American Ranch

Chapter 627 Snowy Morning (14)

Chapter 627 Snowy Morning (14)

Qin Yi immediately asked John to confirm, yes, this is the destination of this trip: Mackinaw City!

The anchor was pulled out at around [-]:[-] pm yesterday, and it sailed for about eight hours. At about [-]:[-] am, it sailed into Mackinaw City Wharf, which is about [-] kilometers away from Holland.

At that time, tiny snowflakes were already falling. Not long after the mooring, the weather became more severe, and finally turned into a raging blizzard. Three hours later in the early morning, the snow was as thick as a foot, and the whole world was covered with snow. wrap!
Originally, Qin Yi wanted to take his women and children to Mackinac Island to experience a medieval carriage ride. This reckless blizzard might disrupt his plan.

There is no way, people are not as good as God!

However, this blizzard has almost stopped now. The tiny snowflakes are like another form of drizzle. After half a day, a single snowflake falls, but it falls on the upturned face, and you can't feel it yet. her coolness.

Perhaps, this unexpected blizzard will not cause too much hindrance to his play plan. Moreover, seeing the tourists on the pier playing happily, Qin Yi, who is leaning on the guardrail, feels that this snow is actually a big problem. Not too bad.

Well, he has been looking forward to snow for a long time!

The snow on the deck had already been cleared away by the soldiers, and a carpet was laid to prevent people from slipping on the water-soaked deck.

After drinking a cup of coffee brought by John, Qin Yi became much more energetic. He stretched himself, turned around and went back to the cabin to call his daughters-in-law to wake up and watch the snow.

But before he could go back to the master bedroom, Ke Luo and Rachel came out. As for Susa, after she was pregnant, she slept in for half an hour longer than others. sleep soundly.

"Hey, ladies, guess what's going on outside? Haha, it's snowing, it's snowing!" Qin Yi waved to his daughters-in-law, and wanted to keep it a secret, but before the two girls could react, The answer came out in one gulp!


Keluo and Rachel had just woken up, and they were still a little dazed at first, but after hearing this, they both cheered up and ran towards the deck in surprise.

After seeing the outside world clearly, he couldn't help raising his hands, laughing and throwing himself to the side of the boat, happily padding his feet, turning his head to enjoy the surrounding snow scene.

There are two peninsulas in Michigan, the north and the south. Mackinaw City is located at the top of the southern peninsula, across the lake from St. Ignace in the northern peninsula. There is a famous suspension bridge between the two towns, the Mackinaw Bridge.

The east and west sides of the bridge are Lake Huron and Lake Michigan respectively.

The pier in Mackinaw City faces east and faces Lake Huron, but if it is not known in advance, no one will doubt that this is Lake Michigan, because the two lakes have similar landscapes.

If there is any difference, it is that there are some submerged ice on Lake Huron, which shows that it is indeed further north and the temperature is colder.

The snowflakes fell in the lake and melted naturally, so the lake surface is still vast, but the scattered ice packs are loaded with thick snow, one after another, like glutinous rice balls floating on the water surface, which makes people feel I can't help but want to pick up a piece and taste the cooking skills of nature!
If Lake Huron in the east is "boiled glutinous rice balls", then Mackinaw City in the west is a world of ice and snow.

Standing on the deck and looking westward, except for the road that has just been cleared, the whole land is snow-white, the evergreen lawn is gone, and the beach, the battlefield of bikini beauties, has also concealed its figure at this time. More charming and enchanting, give up to the sometimes quiet and sometimes tyrannical Fengxue!

The small trees were bent down and even completely buried by the snow. The cars, covered with thick snow, were neatly arranged in the dock parking lot or on the roadside, like pieces of fluffy and soft bread. .

Well, I woke up early in the morning and haven't had breakfast yet. Looking at the snow, Colo and Rachel couldn't help thinking about eating.
The side walls of various types of houses have now become the embellishment of the ice and snow sky. The mottled heavy makeup has given more color to the white and dazzling ice and snow, so that the holiness of the sky will not dazzle people. !
On the wooden poles, on the rubber cables, and among the branches of the pine trees, some early-rising birds jumped up and down, shaking off the snow, and there were a lot of it. If you look at it rashly, you mistakenly think that the snowstorm is coming again.

