When I came to Walker's Farm, I saw Becky looking around with her little butt pouted from a distance. Haha, this girl was coaxed into playing egg hunting!
But he has hidden 88 easter eggs, and Angel has already found them all, but Becky is still playing here. Qin Yi guessed that it must be Brown and Jenny playing tricks and hiding the easter eggs in a relatively hidden way. Betsy getting impatient?

Children don't have much patience. If they can't find it all the time, the excitement will pass easily.

Becky knew Qin Yi's black Escalade, and when she saw the car approaching, she didn't look for Easter eggs, she tiptoed and waved her hand from a distance, her face was full of joy, she clearly wanted to go with her sister Angel played!
"Sister Angel, come and help me find eggs, have these bad guys been taken by Mr. Rabbit? I can't even find them!"

After saying hello to Qin Yi and the others, Little Becky immediately took Angel to the small vegetable garden.

Walker's small vegetable garden is also used as a garden. There are various small flowers planted all around and on the ridge. At first glance, it is green and dotted with various small flowers, which is quite beautiful.

Hearing Sister Betsy's request for help, Angel immediately patted her chest with pride on her face: "Don't worry, Sister Betsy, I am the best at finding Easter eggs! Most of the Easter eggs in our family are found by me!"

Becky's big bright eyes were filled with admiration immediately: "Wow, Sister Angel is really amazing!"

Amid everyone's smiles, the two girls walked away holding hands.

Looking at Jenny who came out, Qin Yi couldn't help but wondered: "It seems that you have created a problem for the child, the little girl can't even find the easter egg!"

Jenny led everyone into the room, shrugging her shoulders and explaining: "I'm also very surprised what the father and son think, but to be honest, I don't know where these Easter eggs are hidden. It should be a very relaxing and enjoyable game , isn't it?"

"Why, aren't Walker and Brown here?" Susa asked suspiciously, and Viviera did not see the three of them coming out to greet them.

Qin Yi and the others were also quite surprised. Looking at the living room, there was indeed no one.

Jenny glanced at Susa's slightly protruding belly, and hurried over to support her gently, "I went out early in the morning, God, you may not know that there was an accident on the farm yesterday!"

"What's wrong? Can you tell us about it?" Rachel hurriedly asked, the word "accident" can't help but make people worry.

Qin Yi and the others were also heartbroken and looked at each other, but they still didn't say much, just waiting for Jenny to explain to everyone.

And Jenny didn't hide it from them, with a hellish expression: "Isn't it the damn thunderstorm yesterday? God, a bolt of lightning just hit the trough, and twenty cows were eating grass. All dead, my God, I can't believe that such a coincidence actually happened!"

Qin Yi and the others looked at each other, really didn't know what to say, they had only heard of misfortune for people before, but this was the first time they heard of a cow being struck by lightning, let alone a collective of twenty cows being struck by lightning
But think about what Jenny said, lightning strikes the trough?
Qin Yi thought for a while, and had a faint realization. The trough of the Walker Farm is a circular guardrail welded with iron pipes, and hay is piled in the middle. When the cows are hungry, they gather in a circle to graze. It was time to eat, and unfortunately it turned out!
On the one hand, it’s curiosity, on the other hand, it’s not good to ignore such unfortunate things happened to friends and neighbors. Qin Yi immediately asked Jenny to show the way, and a group of people rushed over in a group. Angel and Becky also temporarily gave up looking for eggs. Sitting in the arms of adults, babbling and singing nursery rhymes, looking heartless!

When they arrived at the field, they found that, just as Qin Yi guessed, it was a piece of newly plowed land, with a large iron circular food trough in the middle, and several stone water troughs separated by a few meters.

But the most conspicuous thing at this moment is the circle around the food trough, where a circle of adult beef cattle lie lying down one by one, covering the circle of land tightly, and some of them still have half-chewed hay in their mouths, fat and fat. Strong ones, it looks like they are about to be slaughtered, but it is only a few days before and after, what a pity!
This loss is not worth forty to fifty thousand dollars!

Seeing Qin Yi and the others coming, Walker in rain boots pursed his lips and spread his hands. He didn't know what to say, so he didn't say much. He walked a few steps towards Qin Yi, and then turned his head to look at the fallen man. herd.

"It's such a misfortune, look away, Walker!"

Qin Yi patted the old cowboy on the shoulder, and only said this, this guy is still not very good at comforting people.

Viviera went to say hello to Mother Qin and the others, and Brown came over.

Walker sighed, full of pity, and said in a deep voice: "Forty-five thousand dollars, I estimated it based on the current market price, but unfortunately it was wiped out by a spring rain. Damn it, I originally planned to sell it after Easter." It fell!"

Having said that, he looked at Qin Yi worriedly again, slightly nervous: "Yi, do you think this is God's punishment? It's not a good sign."

Qin Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood what he meant. These days are the Easter period, and Easter represents hope and rebirth, but at this juncture, this kind of thing happened. Unavoidably, Walker also wanted to much more.

Who said that foreigners are not superstitious, let alone devout believers, in certain periods, ordinary people can't help but be superstitious!

Although I don't know what this means, but at this moment, Qin Yi can only comfort: "Don't think too much, Walker, this is just an accident! If it is a sign, God is warning you to let you Replace the iron trough with a wooden one!"

Although iron is strong and durable, it is indeed too dangerous. This time it is a herd of cows. What if it happens to cowboys next time?
He secretly planned in his heart that he would have to explain later that all the food troughs and sinks in the real estate under his name were replaced with wooden or ceramic ones. Damn it, if something happened, the loss would be huge!
Everyone had a kind of blind trust in Qin Yi. Seeing what he said now, Walker felt a little relieved, nodded and said that after Easter, the damn iron frame will be removed!

Brown, who had been silent for a long time, also comforted at this moment: "Yi has said so, don't worry! Maybe God is really punishing you. You earned too many dollars last year. God, it is several times more than my clinic. Times! I want to close the clinic and come back to learn how to run a tourist farm.”

"You boy, if you really come back to take over the farm, your father and I can relax!"

Listening to his son making fun of himself, Walker also smiled.

Just like what Brown said, the farm’s tourism income last year, after deducting the share paid to Angel’s farm, was still US$60 million, which is more than the income of other industries such as milk and apple orchards plus one piece!
He thought about it, maybe he really earned too much!
"What's wrong with Niu Niu? Why don't you get up and have breakfast?"

When the three men were muttering together, Angel and Becky were about to come up to wake Niu Niu up in doubt!
Qin Yi hurried over to lead them, and coaxed them to go back: "Niu Niu has just eaten, don't disturb them, let's go back and play the egg roll game, shall we? If you win, you will be rewarded!"

Hearing that there was a reward, the children immediately forgot about Niu Niu, grabbed Qin Yi's big hand, and led the way back.

(End of this chapter)

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