American Ranch

Chapter 62 North American brown bear

Chapter 62 North American brown bear
The creek is three to four meters wide, and the deepest point reaches the knees of adults. However, the current is a bit fast, and there are many rocks on the banks of the water. The stream hits it, stirring up white waves.

Angel took Qin Yi's hand and walked by the creek. The water had just flowed over her feet, and she walked against the current. The water splashed over her instep, as if it was tickling. Angel kept laughing happily.

The current here is fast, the water is rich in oxygen, and there is relatively more food. Therefore, there are many big fish and small fish. From time to time, some fish hit Angel's feet, which made her startled and happy, screaming.

Susa and Liu Qimeng looked at them from a distance through the sparse bushes, and they couldn't help smiling every time they laughed.

After drinking the second cup of coffee, Liu Qimeng couldn't help wanting to go play. She used to travel as a spectator. How could there be such an opportunity to get close to nature, but if she didn't seize it, would she regret it when she missed it?
"Sousa, let's go play too!"

"Go, Mengmeng, I have this to help you guard." Susa shook the Remington in her hand. Although she also wanted to play with Angel, it is better to have someone on guard in the wild, just in case The beast touched it, so it was good to have a response.

"Let's go, let's go, Susa, this season, carnivorous animals are all active on the mountain, there will be no problem!" Without any explanation, she pulled Susa and ran towards Qin Yi and the two.

Susa had no choice but to follow. Maybe Mengmeng was right, because she was too cautious. The mountain is cool and food is plentiful in this season, and carnivorous animals generally do not go down the mountain.

"Hahaha, Angel, I'm here to catch you, where are you running!" Once Liu Qimeng reached the creek, she took off her shoes and carried them in her left hand, and went down into the water, not forgetting to scare Angel.

"Hee hee, Uncle Yi run, Aunt Liu is coming to catch me!"

Sure enough, when An Qier heard Liu Qimeng's shout, she immediately turned her head and saw that she was indeed catching up with her along the creek. She was nervous and happy at the same time, and let Qin Yi pull her to run forward quickly.

Of course Qin Yi would not refuse, grabbed Angel's little hand and walked forward quickly, walked a few steps, looked back at Liu Qimeng, who was stepping on the waves, and found that she ran like a crazy woman regardless of her wet clothes Come up, laugh, pull Angel and start running too.The splashing water splashed on Angel's body, making the little girl who likes to play with water very happy, she screamed as she ran, and she didn't forget to look back to see if Liu Qimeng had caught up, and kept urging Qin Yi to run faster.

Susa still didn't go into the water, and followed along the shore with Remington on her back. Watching Liu Qimeng play like a child, it was a bit funny, but that's okay, everyone is very happy, isn't it!Looking at the three happy people, Susa also wants to participate, but such happiness must be guarded by someone. If you can continue to be happy like this, Susa doesn't mind being a guardian all the time!

The sound of falling into the water, which was more dull than treading water, and the exclamation of Liu Qimeng and Angel immediately awakened Susa's deep thinking. Looking up, Qin Yi was picking Angel out of the water, and Liu Qimeng was following them. Behind him, it seemed that An Qier saw Liu Qimeng chasing up, and she was anxious to step on the ground and fell into the creek.

Susa also hurried over. Although the parents of American children paid attention to cultivating their independent and strong characters when they were young, they would not be nervous if something happened.

"An Qier, where did you get hurt?" Qin Yi watched the wet little man get up by himself, it should be fine, but he was still a little nervous, the water is so shallow, and there are still stones, it's easy to bump when he falls.

"No." Angel was still smiling, playing in the water was so much fun today.

Seeing that Angel was really fine, the three adults also breathed a sigh of relief, especially Liu Qimeng, who was afraid that Angel would happen to knock on the corner of the stone, and they would have no place to cry!
Seeing Liu Qimeng's expression of fear, Susa immediately smiled and comforted her: "Don't worry, Mengmeng, it's normal, accidents may happen in everything, is it because of unpredictable accidents that we stop doing things? Don't take it to heart, Angel is very happy, isn't she!"