In a daze, the snow on the pine branches slid down in a large area, and the bent branches suddenly bounced up, causing the birds to scatter and flee!

The birds in other places are still chirping, and I don’t know whether they are singing about the beautiful scenery of ice and snow, or complaining about the bad weather, which adds more difficulties to their already difficult foraging!

But seeing them scratching here and there without finding anything, Qin Yi guessed that the latter was more likely.

"It's the snowfall season of the year here now, but I didn't expect to encounter such a heavy snowfall!" Ke Luo admired a little, leaned on the railing, leaned down to look down, and then cast his eyes on those who were snowing. Tourists playing in the field.

Rachel was looking there too.

The mother in the blue woolen coat and the sled made of surfboards and child seats finally couldn't satisfy the child's longing for snow. After a few dishonest swings, the little guy plunged into the thick snow, two The short legs kicked and kicked, but they couldn't get up. In the end, they were pulled out like a carrot by their mother, holding their legs.
She smiled slightly, and after hearing what Ke Luo said, she casually said, "It's beautiful, isn't it? This is the first time I've seen a snow scene by the sea!"

Qin Yi and Ke Luo nodded with a smile. It was the first time they had seen it. The lake surface and lake shore, which could not be seen at a glance, were no different from the sea.

Sara and the others also came out soon. Seeing the world covered in silver, they all cheered softly. After a while, Angel and Becky finally got out of bed, clamoring to go down and play. The girls who couldn't wait for a long time , immediately took the two maids and ran off the yacht in a swarm.

Qin Yi followed them with a camera in his hand, and walked slowly to the pier.

When women and children were playing on the snow-covered road, he yelled and directed.

As a result, whoever he commanded would be unlucky enough to be hit by snowballs, so the girls protested coquettishly and threw a few snowballs as punishment, then he stopped and took charge of taking pictures with a smile!

The two girls had the most fun. Together with Sara and Jenny, they formed Team Teddy to fight against Team Fanny formed by Kolo and Rachel!
Although the girls are small, they can't even run in the one-foot-thick snow, but the snowballs are thrown accurately, hiding behind the car and screaming, the continuous snowballs fly past like cannonballs, and they are suppressed Team Fanny's charge!

In the end, Sara and Jenny stopped fighting and made snowballs for the girls, and the girls who got the cannonball supply were more courageous and fired more fiercely, and they didn't hide anymore, standing behind the car and throwing them vigorously.
If it wasn't for the sprinting legs, Qin Yi felt that the girls were about to launch a counterattack!

At 07:30, Qin Yi, who never forgot to pay attention to the yacht, found that Susa had finally gotten up and was looking this way on the deck. When he saw them, he immediately waved and walked towards this side.

Qin Yi was afraid that she would slip, so he ran over quickly. Although the possibility was not high, but just in case, if the baby fell and disappeared, Susa would cry to death!
"Wow, I didn't expect to see people surfing yesterday, but it's snowing today, the Creator is amazing!"

Susa held Qin Yi's arm who was coming up to him, and stretched her neck excitedly. Seeing Angel and the others having fun, she couldn't help being a little envious.

Qin Yi kissed her on the corner of her mouth, and carefully supported her to walk slowly, "This is Mackinaw, three or four hundred kilometers away from Huo Lan, and the weather is quite different!"

Susa nodded, thinking of Montana again, she couldn't help but casually said: "It's almost snowing on the pasture, and the snow usually comes at this time of the year."

"I checked the weather. In a few days, there will be a Canadian cold current going south along the Rocky Mountains. It may snow by then."

"Is it Thanksgiving? Looking forward to it!"

In her heart, it is a very happy thing for the family to sit around a warm fireplace and enjoy a big meal on Thanksgiving Day when it snows!
(End of this chapter)

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