American Ranch

Chapter 643 An Insipid Chapter

Chapter 643 Plain Rhythm

After receiving a call from Miles, Qin Yi originally wanted to fly directly to Minnesota, but the bad weather caused the flight to be suspended, so he could only postpone the meeting with Timberwolves owner Tyronn.

The blizzard lasted only half the night two days ago, but after a few days, it has been snowing intermittently, and the streets have to be cleared every day, so the roads are smooth, but the snow on both sides of the road is thicker, especially It is the lawn and the roadside green belt, which are piled up to almost one meter high!
The parents of the children were notified on the night of the blizzard, and kindergartens and elementary schools have been closed since then.

After a few days, the children who were affected by the bad weather and did not have to go to class really played like crazy, throwing snowballs, sledding cars, making snowmen, building snow castles, and even digging maze tunnels in the high snowdrifts , and then crawled around with his little buttocks sticking out.
Every day, Angel brought Becky who came to play together, and treated the entire ranch living area as a playground, and the giggles never stopped!
The girls who have been busy recently finally have some free time. They sit on the porch and drink coffee, enjoying the playful smiles of the two girls. Feeling cold, they even throw away the coffee cups and laugh softly: "Wow Haha, little ones, Auntie is here to catch you again!"

"Wow, sister Betsy, run, if you are caught by the aunts, there will be no meat to eat!"

"Yeah, auntie likes to steal people's bones and flesh."

Every time at this time, Angel and Becky would cry out in surprise, and run away on the snow-covered lawn like a trench. The balls of wool hanging from the plush hats would dance as they ran away, and they were the same as the fluttering hair ends. Rhythm, so happy.

The three of Sara gave a wicked laugh while chasing, scaring the girls to run even faster. Ladies and gentlemen, they were chasing in this cobweb-like trench in the snow.

Of course, with Sara and the others acting as the banshee who catches children, there must also be guardian knights!
Originally, according to the wishes of the girls, the knight was to be played by Qin Yi, and it was indeed the case at the beginning, but this guy was physically abnormal, holding the little guys and running wildly for a while, so that Sara and the others couldn't see the slightest win hope!

Therefore, after several times of coquettish protests, everyone proposed to vote on it. As a result, four votes were in favor, two votes were against, and two votes were abstentions. In this way, Qin Yi changed from a playful participant to a warm-up audience!

Also in the audience were Susa and Rachel. The two women were pregnant with babies. Even if they wanted to play together, they didn't dare to run wild like these crazy adults and children.

In addition, they also voted to abstain.

The negative votes are naturally the opinions of the two girls. During the two days of games, they were protected by Qin Yi. They have never been caught, and they can even get some meat from the aunts in turn, or other delicious food. dishes!

That's why they don't want Qin Yi to leave get out of class!

It's a pity that it is only two votes after all, no match for the strength of the aunts
There were only three of Sarah and the others. The fourth vote was obviously contributed by Ke Luo. She sat with Susa and Rachel for a long time, and wanted to play with her. Especially, she also took a fancy to the guardian knight. title
"Wow ha ha ha, the greatest golden guardian knight - Your Excellency Ke Luo, has made a magnificent appearance!"

Ke Luo, who just entered the room and threatened to put on makeup, finally jumped out of the room with a triumphant declaration at this moment, with a vigorous and agile figure, and when the brown pony boots fell to the ground, they creaked on the thin snow!

Qin Yi and the others hurriedly looked, and saw that Ke Luo was wearing a heroic golden cloak and a huge golden sword hanging from his waist. Under the righteous face she deliberately put on, she looked heroic, like a heroine who has eliminated violence and peace!
Of course, this is just a picture in Colo's imagination
In reality, the momentum is there, but unfortunately the cloak is a water yellow long-sleeved chiffon shirt, the two long sleeves are lightly tied around the neck, and the hem is draped over the back, and the weapon is Angel's soft rubber toy
If she was walking on the street, someone might think she sneaked out from somewhere!
Susa and the others immediately bent over with a smile.

