American Ranch

Chapter 601 What a fool

Chapter 601 What a fool

The whole back was swollen and hard, burning hot, as if being pricked by dense wheatgrass, it was indescribably awkward!
When changing clothes, the girls saw the bruises on their backs, and they all felt distressed. Ke Luo even tearfully tried to find out the bruises to wipe him off, but Qin Yi calmed him down.

At this time, this small injury on his back was really nothing, the unconscious Rachel was the main source of worry!
After changing his clothes, Qin Yi gently pushed aside the surrounding girls, came to Rachel and squatted down, looked at her pale face and purple lips, the worry in his heart was not because of bringing her back And relax a little bit.

However, he also noticed that Susa's bandage was even tied with a bow.
God, I still have the mood to play with these small details at this time!

Susa noticed the look in his eyes, but she spread her hands weakly: "If she wakes up soon, this bow might make her feel better. That's all we can do, isn't it?"

Regarding this statement, Qin Yi felt that there might be some truth to it. Women love beauty, so this beautiful bow might really be useful!
Self-yu usually thought this way, but he sighed in his heart, because he knew that Susa was right. At this time, there is really not much that everyone can do!
"We can't stay here, we need to find a place to build a fire, and Rachel needs to warm up as soon as possible!"

Qin Yi grabbed her cold little hand, pulled it to his mouth, breathed out, rubbed it a few more times, then looked back at the girls with worried faces, and softly comforted her: "Poor Rachel, God will bless her!"

After finishing speaking, he stepped on the big backpack and gun again, then wrapped Rachel tightly in a blanket, hugged her horizontally, and let Susa lead the way with black rice and wheat. The calm Susa is about to take on greater responsibilities, just like ordering the girls to keep calm!
Moreover, Susa is also the best marksman among the girls. She grew up on a farm and has more experience in wild survival, so she is the best candidate at this time.

The team set off again. Sara and the others followed behind Susa. They all held shotguns, looking serious and vigilant about the predators that might be hidden around them.

Ke Luo shared Qin Yi's large backpack, walked in front of him, and kept waving the outdoor knife in his hand, cutting off some branches and leaves blocking the way, so as not to scratch Rachel who was hugged horizontally by these fangs and claws.

I don't know what to do about the zigzag wound of a few centimeters on the forehead. If the face is scratched again, this girl will really want to cry when she wakes up!
But a few minutes ago on the ranch, John, who was dealing with the daily operations of the company through the company's internally developed command system, was shocked by the sudden distress call!
But this tough guy, who had experienced the baptism of the battlefield, didn't panic, he just picked up the satellite phone on the table and walked quickly outside the guest room.

When he came to the lawn, the ten security team members who had received his instructions had also come out of the camp converted from mobile prefabricated houses in full gear, and then rushed up to the Black Eagle and Apache respectively, amidst the howling sound. , Flying in the direction of the Rocky Mountains!

Mother Qin was in the living room asking Susie about American wedding customs, but she was disturbed by their big noise, but when the two came out of the house, John had already taken people off, so after Ryan ran over from the office, the three of them also I can only be anxious with my eyes darkened!
But judging from the helicopter's heading, the three guessed that something happened to Qin Yi and the others in all likelihood!
It was Ryan who remembered that he had John's phone number, and hurriedly called to inquire while there was still a signal. The result was as expected, but the more specific situation was unknown, so he couldn't help thinking about it, but he could only get more nervous as he thought about it.
And John sitting on the helicopter, after receiving the distress signal, first gave instructions to the emergency team, and then applied to the aviation bureau for a series of troublesome things such as the route. After dealing with Ryan's call, he was free to take out the satellite. Phone, trying to get in touch with Qin Yi and others who are "unknown"!
At this time, it was only a few minutes before the signal was sent. Qin Yi and the others were delayed for a while while changing clothes and bandaging, so they had just walked a few tens of meters away.

Now the phone is kept by Ke Luo. According to Qin Yi's intention, she gave John a general account of the current situation and urged him to come over quickly, because the current situation of Rachel is unknown, but obviously, the sooner she sends her to The hospital, the more secure it is!

After knowing the exact situation of Qin Yi and the others, John also breathed a sigh of relief. Just now he thought that Qin Yi and the others had been attacked, so he ordered Apache to take off with bombs and took two teams with a total of ten people. Team members!
With such a configuration, it is fine to perform small tactical missions!

It can be said that this war criminal, who is full of war thoughts, is ready to exchange fire with large groups of predators or enemies!

But for now, John, who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat in the cockpit, looked back at the team members checking the guns, and secretly apologized.

Because when they came back, these soldiers had to cross the Rocky Mountains and walk hundreds of kilometers to return to the ranch. After all, the maximum load of this overhauled Black Hawk transport plane was much lower than that of those still in service!
Although he regretted not having any combat missions, he was happy to see the current situation, at least the boss and his wife were not in danger.

No, the situation of the unlucky Miss Rachel is still unclear, so he hurriedly urged the pilot to increase the flight speed to a higher level at the expense of the life of the engine!
Damn it, he didn't want Miss Rachel to be in an unnecessary aggravated situation because the rescue was not timely, otherwise wouldn't he just find the boss to scold him!

On a dry and gentle hillside, Qin Yi asked everyone to stop again. It will take some time for John to arrive, so there is no need to rush to find an open landing spot. The most urgent thing is to ensure Rachel's body temperature.

Soon the fire was lit up, and the warm feeling spread all over his body. Qin Yi's tense muscles, which were stimulated by the cold water, gradually stretched, but the girls couldn't bear it. He leaned against the fire and asked Ke Luo to help him apply the medicinal wine .

But the swelling on his back made him unable to feel the softness of Ke Luo's little hands. It must be said that he was somewhat regretful in his heart!

And the girls who gradually recovered from the panic looked at his back swollen like pigskin, felt distressed, but at the same time couldn't help being a little funny. One by one, they took out their mobile phones and took a picture, saying that it was Men's testimonies, they want to keep treasures!
But Qin Yi didn't know, they just wanted to save it to make fun of themselves in the future!

At this time, he didn't bother to bother with them. After the girls took pictures, he put on his clothes again and came to Rachel's side to check the situation.

With the warmth of the fire, Rachel's pale face was gradually covered with blood, and her lips, which were purple due to the cold, also improved a lot, but due to a lot of bleeding, her lips turned pale, Appears a little weak.

However, with her gradually ruddy face and the bow tied by Susa on her forehead, poor Rachel looks cute and cute!
"Yi, she has a bad fever!"

Susa handed Rachel in her arms to Qin Yi, and said worriedly, "I brought some antibiotics, which might help. She shouldn't have been given antibiotics, but in the wild, we can still have some antibiotics." What can I do?"

Qin Yi took Rachel and hugged her in his arms, touched her forehead, it was really hot, but seeing Susa found some pills, he asked strangely: "Didn't you bring any injections? She's in a coma, You won’t take medicine obediently!”

Ke Luo took the pill from Susa's hand, stuffed it into Qin Yi's hand, and ordered domineeringly: "Hold it in your mouth, and then kiss her!"

Susa and the others nodded, with an expression of "I don't understand this, you are such a stupid guy"!

Qin Yi: "."

(End of this chapter)

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