American Ranch

Chapter 617 The Great Pregnancy Test Stick

Chapter 617 The Great Pregnancy Test Stick

On the lawn, while the beauties were cheering or nervously asking for details, an exclamation came from the living room: "Pregnant?"

Similar to Qin Yi who came up with the reasoning result just now, Susa, who was gnawing on the barbecue, suddenly jumped up from the sofa, looking at Qin Yi in disbelief, surprise, nervousness, fear, all kinds of emotions spread in her heart , her eyes were even redder with excitement, I believe that as long as she blinks her eyes, tears will flow down!
She threw away the barbecue and dinner plate with a bang, turned over and sat on Qin Yi's legs, stared at him closely, and asked in a voice trembling with surprise: "You just said that I'm pregnant?"

"Listen, Susa, it's just a guess!"

Seeing Susa trembling in surprise, Qin Yi vaccinated her just in case, so as not to hit her too hard after a misunderstanding, "This needs to be confirmed, but according to your recent emotions, diet and life The change of habits, both Rachel and I think, you are probably pregnant!"

"Oh my god, is this real? Haha, I'm pregnant with our baby! Yat, is this really a dream? God, this is so good! Wow, I'm so happy I can't breathe coming!"

Susa's tears were falling down, but her face was full of happiness and the sacred brilliance of motherhood. The happiness at this moment was only when Qin Yi hugged her for the first time and said he loved her, and when he put on her a few days ago. The feeling when getting the wedding ring can only be compared!

Holding her trembling body in his arms, Qin Yi smiled wryly. It seemed that Susa didn't listen to what he deliberately reminded. At this time, her joy seemed to confirm that she was pregnant.
Damn it, if the test turns out it was all a misunderstanding, it's going to be a big joke!

Dao Zun Jade Emperor Buddha God Allah, Virgin Mary, and Bump Man Astro Boy.
Gods and Buddhas in the sky bless you, please don't joke with me!
Holding Susa in his arms who was still whispering in surprise, Qin Yi gave up the plan to remind her again, and only prayed to all the gods in his heart, but inevitably, affected by Susa's surprise, his heart The tension became even stronger.

Quietly hugging the delicate body in his arms, without speaking, he wrapped his slender waist with one hand, and gently patted her on the back with the other. Like a child, he conveyed his support to Susa, who was also nervous and frightened.

Slowly, Susa finally relieved her emotions, but her white and slender palms still kept stroking her lower abdomen, as if she could feel a little life being conceived there!
"Didn't you notice your recent changes?" Qin Yi asked softly.

"No, I just seem to eat a little too much. I always eat non-stop, almost like Angel!" Drawing Qin Yi's abdominal muscles along the line, Susa, who was shocked by the huge surprise, looked a little small at this time. Naughty.

Thinking of Qin Yi's words, she felt apologetic and nervous again, "Did I really lose my temper recently? God, didn't she become an annoying bad woman!"

"No, in everyone's mind, Susa has always been a virtuous and good woman. Recently, she is just a little naughty, and you are just playing petty temper with me alone, so don't worry about conflicts with the girls!"

Knowing that she was emotionally sensitive recently, Qin Yi hurriedly comforted her softly, and what he said was right, even recently, Susa never lost her temper with the girls, and this situation was only limited to him as her husband.

Seeing what she was about to say with puffy lips, Qin Yi hurriedly expressed his opinion: "Of course, I will always love Susa, no matter she is virtuous or playful, she is my Susa!"

Susa snorted coquettishly, then arched into his arms again, smiling very satisfied!

Qin Yi slid his hands down, patted her nipples, and quietly asked for her opinion: "However, Susa, I think the most important thing right now is to check to see if she is really pregnant. Of course I hope it is true. Yes, but we should check anyway, shouldn't we?"

"Well, this has to be checked, but believe me, we must have a baby, I feel him!" Susa gently stroked her lower abdomen, her face was full of promises, and the divine maternal radiance permeated again.

Qin Yi didn't know the truth, but there was no need to remind her too much, he just teased: "He? Aha, could it be a boy?"

"Maybe it's her, it's a girl, I don't know that yet!" Susa, who was full of happiness, was also a little childish, discussing with great interest.

"Well, both boys and girls are fine. Anyway, after giving birth next year, we can continue to have children in the year after next!"

Qin Yi coaxed Susa to be happy, but remembering that he has been busy recently, he didn't have any pregnancy test sticks at home, so he wanted to go to the supermarket in the small town overnight to buy some, but Susa told him that the tourist supermarket at Angel Farm sold them !

This made him very surprised. He paid less attention to farm supermarkets. He didn't expect that all these things were sold. It seemed that young people who came out to travel were blessed, and they didn't have to run around nervously.

But even though the farm could be sold, Qin Yi still had to make a trip. He didn't want to give this private thing to others!

Taking Susa, who couldn't hold back her smile, out, Ke Luo, Rachel and others who had been waiting for a long time immediately surrounded her, expressing congratulations or asking for confirmation, and the scene was chaotic!
Angel even shook Susa's arm, raised her head, and asked expectantly: "Mom, mom, are you finally going to give me a brother? Wow, wow, that's great! Don't worry , Mom, I will take him to play with him when the time comes, and he will share half of the toys with him!"

