American Ranch

Chapter 599 Qin Yi Was Tricked

Chapter 599 Qin Yi Was Tricked
He swung his arms and kicked his legs, moved his joints a bit, then clenched his fist violently, puffed up his energy and his muscles bulged, and then he punched and kicked his legs very hard, kicking the air so loud!

He performed this powerful and striking martial arts move to the fullest, and it also made the girls widen their eyes, each and every one, their beautiful eyes were full of curiosity and fun!

If the old man in the village who taught him boxing and kicking had known in the open, and saw that boxing and kicking kung fu, which is supposed to strengthen the body, was used as a strip dance move by him, would he be so angry that he would vomit three liters of blood and die?
Qin Yi punched a few times, took a side step, and stood up firmly with a steady horse step. Then he grabbed his skirt with both hands, and tore it outwards vigorously. With a "click", the military canvas jacket suddenly burst, revealing The tight navy shirt inside, and the streamlined muscles!

The fierce and domineering movements, as well as the muscles and strength displayed thereby, made the girls purse their lower lips, and then jumped and cheered, the crazy girl and the nympho were possessed at the same time.
Hearing the cheers of the girls, Qin Yi's playfulness was also suspended. He took advantage of the spinning force of turning around and flying kicks to shake the coat away from his arm. Now, only the navy shirt remained on his upper body. The waist and abdomen, the broad back, and the powerful tendons made the girls cheer again!
And the tattered coat that he threw out flew straight towards the girls, and then they grabbed it, spread it out in a hurry, lifted it up and waved it vigorously, as if it was the flowers and ribbons of the cheerleaders.
"Do you want a shirt?"

"Yes!" The girls shouted loudly!

"Do you want pants?"

"Also! Hurry up, you bastard!"

Seeing him dawdling, Susa and Keluo couldn't help it anymore. While busy taking pictures and videos, they were still loud and coquettish. At the same time, they were also thinking wickedly, what would happen if these things spread out? Kind of lively?
I'm afraid this guy will soon become the biggest star in the family!
Rachel was playing the guitar, and the three of Sara were whining, rushing up to touch that attractive muscle bump from time to time.
In the whole team, there are only two puzzling dogs, which is normal!
In order to prevent the girls from being perfunctory, Qin Yi showed his fists and kicks very carefully, and finally took off his underwear. It can be said that he made a huge sacrifice in order to appreciate the girls' performance!

But when he thought about seeing them dancing for him in their underwear, he felt infinite expectations. Compared with the harvest he was about to get, these sacrifices were really nothing!

"Okay, I've been dancing for so long, you should be satisfied!"

Qin Yi casually wiped the sweat from his forehead, picked up his trousers and kicked them up, then looked at the girls expectantly, "It's your time now! Ladies, for the sake of my dancing so hard, You can't perfuse me!"

The girls who enjoyed the free show were still a little funny, but after hearing what he said, they all twitched. Although they didn't mind letting him see their underwear show, they were still a little embarrassed in front of so many people. ah.

Of course, if someone took the lead, they also decided to let go of their reserve, anyway, they just showed him, and no one else would know!

And, none of them wanted to appear inferior to the others!

But when Sara and the others were hesitating, Keluo remembered what Susa said, and felt that it was time to cheat: "Well, your performance is very attentive, but there are indeed many dissatisfaction points, such as"

Qin Yi was a little nervous immediately: They don't really want to perfuse themselves, do they?

Ke Luo was still thinking about "for example", but Susa had already said with a smile: "No, no, Ke Luo, I think Yi's performance is very good!"

Didn't you say it was perfunctory?
Ke Luo looked at Susa who was smiling mischievously, and was a little dumbfounded.

Sara and the others also found it strange, but they had some expectations in their hearts. If they really showed it to him, wouldn't this somewhat complicated relationship have to go further and become more complicated?
No, no, or rather, it became clear, to be more precise!
Qin Yi is the happiest, haha, his baby Susa is the most caring!

But before everyone could say anything, Susa waved her hands with a smile: "Yi's performance is very good, but you still can't see our performance, because I decided to cheat completely. Haha, run, girls, The one caught by him, show him alone!"

Ke Luo was taken aback for a moment, then smiled coquettishly, shouted "Sousa, you are so bad", picked up his small backpack and chased after her!
Originally, she thought that Susa was playing it perfunctory, but she didn't expect that this sister was just playing tricks from the beginning!

It seems that Susa is really playing crazy!

Sarah and the others thought this way, shrugged their shoulders and curled their lips. They were a little regretful, but they all quickly chased after them. Obviously, no one wanted to be the last at this time. people
God, kill me!
By the time the dumbfounded Qin Yi realized it, the girls had already run far away!

Even Sarah, who was at the end and screamed anxiously, was tens of meters away from him, and the girl who ran the slowest was looking back anxiously, while swinging her little feet very fast, the distance was getting closer and closer. Pulled bigger.

Qin Yi looked at the charmingly smiling girls speechlessly, seeing them running farther and farther, obviously not joking, but really planning to play tricks, his shoulders immediately slumped, and he was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

He was shirtless and with his hands on his hips. After walking back and forth for a few steps, he kicked a hard lump of soil away, startling a lone scavenging bird more than 20 meters away!
"Are you really trying to play tricks? Otherwise, we can change the terms, just kiss me! Don't let me waste my energy for the sake of my hard work!" He yelled, planning to settle for the next best thing.

A few wet kisses without the temptation of a lingerie show are better than nothing at all!
But the idea was good, but the only response to him was the girls' smug giggles.
"Well, women are always untrustworthy! And Susa, I thought she was on my side, but I didn't expect her to be the one who took the lead!"

Qin Yi muttered and put on his hiking boots, then picked up the navy shirt and put it on, then randomly stuffed the torn coat into the backpack, and chased after the girls, at the same time commanding the dogs looking at him with their big tongues out : "Hey guys, catch up, they are my prey, don't let anyone get close to them, before I get there!"

Black rice and wheat rushed up immediately, and the rest of Qin Yi, who was carrying big bags, small bags, long guns and short cannons, jogged behind.

After playing like this for a day, Qin Yi led the girls through the grassland, crossed the stinking swamp, and finally came to a bushland. It was already dusk at this time, so everyone decided to camp here.

However, before setting up the tent, Qin Yi found an abandoned cabin when he was patrolling nearby. This made everyone very happy, and it could save some effort in setting up the tent. It was also a good thing for them who were tired all day. pieces.

Although the doors and windows of this abandoned wooden house have been damaged, the main body is intact, and there is no problem in keeping out the wind and rain.

Moreover, there is a small lawn in front of the door, and weeping willows and shrubs on both sides, which can be considered as a shade of vegetation.

It's just that when checking around the house, Qin Yi found scratches from some large animals on the wooden wall of the small kitchen, and even a hole with a diameter of one meter was knocked out of the entire wall!

He probed for a while, and initially judged that the ones who visited here should be ferocious beasts like brown bears!
(End of this chapter)

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