American Ranch

Chapter 594 The Problem of Washing Your Hands

Chapter 594 The Problem of Washing Your Hands

Cleaned up the stables, fed the mares with big bellies, and played with Xiao Hei's family for a while. When the autumn sun was rising, no matter whether it was Qin Yihe or the animals, they were all in a good mood .

Especially the little guy Xiaoxishui, who kept jumping around like crazy, even when he was breastfeeding next to Xiandi, his big black eyes couldn't help looking around, as if he was about to advance Find your next entertainment project!
After being busy in the stables, I could already see that everyone in the main house had also gotten up when walking back.

Angel was running around on the lawn with Teddy and the others, and the crisp giggles spread far away.

The daughters-in-law and several girls were also wearing tight sportswear, jogging around the lawn, their beautiful figures made Qin Yi look at each other with a pair of thieves, and he couldn't help but compare the pros and cons of their respective figures.
"Cry, cry!"

There were two chirping hawks above his head, and Qin Yi didn't need to look up to know that the two brothers, Eagle and Eagle, were going out to inspect the territory again; Maggie was basking in the sun as usual, but the big cat was walking back and forth, with one tail gently wagging, It can be seen that this villain is quite leisurely.

From the small garden, there were bursts of howls from the little white pigs. It was like killing pigs early in the morning, completely destroying the peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

Looking up, she saw that Fanny, who was always quiet, was using her long nose to curl up the fat hind leg of the little white pig, hoisting it up and swinging it, as if to throw it out.
Qin Yi laughed immediately, no wonder he screamed so badly, but he didn't intend to rescue Xiaobai, this naughty pig must have done something too much, otherwise it would be impossible to make the good-tempered Fanny so angry!
Greeted the little girl and watched her play games with the animals in circles. After a while, the girls running in a group ran to the side, Yingying greeted Yanyan, and ran away whispering and laughing In the past, leaving Qin Yi standing in place, his mind was full of girls' bouncing boobs.
Back in the living room, he was about to go upstairs to take a bath, but was called to the kitchen by Qin's mother. When talking about the engagement, Qin Yi thought it was Ke Luo or Su Sa who told her, and he didn't suspect him, so Say your thoughts again.

However, Mother Qin's main concern is Susa's reaction. She doesn't want such a good daughter-in-law to run away, so after learning about the identity and the child's statement, she is not only amused, but also very satisfied. In the end, she inevitably warns Qin Yi Treat them well.

This is all the meaning in the question, and Qin Yi didn't think she was nagging, and after repeated assurances, he was finally let go by his mother.

Qin Yi, whose attention was no longer attracted by the beautiful figures of the girls, sat around eating together, and finally discovered that it was not only Rachel who had dark circles under her eyes, but also Sarah, Amanda, and Diana, because They all wore a touch of eyeshadow!

Qin Yi chuckled in his heart, for them who never put on makeup, it was like no silver here, but it was much better than wearing dark circles!

What made him wonder was, what were the girls doing last night? Could it be that they were afraid that the three of them would quarrel, and they were so worried that they didn't fall asleep all night?

With the temperament of the girls, he felt that this was very possible, so he was quite moved for a while.
During the dinner, Qin's mother couldn't help pulling Susa and Ke Luo to say some heart-to-heart words, while Qin Yi was once again warned as a villain, causing the girls to joke and laugh.

After breakfast, Angel, who learned that she was about to have a younger brother, happily went to school under the escort of McGee, while Qin Yi looked at the mother, daughter-in-law, and girls who were discussing excitedly in the room, and said with interest. Instead of going to participate, he went to the warehouse to pack two small bags, and carried them to the guest room.

"Hey, look who's here, haha, it's our groom-to-be!"

From afar, Brandon started teasing him.

Seeing his arms raised and palms stretched forward, Qin Yi naturally understood what he meant, so he smiled lightly and shook hands with him, then bumped his shoulder hard. The way men greet each other reveals a sense of boldness and kindness.

"I've prepared some things for you." Qin Yi raised the two cloth bags in his hand, and walked towards the house side by side with him.

"Haha, it's coffee beans, I can smell it!"

Brandon took a pack with a smile, opened it and saw that it was roasted coffee beans!

But he quickly closed his mouth again, and then searched through boxes and boxes for things, complaining a little: "This will take away the fragrance! Well, this tin box will be a very good choice, that's it!"

"Aha, I haven't finished drinking at home, so there are so many! But who would have too much of a good thing, right, Yat?" Trevor also rushed out of the room and took it Another bag of coffee beans in Qin Yi's hand, while chatting happily.

He grabbed a handful and hung them above the cloth bag. Hearing the crisp sound of coffee beans falling down, his face was full of smiles. He picked up one and threw it into his mouth, and then ran to find the canning box.

Qin Yi nodded with a smile, as a response to his words, and then sat on the armrest of the sofa to watch their brothers busy.

Brandon gloated and asked, "Oh, my dear brother, you went to the bathroom just now, so I'm curious, did you wash your hands when you came out?"

So there is still this stubble?

Qin Yi looked at Trevor amusedly, and seeing him chewing the coffee beans after listening to Brandon's words, he felt even more amused in his heart!
But Trevor just paused, and continued to chew the coffee beans loudly, but the movement was a bit slower, he turned his head to look at Qin Yi and the two, raised his hand solemnly and said: "Of course, I just... Wipe dry, well, that's it!"

"Well, maybe you used the dryer!" Qin Yi laughed and teased him.

But Trevor obviously took this as a relief!
He secretly gave Qin Yi a thumbs up, very happy: "Yes, that's it! You know, this morning in Montana is really cold, I used cold water just now, and my fingers almost froze off! God, this feels so bad!"

Both Qin Yi and Brandon laughed loudly, feeling that they were so thick-skinned as Trevor, it was really speechless!

Qin Yi didn't blame them for calling Laura, anyway, what he was most worried about had been resolved.

After chatting for a while, he said goodbye and left, walking towards the main house.

Colo was on the phone on the lawn. Seeing her shy and happy face, she must have called from Laura or Simon. She didn't bother her, just waved her hand and blew a kiss, and then entered the house with ease.

At this time, the girls were leaning their heads together, chattering about the pictures of the wedding dress on the notebook, their enthusiastic looks made people who didn't know it look at them, and thought they were the ones who were going to get engaged!
Qin's mother held a tablet and had a video conversation with her second sister Qin Feng. The content of the chat was naturally the news of Qin Yi's engagement. Qin Yi leaned over to take a look, and the happy second sister just greeted him and continued. Discussing the details of the engagement with my mother who is immersed in joy, I don't even bother to chat with him
Qin Yi didn't bother them, and dragged Susa, who couldn't find anything to do, up to the second floor. The two chatted on the terrace and watched the scenery, but seemed leisurely.

Ke Luo finally finished the phone call. Qin Yi took the wives and drove Brandon to the airport. On the way, Brandon also changed his past doting on Ke Luo, but told her very seriously that he hoped that soon She is engaged, she can behave more mature in the days to come, okay?
On the surface, Ke Luo promised well, but secretly, when Brandon was not paying attention, he stuck out his tongue with Qin Yi or Susa, still looking lively and mischievous!

After sending the two brothers away and returning to the ranch, Qin Yi knew that his mother had notified every close relative in his hometown about his engagement. He couldn't help sighing: Mom is really efficient!

Moreover, Mother Qin also announced that there is no need for the three of Qin Yi to get involved in the matter of engagement. Everything will be discussed and arranged by the family members of both parties. The most laid back people on the ranch!
But Qin Yi won't be idle, as soon as he and his wives talk together, they plan to go camping!
(End of this chapter)

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