Angel and Becky also bent over and stretched their little heads giggling, but they thought Ke Luo was very interesting, ran over and hugged her leg, twisted their bodies and begged, saying that they didn't want to play catch children anymore, and wanted to Wear the giant sword to fight the Yeti monster!
Rachel joked even more funnyly: "Oh, God, that's my chiffon shirt! Khloe, you murdered my clothes, God, that's so good! That's what Yigang bought for me, I It's too cold to wear it before!"

"Don't worry about this, he'll buy you a whole lot more, before summer comes, I promise!"

Seeing that her outfit didn't achieve the cool and handsome effect she wanted, Ke Luo tilted his head and sighed weakly. While taking off the chiffon shirt, he held it up and gestured in front of his chest, and twisted it twice at Qin Yi!

It is a pity that it is winter at this time, and she is wearing a thick short down jacket, which cannot show a graceful and attractive figure.

Sara also dressed in the same way, with thick clothes, plush hats, and scarves in different colors and styles. In the cold outside, they had no chance to show off their figures.

But it's different in the house, the warm fireplace is burning hot and warm, they can take off their cotton coats and walk around in thin corset sweaters, the beautiful curves still shake Qin Yi's eyes Straight eyes!
For Susa and Rachel, a violent laugh would cause everyone to worry that it would be bad for the baby, so after a while, they quickly turned their eyes away and took the girls to play snowmen in the snow.

As a result, Qin Yi has a new job - building a snowman monster!
In fact, there are many snowmen on the lawn and in the garden, but they all represent the people and animals in the ranch. Naturally, they cannot be beaten, so he will make some weird snowmen, such as minotaur, three-headed dog and so on. !
Building a snowman by yourself is naturally unable to keep up with the destruction speed of girls big and small.

Although Susa and Rachel could help pile together, and he could do the hard work like shoveling snow, he was still sweating from being driven by a group of vandals.
The owners had a good time, and the animals didn't stop. Teddy was lying on the skis, his fat hind legs splashed the snow, and the kittens and foxes hitchhiked, but when they encountered snow ravines, they would Roll over with a grunt!

Those who reacted quickly jumped away in time, and those who were slow were crushed by Teddy, staring and sticking out their tongues, as if they were about to be crushed by the increasingly fat Teddy
When Qin Yi and the others saw her cuteness, she laughed lightly from time to time.

McGee, the big brown bear, still doesn't like snowy weather very much, and spends most of his time sleeping in his den.

The same is true for the big cat, but now the branches are covered with snow, and its bed has been moved to the main house, occupying a piece of floor in front of the fireplace all day long, turning its belly over and covering its head with its front paws, sleeping dimly !

On the contrary, Eagle and Eagle Two found a new game. After patrolling the territory every day, they flew back to the living area, swayed back and forth on the branches covered with snow, until all the snow fell off, and then changed another branch.
Susa always laughed that they were bored.

Qin Yi also thinks so, with this skill, it is better to hunt a few wild rabbits in the wild, so as to supplement nutrition for the wives. In heavy snow days, there are many pheasants and hares that come out to look for food. With their eyesight, they can easily catch Spot prey.

Alas, I have learned to be lazy!

Lai Pi and Bai Xue were also soundly asleep.

Some time ago, the boa constrictor also had its own warm burrow. As usual, it didn’t come out all day. That’s good, this guy is much scarier than McGee, so as not to scare the cowboys.

Besides these guys who slept late, Fanny was also absent from the frolicking on the lawn at the moment.

The little elephant was afraid of the cold, so Qin Yi made a nest for it in the fodder room. Not to mention it was warm, it was full of fodder, which satisfied Fanny's thoughts. The little guy lay in the nest, No need to get up after waking up, just open your mouth to eat!

During these playful days, Qin Yi, who was waiting for the flight to resume, unexpectedly received a call from Gulfstream.

(End of this chapter)

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