Susa showed sincerity in both words and eyes, which saved Liu Qimeng a lot of embarrassment, and smiled gratefully at Susa.

But at this time, An Qier remembered that Aunt Liu was going to catch her, twisted in Qin Yi's arms, and hurriedly asked for help: "Uncle Yi, run, Aunt Liu is going to catch me!"

Liu Qimeng laughed, and moved to Qin Yi's side, pretending to catch Angel, the little guy screamed in fright, and Qin Yi held her up in circles, coordinating with Liu Qimeng to tease her, every time "successfully escaped" ’, she giggled with delight.

After playing like this for a while, Qin Yi saw that Liu Qimeng was also tired, so he took a few people back to the camp, lit the fire again and dried the clothes around him. Although it wasn't cold, it was always uncomfortable to wear wet clothes.

Feeling that the kettle was still hot, he made three cups of coffee, took out the juice in the bag, poured Angel a cup, and drank it happily.

"Ahh! Aww."

Before the cup of coffee was finished, there was a faint growl, followed by another dull growl, shorter than the previous growl.

"Oh man, we might have a brown bear encounter, damn it!"

Hearing the roar, Susa suddenly became nervous, dropped the cup, grabbed Remington and squatted on the ground vigilantly looking towards the direction of the sound, which was the direction leading to the Rocky Mountains!

Qin Yi didn't know what animal's roar it was, but seeing Susa's nervous look as if he was facing an enemy, and saying that it might be a North American brown bear, he immediately became a little nervous, and quickly took out another Lei Ming on the motorcycle pause.

To deal with these large carnivorous animals, small-caliber shotguns are not very easy to use. You still need a large-caliber shotgun like Remington, which has great lethality. No problem!
Qin Yi looked at the somewhat curious Angel, told her in a low voice not to speak, then asked the pale-faced Liu Qimeng to hug her, and squatted beside Susa holding a shotgun for vigilance.

"Listen to the roar, there are still two, damn it, there is plenty of food on the mountain this season, how could they come down the mountain? Yi, wait a minute and don't shoot, if the damn brown bear doesn't attack us!" Susa loaded the bullet, just in case.

Qin Yi listened and nodded, loaded the same bullet, and carefully watched the end of the jungle. It is useless to run at this time. If you are found while moving, it is more likely to attract the attack of brown bears. Now you can only be on guard and wait for them to retreat first.Fortunately, North American brown bears and cougars generally do not attack humans when they encounter humans, especially when there is enough food.


There was another growl, so close that the whoosh could be heard through the bushes.

After a while, behind several big trees, a clump of bushes suddenly parted, and a little bear staggered out, and when it landed, it stumbled.

The little bear looked chubby, but the black fur on his body was wrinkled, and the white circle on his neck was still mottled with blood.Little Xiong got up in a hurry, straightened up and looked back, then yelled again, and continued to run towards the rear right where Qin Yi and the others were, with obvious fear in his voice.

Qin Yi looked at Susa suspiciously. Didn't they mean two adult bears? Why is there another cub? This is really troublesome. When a female bear has a cub, she has a strong sense of attack!
Susa also took a look at Qin Yi, maybe she was too far away, and she didn't hear the cub just now.But now that the little bear is in such a panic, he is obviously running away, and there are two adult bears nearby, isn't it?
Susa thought of a possibility, if this is the case, maybe the grown bears won't have time to attack themselves!
Sure enough, as if confirming Susa's conjecture, there was a crackling sound of branches and bushes being stepped on behind the little bear, and then a strong grizzly bear with a shoulder height of 1.5 meters rushed out and ran straight towards the little bear. Followed by an adult grizzly bear that was smaller in size, it kept biting at the big grizzly bear while running, constantly preventing the strong grizzly bear from chasing the cub.

Seeing this, Susa was a little relieved. It was obvious that this was a male bear chasing and killing its cubs, while the female bear was desperately trying to stop the male bear, so that they would not have time to attack her group.

Qin Yi also understood. I heard that the male bear will kill the cubs during the mating season and let the female bear go into estrus, so that he can leave his offspring. Of course, at this time, he will encounter a desperate attack from the female bear.

(End of this chapter)

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