American Ranch

Chapter 625 Flying Qin Yi

Chapter 625 Flying Qin Yi

Qin Yi's family was playing on the lake, and John and others couldn't protect them nearby, which would easily bring loopholes to the security work.

However, this little situation is just a little trouble for the veterans who have experienced the battlefield and are diligent in training. Next, there are several team members wearing diving suits and carrying oxygen tanks, be careful in the nearby waters!

They followed John's instructions and dived on the floating pier at the bottom of the yacht. Outsiders didn't notice it at all, not even Qin Yi, who was playing happily with the women and children, didn't know.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't be surprised. John, this guy, always puts safety work as the top priority, and it's normal for him to take such precautions!
After playing in the speedboat for a while, seeing that the soldiers were also working hard on the motorboats, Qin Yi brought the maids and daughters-in-law to meet up, and set aside a speedboat for John and the others, so that the soldiers would not suffer from freezing in the cold water.

Of course, there will be no problems with freezing. Modern special military diving suits have a very good thermal insulation effect. Although they cannot completely isolate low temperatures, they are only a little cold and will not cause damage at all!

But despite this, the soldiers feel that the boss's concern is very useful. There is no other security company or bounty hunter organization exploiting the bottom-level operators. On the contrary, the salary is more generous, and there is respect that other veterans cannot enjoy. !
What more can you ask for this kind of treatment?

Qin Yi's subconscious move to evacuate the boat had no other purpose at all. It was an unexpected gain to make the soldiers more loyal to their duties!
John also took the opportunity to boost morale through the headset, saying something like "work hard, have a good night's wine, and have a full barbecue", and the effect was very good.

But Qin Yi, with his wives and two children, continued to speed on the lake, and even played a race with Amanda and others on another speedboat. A group of women yelled and had a good time.

But the excitement passed, and the speed of the boat slowed down. Angel and Becky kept talking about the water birds nearby, which gave Qin Yi an idea, and came up with another idea.

He asked John to send a paraglider and a diving suit, and while equipping him, he explained his idea to his wives-he wanted to fly in the air with a paraglider under the traction of a speedboat!
"Yi, isn't this too dangerous? Besides, the water is so cold, there was an accident. Bah, bah, there must be no accidents! God, you always come up with some dangerous games!"

Susa was a little unhappy. She was the first to stand up and express her opinion. She was always cautious, but she was pregnant at this time, and everything was based on safety.

"I think this idea is very good." Kolo agreed, and comforted Susa in turn, "Don't worry, Susa, there will be no problem. Trevor and the others have played like this, but they never bring me together!"

"Well, if we must do this, we need to pay attention to two aspects. We can't slow down suddenly, and we can't make a sharp turn, otherwise Yi will fall into the lake like a shell! This is not the worst, if you hit the speedboat Now, we can only end in tragedy today."

Rachel helped analyze the feasibility, but Qin Yi felt that this girl was trying to stop him in disguise, because Susa became more worried after hearing her words!

"Yes, Rachel is right, that's why I let you drive the speedboat instead of others, I can't trust others!"

Although he was coaxing them, there was not a hint of seriousness in it.

As things were settled, Qin Yi put on his helmet and protective gear, and threw the paraglider on the water behind the speedboat.

When the two girls heard that he was going to fly in the sky like a bird, they immediately begged to fly together. The three of Susa could only comfort them, saying that they would let their father check it out and bring them together later. Although the two little guys were not happy , but finally no more fuss.

After Qin Yi got ready, he signaled Ke Luofa to start the speedboat and accelerated slowly. The paraglider was tensed due to the resistance of the air, and soon left the water surface, floating up and down behind with the sound of whistling wind.

Gradually, the paraglider flew up like a big kite, pulling Qin Yi a little unsteadily, but the buoyancy at this moment was not enough to allow him to hang in the air, so he held on to the guardrail tightly and held himself firmly. Pinned to the speedboat!

Susa and Rachel watched nervously, and described the situation to Ke Luo, who was in the driver's seat in front. The speed was getting faster and faster. Finally, Qin Yi felt that the pulling force from his arm was enough to support his own suspension, so he greeted and followed up. , let go of the guardrail violently.


After the paraglider relaxed, it tightened again in an instant, sank and floated, and the heartbeats of Susa and Rachel suddenly accelerated, but in the end, Qin Yi was still dragged and suspended in the air!
"That's the speed! Keluo, hold on, don't speed up!"

The two women hurriedly shouted loudly without looking back, they just gritted their teeth and stared nervously at Qin Yi who was being pulled in the air.

Because they were wearing a helmet, they couldn't see Qin Yi's expression at this time, but he was holding the cable tied to the stern with both hands, and his waist was tied by the paraglider, and a pulling force of more than 200 catties was exerted on his body. That feeling must not be so enjoyable!
Qin Yi was really uncomfortable at the moment.

Carrying more than 200 kilograms was a piece of cake for him, but it was different at this time, because his legs could not use any strength, and the cables were tearing his waist and abdomen. The air seemed to be tearing, which made him feel a little uncomfortable in his chest!
Fortunately, he was wearing a helmet at this time, otherwise the cold air would pour in, and he would be out of breath!
He cheered up and loosened the cable in his hand little by little. Gradually, the distance between him and the speedboat increased, and the paraglider also rose accordingly.
In the end, the cable at the stern was completely stretched and connected to the cable on the paraglider tied to his waist. The two forces counteracted, and Qin Yi was completely released. Two straps supported his legs, allowing him to " Sit" and enjoy the pleasure of gliding in the air easily!

Relieved, Qin Yi let out a roar of joy.

Seeing the daughters-in-law on the speedboat applauding happily, but their worries have not completely disappeared, they comforted loudly: "Hey, baby, look, I succeeded! Husband, am I very good? Aha, don't worry, wait a minute Bring you up to play together!"

The two nearby speedboats also came over, applauding and cheering more enthusiastically, even the tourists on the shore also cheered, especially those bikini beauties playing jet surfboards, screaming and jumping in the shallow water area deep in the calf Jump again!

Even though they were far apart, Qin Yi, who has excellent eyesight, still caught a glimpse of the seductive arcs of their chests
"There's me, there's me! Dad (Uncle Yi), I want to fly up too, so don't leave us behind!"

Angel and Becky were the most excited. They immediately waved their little hands and jumped up and down in the small cabin, which frightened Susa and Rachel. They hurriedly hugged them one by one, for fear of the two restless little girls. fell into the water.

Although I wear a life jacket, I can't stand the cold water in the lake. If I don't make sufficient preparations, I will fall into the water rashly, and I will inevitably catch a cold!
Floating in the air at this moment, the angle of view is novel, and the feet are unobstructed, giving people a more accurate illusion of flying. The feeling of flying in the air with a big kite is really exciting. Apart from being unable to control the direction, I have no regrets. up!
Let Ke Luo drive the speedboat to take him to fly a few laps. It is safe and worry-free, and there is no problem with making small turns. So relieved, Qin Yi carefully landed on the boat, tied the two girls to his body, and took off again. up!

The girls screamed in the air, and their joyful laughter didn't stop for a moment. They were even more excited and surprised than the first time they took the broken propeller plane!

(End of this chapter)

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