The little girl looks like a powerful big sister, standing on tiptoe, proud and happy!
After a lively session, they learned that Qin Yi was going to the farm to get a pregnancy test stick. Ke Luo and the others hurriedly let her go. Take care of mom at home!

After he left in a rampage in his pickup truck, Angel, who received the task, could finally help out. Amidst the girls' laughter, she carefully helped Susa into the house, "Be careful of the steps, and be careful not to be tripped by the sofa. Dee, get out of the way, it's all in the way of Mom."
The cautious and competent little nanny made the girls laugh while clutching their bellies!
After rushing all the way, after breaking into the farm, Qin Yi immediately ran to the small supermarket and asked the cowboy on duty for a lot of pregnancy test sticks!
Of course, the boss also has to pay the bill!

Afterwards, Qin Yi, who couldn't bear the joy in his heart, knocked on Hobbs' door again.

"Hey, Hobbs, Susa may be pregnant, but it hasn't been confirmed yet, God, I'm so excited!"

"Wow, this is worth a drink! Well, I don't think you're in the mood, can you give me a letter tomorrow? I might be able to celebrate!" Hobbs hugged him in surprise, if it wasn't today It's too late, he wants to go see it now!
"Of course, I'll call you tomorrow, when the results come out!"

At this time, Qin Yi was like a gust of wind. As soon as he finished speaking, he got into the car and rushed out of the farm!
Hobbs looked at the headlights fading away in the darkness, shook his head and smiled, slapped his hands hard, and entered the room in a messy dancing posture.

After Qin Yi returned home, he chatted with everyone until nine o'clock. Although everyone was still in good spirits, he was rushed back to the room to rest, all for the baby in Susa's womb!

Early the next morning, Qin Yi was the first to get up, but Susa, who hadn't slept well all night, also got up early, followed by Ke Luo and Rachel, and after a while, the three of Sara also came together, Crowds huddled in the bathroom, waiting for the great moment to come!

Su Sa squatted on the toilet, looked at Qin Yi and the others, feeling a little embarrassed: "God, can't you wait outside for a while?"

Qin Yi hurriedly drove out the girls who joined in the fun, and now Susa felt much more relaxed, but after sitting for more than ten seconds, she still couldn't let go, begging: "Honey, can you let me stay alone for a while? "

"It's okay, it's not the first time!"

Qin Yi didn't care, and urged her to quickly take out the pregnancy test stick for a urine test, usually the first time in the morning is the most accurate.

But in the past, when he didn't pay special attention to it, it was really impossible for Susa to be stared at by him at this time!

With an idea, Qin Yi turned on the faucet of the sink, and there was a sound of running water, and then motioned for Susa to hurry up, but after Susa bit her lip and worked hard, she still looked at him dejectedly, but Qin Yi turned on the music in the bathroom again. player, and amidst the sound of running water, soft music sounded again!
"Dear," Susa pulled her voice weakly, "Let me be alone for a while, just one minute!"

Seeing that she really couldn't do it, Qin Yi no longer forced himself, shrugged his shoulders and left the bathroom.

After looking at each other with the girls for a while, he suddenly heard Susa's nervous shouting inside, and Qin Yi rushed in. The girls were not far behind, and they all squeezed into the bathroom again!

"Hi honey, I'm here, take it easy, I'm here!"

Looking at Susa who was holding the pregnancy test stick tightly, but closed her eyes and looked nervous, Qin Yi quickly hugged her in his arms and comforted her softly.

"Look at the result, I don't dare to look at it." Susa buried her head in his arms and said in a trembling voice.

Qin Yi was amused to hear it, and last night she swore that she felt the baby, but now that the result came out, she dared not look at it!
But in fact, he doesn't know how ugly his smile is at this time
Ke Luo and Rachel also wanted to know the result as soon as possible, but they didn't compete for the pregnancy test stick that carried great expectations, because they knew very well that the most nervous person at this time was Susa who closed her eyes and acted like an ostrich. , is Qin Yi who pretends to be calm!

Under the encouraging eyes of the girls, Qin Yi solemnly took the pregnancy test stick, took a deep breath, and silently recited the blessings of Gods and Buddhas in the sky, and then held up the pregnancy test stick and began to check with the heavy heart of waiting for the trial.

After looking over and over for a while, the girls couldn't wait, and the nervous guy asked stupidly: "What do the two bars represent?"

The girls were pleasantly surprised!
Susa even raised her head from his arms, grabbed the pregnancy test stick, looked over excitedly, and found that there were indeed two purple-red stripes, the color was the same shade, and in an instant, great happiness struck her, making her Feeling dizzy, she leaned against Qin Yi's arms again!
Ke Luo snatched the pregnancy test stick, took a look at it with the girls, and immediately cheered, the whole bathroom became very lively all of a sudden!
Facing this situation, Qin Yi, who was extremely nervous, understood what was going on no matter how stupid he was: God, I'm really pregnant!

He kissed the happy Susa a few times, and then asked Ke Luo: "Is it a boy or a girl? Can you tell this thing? Damn it, I'm so nervous, I've checked this information before." .”

Ke Luo gave this stupid guy a blank look, ignored him, and continued to look at the pregnancy test stick with Rachel and the others. The baby looked like passing the Olympic torch!
(End of this chapter)

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