American Ranch

Chapter 632 Team Discussion

Chapter 632 Team Discussion

*The next chapter is later.

"Pass the ball, pass the ball!"

On the court, after Middleton, the main scorer of the Bucks, received the ball, Drummond of the Pistons immediately pressed forward to defend, and the three-pointer Meeks also came up to double-team.

The cooperation of the two not only cut off Middleton's attempt to make a layup, but also had a faint tendency to double-team. Once the two completed an action, to be on the safe side, Middleton might have to pass the ball out of the three-point line and start again. The organization is attacking!

That is, there is not much left in the 24-second attack time, and I am afraid there is no chance for the Bucks to take it easy.

Seeing such a tense situation, Qin Yi felt that it is best to pass the ball immediately at this time, and because of the double-team, the Pistons' man-to-man tactic had a loophole, and the other four on the Bucks side were also actively running. bit.

Especially the three-point shooter, that guy is standing in the corner, unmarked, it is an excellent opportunity to shoot a three-pointer from the bottom corner!

To be honest, Qin Yi still likes watching NBA games.

Although he only paid attention to the Spurs occasionally in the past, and never paid attention to the Bucks, but at this time, the enthusiastic atmosphere of watching the game, coupled with the influence of the Bucks' home fans, he is also somewhat biased towards the Bucks at the moment.

Therefore, he, who was so devoted, was really a little nervous for the Bucks at this time, so seeing the current deadlock, he couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

But the next scene really made him feel unexpected with his knuckles beating his knees!
I saw the Bucks' ball-holding forward Middleton, facing the Pistons' Drummond's close defense and Meeks' help defense, the dribbling space was squeezed to the very last, but even in such an unfavorable situation , this dude resolutely chose to shoot!

Bounce back, hold the ball with the right hand and protect the ball with the left hand and hold it high, stay in the air, and shoot!
Seeing that this guy chose to make a strong shot instead of the most favorable pass, Qin Yi smacked his mouth, feeling a little bit pained.

I have to say that this guy's movements are quite good, but in many cases, no matter how standard and gorgeous the movements are, they are not worth a real goal, which is admirable!

As soon as this thought flashed through Qin Yi's mind, he heard a "bang". The poor basketball that was beaten back and forth was covered by Drummond of the Pistons before it was completely out of the hands of Middleton of the Bucks. flew out.
A face-slapping cap wow!
There was an uproar in the auditorium, there was encouragement and cheering, and there were also ridicule and low cursing, although the cursing voices were kept very low!
Qin Yi turned his head and found that many Bucks fans were disappointed. He expressed his understanding of this. If the team he supported performed so poorly, he would be very angry!
"Oh! Hell, is this guy an idiot?"

"It must be an idiot not to seize such a good passing opportunity!"

"Damn it, she looks so ugly, she still has to be a hero."

The girls chatted in low voices while eating popcorn, watching a big drama and discussing the plot, it was very leisurely.

After listening to their discussion, Qin Yi couldn't help nodding his head. The words of the girls almost reached his heart, "Leave jumper. God, does he think of himself as Jordan or Kobe? One hits two, maybe he wants to do it again." It's a free throw! I think he was just stunned by the last few goals!"

"I think it would be good to just pass to the big man standing in the corner, he can shoot a three-pointer!"

Rachel looked at Qin Yi.

This was the first time for her to express her opinion on the game, because she didn't know much about basketball, even only two and three points, so after speaking, she looked at Qin Yi, wondering if her opinion was reasonable.

Qin Yi naturally gave a thumbs up, because that's what he thought!
Although the three-point shooter's shooting percentage was not very good, he was not disturbed anyway.

While they were discussing the plot, the game was still going on, and the blocked basketball did not go out of bounds. It was picked up by a small guy from the Pistons, and quickly dribbled to the opponent's basket, scored a layup, and staged a wonderful fast break.

Susa has been teasing the two girls, playing with them in the game of guessing fists and winning popcorn, each wins or loses, so happy that the two girls stuffed their small mouths, while waving their small fists, making cute and cute gestures, and often softly Giggling puts people in a good mood.

Even provoked a few ladies nearby to be absent-minded about the game!

Seeing that Qin Yi seemed to be very concerned about the game, Susa looked at him suspiciously while dealing with the girls, and said, "So, does this mean that our family will become Bucks fans in the future?"

Ke Luo and Rachel also looked over. Americans are very respectful of sports. If Qin Yi, the head of the family, decides to support the Bucks, then generally speaking, they will also become Bucks fans.

Of course, this is not very serious. Many members of the family will freely choose a favorite team, football, baseball, hockey, whatever!

It's just that Qin Yi and the others are a newly formed family, and many things have to have a new beginning, so it seems more formal.

"No, of course not!" Qin Yi shook his head immediately.

"We just happened to come to this land, and we met a game. I cheered when the game was good, and cursed when it was bad. That's all!"

Susa couldn't help laughing and shaking her head when she heard this, but this is indeed this guy's style.

Kolo rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "Aren't you going to choose a team? NBA, NFL (National Football League), MLB (American Baseball League) My God, there must be a team to support, otherwise Isn't the weekend boring?"

"Why do you have to choose one? If you want to watch the game, just watch it!"

Qin Yi didn't care. In the final analysis, his habits were somewhat different from those of Americans.

Ke Luo and the others looked at each other, amused and helpless.

Because each team has its philosophy, which represents a kind of spirit and quality, so if a family does not have a team it supports, in the eyes of many people, this is a very abnormal thing, and it will even bring troubles. bias!
Therefore, in this country of sports for all, the team is not only entertainment, but also a manifestation of life attitude.

Qin Yi has lived here for so long, so he naturally understands this point. It's not a problem now, but after a few years or more than ten years, choosing a team will always be indispensable!
Seeing that the daughters-in-law were not satisfied with his perfunctory, Qin Yi quickly raised his hand and surrendered: "Okay, this is my problem! Personally, I am more inclined to the Spurs, but the Spurs' game last year was not satisfactory. Maybe we can take it slowly. Come on, we still have time to choose a suitable one, don’t we?”

Ke Luo and the others were just dissatisfied with his indifferent attitude and didn't mean to be angry, so seeing him admitting defeat at this time, they didn't get entangled in this topic.

Qin Yi gently embraced Susa, touched her belly, and suggested: "What about you guys, which team do you like, maybe this can give me some reference!"

"Great Rapids White Sox!" Rachel immediately raised her hand. This is a small regional baseball team.

Susa nodded, saying that it was also this one. She didn't care about sports, so she could only support the baseball team in her hometown!

"Atlanta Hawks!"

Kohlo then mentioned an NBA team, but then explained: "This is the family team requested by Laura and Simon. In fact, I prefer the Golden State Warriors!"

Sara and Amanda immediately reached out and gave her a high five. It seems that these two sisters are also supporters of the Golden State Warriors.

It's no wonder that Kolo has lived in Los Angeles for a long time, Sarah and Amanda often stay in San Francisco, and the Golden State Warriors are very close to both places. It is not surprising that the three like the same team.

Diana played for the Billings Broncos and Jenny played for the Helena Brewers, both baseball teams.

Qin Yi pondered for a while, but still couldn't make up his mind, so he changed the subject, and asked John, who had no sense of presence behind him, "What about you, John?"

John was taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting Qin Yi to turn around and ask himself, but he quickly replied: "NRA!"

NRA, the National Rifle Association of the United States, Qin Yi smacked his lips, and said dryly: "Well, there must be a choice!"

This damned war criminal, I wish you to marry a gun as your wife in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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