American Ranch

Chapter 639 Qin Yi is Working

Chapter 639 Qin Yi is Working
"At Sun River Ranch, our grass is top notch, and of course it is at Wobe Lake!"

Burke, who was riding on horseback, was a little proud to Qin Yi who came to inspect, showing the development of the ranch for more than half a year.

Qin Yi looked at the flat and endless pasture in front of him, smiled and nodded.

The last time I came to Wobe Lake was in the early autumn of last year. It was not long after the pasture improvement was completed. Although the growth was also very lush, it always gave people a new feeling of lack of foundation.

A few months have passed now, and the appearance of the entire ranch has not changed much, but time has covered up the traces of repairing the irrigation system at the beginning, and the dark green pastures are all over the ground, making it appear calmer and more down-to-earth.

It's a little warmer than Montana, but it's very limited. After harvesting, there are only ryegrass more than ten centimeters high. The growth has been extremely slow, but compared to other withered and yellow pastures, there is only a little bit of yellow ryegrass. , is still very satisfying.

When spring comes in February and March, Wobe Lake will have an advantage of half a month or even a month compared to the re-germination of withered pastures. The ranch under Yi's name will save a lot of operating costs!
Tax reduction incentives for new high-quality beef cattle and grass, agricultural and animal husbandry tax rebates, tax reductions for charity and animal protection, coupled with ultra-low costs, it is unreasonable not to make a profit!
Qin Yi jumped off the horse with some complacency, stooped down and fiddled with the pasture a few times, then held up the binoculars, wandered towards the far distance of the pasture, and said to Burke, "Rachel is pregnant, why don't you go back and see? How could you Such a big brother!"

Unlike the Sun River pasture, which is close to the mountains and has undulating hills, the Wobe Lake pasture is on the plain. The entire pasture is flat. The ryegrass that looks extremely flat after harvesting looks like a regular wheat field, swaying leaves in the breeze , extending to extreme distances.

This gave Qin Yi the feeling of a wheat field in his hometown. Of course, without the dense villages here, it would be more spectacular!
"God! Didn't I go back to spend Christmas and New Year's Day? But you all have to wait until I go back to Wobe Lake to tell me Yi. You also know that work is very busy when the New Year turns!"

Burke spread his hands innocently, complaining speechlessly.

"Haha, we didn't mean to trick you, we only found out after the holiday!"

Seeing his face that was pretending to be bitter but actually happy, Qin Yi laughed, turned on the horse again, put his legs under the horse's belly, and galloped away, "Okay, hurry up, Burke, I'm going Look at my little calves!"

Burke laughed and followed, emphasizing, "No, it's not a calf anymore, it's a steer and a heifer!"

After a gallop, after more than ten minutes, I came to a pasture near the stream, where a herd of hundreds of calves was grazing leisurely.

The cowboys kept driving, unhurriedly, keeping the herd moving slowly so that these foodies would not damage the roots of the grass. Now the pasture grows very slowly and is only suitable for light grazing. Compared with the season when the pasture is rich and lush , the workload is larger.

But no cowboy will complain about this. In the past year just past, with salary and bonuses, the income of ordinary cowboys exceeded [-] US dollars, which is not inferior to the average middle class. Cowboy) plus one to two percent!
Only idiots would complain about such generous treatment, you know, but there are a lot of people waiting to take over their jobs!
So they just work harder lest the ranch cut itself.

In the words of the cowboys: those damn speculators, just look at my seat honestly and covetously!
After saying hello to the cowboys, Qin Yi, accompanied by Burke, wandered around the cows a few times to check the growth of the cows.

The calves are not afraid of people, they wag their tails leisurely, move their steps on their own, and from time to time lower their heads to take a bite of pasture, chewing lazily and slowly.

Even some calves, when Qin Yi stroked his head, turned their heads slightly, sniffed Qin Yi's palm with their noses, their big black eyes were so clean that there was no trace of color, cute and pure eyes, It made Qin Yi feel better.

The calf is only seven or eight months old, but in terms of body shape, it is similar to beef cattle in the nine-month to one-year growth period. It is not a problem even to be slaughtered now, but the meat quality is usually the best when it is nine months old, so Qin Yi means, That is to say, wait until the beginning of spring before going out to the market.

The beef produced by Qin's Animal Husbandry must be the best!
In the evening, Qin Yi took Burke and Cooper Jr., gathered some of the cowboys on rotation, and had a lively barbecue party. He set off again the next day and flew to Oregon to meet Teddy Ranch and others. A piece of newly purchased pasture for inspections.

In fact, every quarter, Qin Yi will receive a work report from the manager, so he knows the status of each ranch, including pasture, beef cattle growth, operation status, etc., but inspections are also necessary!
You can’t just follow what the people say, and you have to go and see for yourself what the facts are!
Qin Yi likes to be a hand-off shopkeeper, but he doesn't want to be a boss who is ignored, so the purpose of this trip, on the one hand, is to understand the actual operation status of the industry below, and on the other hand, to meet the cowboys and employees, so that everyone can remember who is the boss. The one who gave them the good treatment!
In fact, this work trip was also quite successful, fully achieving the above two goals.

By the way, I also raided several specialty stores around the three ranches, especially the Portland branch in the capital of Oregon, and the sales actually showed a downward trend. I can't justify it!

Qin Yi stayed in Portland for two days, combined with the opinions of the clerk and old customers, and finally figured out the reason.

It turns out that with the development of Qin's Liquor, the company's energy and connections are getting bigger and bigger. The young and powerful Portland branch store manager Megan has become increasingly arrogant when dealing with small and medium customers. Some customers have complained several times on the official website , but the situation did not improve, so I stopped buying in a fit of anger!
As a result, sales at the Portland branch declined slightly.

After figuring out the situation, Qin Yi fired Megan on the spot, and even called Daniel to reprimand him. As a company manager, no matter how busy this guy is, he would always receive related complaints, but he didn't deal with it in time!

It seems that too much power has been delegated to the subordinates, and thus, Qin Yi came up with the idea of ​​establishing a business intelligence department within the group.

If there had been strict supervision before, these guys would not have dared to slack off!
But Daniel, who was severely criticized by Qin Yi, was a little depressed looking at the hung up phone.

When he received the complaint before, it wasn't that he didn't deal with it, but he only had jurisdiction over the store managers, not the right to appoint or dismiss them, so he just reprimanded him at that time, but he didn't expect that idiot store manager would not change his mind. Leading to a decline in performance, and now I am even more implicated by being scolded by the boss
After cursing the damn store manager a few words, Daniel asked his assistant to find the original list of complaining customers and call them one by one to apologize.

In any case, you have to bring the client back first, otherwise the boss who is in a fit of rage will just let him finish class and have no place to cry!

However, after reprimanding Daniel, Qin Yi also calmed down, realizing that Daniel is actually very reliable, but sometimes he is a little slow in doing things, and his methods are not strict enough.

This further confirmed his idea of ​​setting up a business intelligence department. When the time comes, he can find out and deal with any troubles in the lower place.

Putting this dismissal on the official website was a warning to everyone. After that, Qin Yi wanted to go to Texas to check his last ranch, but he received a call from Kroenke.

This old man wanted to send his two thoroughbred horses to the Sun River Horse Farm, and Qin Yi's entrustment to him before had begun to emerge after a few days. As a result, Qin Yi had no choice but to postpone his trip to Texas. a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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