American Ranch

Chapter 672 New Plan to Make Money

Chapter 672 New Plan to Make Money

"Mr. Terry, what do you think of this loss? Do you have any opinion on the performance of both sides?"

Trail Blazers coach Terry, while pushing forward, replied casually: "The Cowboys are a reorganized team, and it has some inevitable deficiencies, such as coordination. Didn't they miss a few balls? Of course, Led by Duncan and Ginobili, it is a strong team, there is no doubt about it! I have to admit that we underestimated these two players, but games are won and won, and a game is not the same. What does it mean!"

The skinny old guy is quite smart. Although he emphasized that a win or loss is nothing, he still bluntly said that the Cowboys are a strong team. Otherwise, if they lose to a weak team, wouldn't it mean that the Blazers are weaker as losers?
So in the face of this group of reporters who are most capable of distorting speech, Old Terry felt that he had to be impeccable!
And inside and outside the words, the reason for this defeat is attributed to the lack of defense against the sudden explosion of Duncan and Ginobili. It seems that if you know the strength of the two in advance, and then make a specific response, you can turn defeat into victory!
But after all, the game cannot be restarted, so he is so evasive, who can't say anything, even if after half a year and a year, it proves that the Cowboys are really a team that makes the Blazers unable to compete, so what?

In this news-filled sports circle, no one has the energy to turn over old accounts, and there is no time to report hot news, unless a reporter's brain suddenly pops up, and they will fry the cold rice a year ago!
But at the moment, there are many details that reporters can ask questions.

"Why didn't Plumlee be replaced before the slashing tactics were adopted? Do you have enough confidence in Plumlee?"

"Are you satisfied with Alexander's performance?"

"Do you think his dunk had any effect on the outcome of the game?"

"What do you think about the Trail Blazers being completely suppressed by the Cowboys inside? Will the Blazers implement small ball tactics in the future?"

"The Trail Blazers' rebound and assist data hit a new low. What is your countermeasure?"

After a fight with a reorganized and alternative team, the Blazers also exposed serious internal problems, and some other details also made Terry annoyed by being asked. So the skinny old man put on a straight face, making things difficult for the reporter in every possible way, but without saying a word, he squeezed all the way back to the locker room.

The Cowboys were surrounded. Fortunately, the reporters didn't embarrass the exhausted players. They just stared at Fat Tom and asked questions. Duncan, who was eager to rest, was relieved, and strode back to the locker room.

Qin Yi, a slick guy, had already taken the girls away, and some reporters who wanted to surround him came back angrily, and instead joined the interview with the fat man.

When Qin Yi and others came to the locker room, this group of guys who were pretending to be cool outside were cheering and clapping their hands, looking like bastards for joy!

Ginobili even wore a bald head and danced an unrestrained Latin dance, making the scene even more laughable!

At this time, the outside world, most people are paying attention to this game.

After the results came out, they also commented one after another. Generally speaking, they are still very positive about the Cowboys. The inside line is so strong that they can hardly lose rebounds. Duncan and Towns are also very stable as two inner scorers!

Moreover, although defenders have always relied on speed and dexterity to dominate the field, Ginobili's performance is still surprising. The speed and accuracy of this old bald man are simply better than before!
LaVine's three-pointer was a surprise. Rubio was finally liberated. He was no longer needed to score in a game, and the pure point guard's performance became better and better.

Even Wiggins, Mohamed, and Dean, who came off the bench, performed well. During the rest of the main force, they successfully maintained their advantage over the Blazers.

However, Qin Yi no longer cared about these comments from the outside world, and brought the whole team to the hotel where he was staying, and had a sumptuous celebration banquet.

After that, I flew back to Augusta overnight. When I got home, it was already two o'clock in the night. The girls who had been excited for a day were already exhausted. After a quick wash, they went back to their rooms to rest.

In the next few days, the Cowboys played a few more games. Except for a small three-point victory against the Lakers in Los Angeles, the others were not difficult, but cooperation is not a matter of a day or two, and they want to make obvious progress. , still need time to hone slowly.

On the other hand, there is another happy event. Duncan, Ginobili and Towns were selected as All-Stars without any accident, but the first two are ball games, while the latter is a three-point and dunk contest.

This is not surprising. Compared with the outstanding seniors, Downs is still a little immature and not as popular.

Qin Yi didn't run around anymore, and stayed at the ranch with peace of mind to deal with work, such as the new product plan of Qin's Liquor, the planting of the Fanny Ranch in Texas, and the financial verification last month.

Diana is also busy training new jockeys, and the Bonebreaker season will come again soon. After winning the historic Women's Grand Slam, she no longer intends to continue her jockey career, so the Bonebreaker A new jockey is needed.

Sarah spends all day in the lab.

On the basis of the predecessors' technology, improving the craftsmanship, although it is still a bit difficult for her, a female schoolmaster, she is not completely clueless, and she told Qin Yi before that she had found some ways, which made Qin Yi very happy !

The animal protection organization came, and Qin Yi asked a few soldiers to take those guys around in the mountains for two days, and drew up a construction plan for the reserve. After a day of editing, Amanda came up with a plausible plan. The plan is being handed over to Juli Company.

In fact, it's not a big job, it's just a warning sign every mile around a tens of thousands of acres of protected areas. The real protection force is a forest ranger team composed of about [-] old cowboys!
However, the idea of ​​the forest ranger team is just an idea and has not been implemented yet.

For the remaining tens of thousands of acres of mountains, Qin Yi plans to plan them into forests and pastures. Anyway, no matter what he does, he can leave it to the manager to worry about it. profits.

Susa and Rachel's work was reduced to a minimum, they occasionally went to the vegetable garden, went fishing with Qin Yi, and stayed at home more often. I can think of some weird games and topics, and the three girls don't look boring when they get together.

And starting yesterday, Su Sa and Rachel even learned how to make baby clothes from Mother Qin!
They are very interested in this new thing, they are busy from morning till night, no wonder they feel bored!

That evening, after coaxing the wives in his arms for a while, Qin Yi went to the basement wine cellar to work again. He was brewing a new kind of wine, which is domestic grain liquor.

Although the brandy versions of Liuhuo and Chenxi are also highly distilled wines, they still have a different taste from grain liquor. Although the consumption of this kind of liquor in Europe and the United States is far inferior to that of wine and brandy, the inferiority is also relative. The real consumption The quantity is still astonishingly large!
And no matter how bad it is, it can still be sold mainly in the domestic market. Thanks to the habits of the Chinese people, baijiu may be more popular than wine!

The reason why this guy was so determined to make money was because he was actually stimulated.

I counted with my fingers before, well, there are more than two billion US dollars of liquidity in the book, which is more or less like a small rich man, but during this time, I don’t even talk about buying land, it’s just the team, the plane and the two players. Just dropped 5-6 million!
Most of the rest of the funds were also invested in the bank, in exchange for 0.06% of the equity, becoming a minority shareholder of the sixth-ranked bank in the world.

But in this way, his working capital was only more than 1 million yuan, as if he had become a pauper all of a sudden, so Qin, who lamented that the money was not spent, had to work harder to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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