American Ranch

Chapter 588 Speech at the Banquet

Chapter 588 Speech at the Banquet

"Look who's coming? Aha, it's our Mr. Governor!"

Scott took two steps forward with a smile, and after greeting the Governor's family, he led the family towards Qin Yi and the others who were waiting. On this occasion, he was going to play the role of the referee for the formal acquaintance of the two parties. the role of man.

But before he could introduce, the governor said first: "Aha, this must be Mr. Qin! Maybe I can call you Yi, because it will make you appear closer, so that I can come to visit in the future, you know , I have been coveting the coffee at Sun River Ranch for a long time!"

"Oh, Kawall, shut up!"

The governor's wife is a short, fat, elderly lady, wearing a big felt hat with a few bright flowers on it, she looks very happy, it seems that she can't stand the governor's familiarity at this time, and she complains helplessly He let out a cry, then smiled and looked at Qin Yi and the others.

"If it doesn't sound rude to say so, I want to say, this old man is like this, you don't need to worry about him! Well, you can call me Aibo, but my little grandson Jamie and granddaughter Aimee!"

As the head of the family, Qin Yi naturally introduced the daughters-in-law and Angel, and the two sides greeted each other again, which was regarded as a formal acquaintance.

On the contrary, Governor Ka Huailin glanced at the girls unintentionally, laughed and praised: "Wow, I saw a group of young and beautiful angels! Yat, I'm a little jealous of you, what a good girl! Okay, okay Well, you too, stop pinching me!"

The last sentence was addressed to his wife Ai Bo, which made Qin Yi and the others and the guests who came over couldn't help bursting into laughter!
But Qin Yi felt a little helpless to Mr. Governor's words, jealous of himself?
What a disrespectful guy, but the jealousy came a little early.
Susa and Keluo couldn't help but roll their eyes at what they said, only Sara and the others felt a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, at this time, everyone's attention is more focused on the governor's family. The highest power figure in Montana, the ability to steal the limelight cannot be underestimated!

Angel brought her little friends to play with the two newcomers, while the daughters-in-law and girls chatted with Ai Bo, and Qin Yi and Ka Huailun had a conversation under the eyes of everyone. Kwakwa Augusta town tourism development, and satisfaction with the banquet.

This is also very normal. On such an occasion, it is really not suitable to discuss some more formal topics.

After a while, Governor Kawhillen and Congressman Scott were socializing together, and the secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, who had been inactive since arriving, finally talked about his intentions.

"Mr. Qin, I am David from the Ministry of Agriculture. This is Mike and Robert. We have been in touch through emails before." David, who is of some black descent, led two colleagues, while introducing himself, he showed Qin Yi documents.

"Then, do you have any advice for the three gentlemen who came to my ranch at this time? I don't think you are here for a banquet!" Qin Yi sipped the fruit wine lightly, shrugged his shoulders and laughed.

"No, no, we are indeed here for the banquet!" David picked up a glass of red wine, took a sip with enjoyment, and laughed at himself: "Wow, it tastes perfect, thank you for your hospitality, otherwise I wouldn't be able to drink it like this Good wine!"

"Come on, the salary the government gave us is enough to pay for the mortgage!" The secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture named Robert also teased himself, which made Mike laugh while drinking red wine. It seems that it is a good job to come to the ranch today , it was quite enjoyable for the three of them!
But Qin Yi didn't believe that the three of them came to enjoy the banquet. The officials of the Ministry of Agriculture had their brains twitched before they made such a decision!

But judging from the attitudes of the three of them, they should not be looking for trouble, so Qin Yi was not worried, and said casually: "Well, gentlemen sent by the boss for vacation, you can enjoy it slowly, tonight's banquet has just begun Woolen cloth!"

"Yes, we are looking forward to it. I heard that there will be coffee and snacks, so we have to try it!"

David licked his thick lips, looking expectant, but quickly stopped Qin Yi who wanted to go away: "Okay, let's put aside the wonderful banquet first, and I will report to Mr. Qin the purpose of our visit. "

"Come on, gentlemen! You are so big, why are you acting like a sissy!" Qin Yi deliberately provoked them, he was short on time, but he didn't have time to chat with them!
"Oh, sissy? God, you're the first person to say that about me!" David stared in disbelief, "I've always hated rich people, or you could say I'm jealous, but now, I'm a little I like your refreshment!"

"You still say you're not a sissy," Qin Yi muttered feebly.

David really couldn't say no to Qin Yi, so he quickly raised his hands and surrendered: "Ha, okay, okay! That's right, we did come here with a mission. We are witnessing on behalf of the US Department of Agriculture for today's transaction. , and provide the legal notarization of Qin's beef cattle! Therefore, we are in the same group, Mr. Qin!"

Qin Yi nodded: "I thought you were here for trouble!"

"Nearly, Mr. Qin!"

Mike added, gesticulating with his fingertips, saying that it was indeed only a tiny bit short, "We have indeed ordered the cancellation of many transactions! But you have fooled us, because none of us expected that you are planning to sell Qin Shi Beef, you caught us off guard, Mr. Qin!"

"Yes, so the current situation is that the Ministry of Agriculture does not interfere with this auction, but if there is such a commercial behavior in the future, the Sun River Ranch or Qin's Animal Husbandry needs to apply to the Ministry of Agriculture in advance. We must have a specific evaluation, and then we can decide whether to approve the transaction application of Qin's Beef Cattle!"

"Well, my own stuff can't be sold now." Qin Yi had expected this, but he was still a little helpless after receiving the official notice from the Ministry of Agriculture.

"Of course, of course! Mr. Qin, all the legal rights and interests of Qin's beef cattle belong to you. This is the supreme power endowed by the constitution, and no one can violate it in the slightest! But who made your cattle the top-notch, The Department of Agriculture is doing this to protect the interests of you and the United States to the greatest extent, just like those arms dealers, cutting-edge weapons are always prohibited from exporting!"

David could imagine Qin Yi's mood, so he was so relieved, but he still muttered with some doubts: "I really don't understand what you rich people think, why do you give half of the turkey that lays golden eggs to others Woolen cloth?"

Qin Yi smiled and said nothing, but Robert laughed at David: "Come on, buddy, if you can understand, you will still waste time in the government department like us? You should have made a fucking fortune!"

Several people laughed, but David still reprimanded two subordinates: "Oh, God, you are gentlemen with decent jobs anyway, don't act like street gangsters!"

"Although I don't think it's decent, I don't want to be rude in front of the generous Mr. Qin! I'm sorry, Mr. Qin, please forgive our rudeness!"

"I'm sorry too! Well, we gotta act like decent people, at least tonight!"

Mike and Robert both apologized, Qin Yi just smiled and waved his hands, then let them do what they wanted, then turned and walked away.

The girls who had been paying attention to him immediately apologized, got away from the conversation of the guests, gathered beside Qin Yi, and asked about the purpose of the three from the Ministry of Agriculture.

Qin Yi briefly explained the matter, relieved their hearts, and signaled to Ryan that the auction could begin!

Ryan, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately walked to the podium located a few meters in front of the main house.

It is said to be a podium, but in fact it is just a square wooden pier with a vertical microphone in front. It is as simple as that. After all, it is a banquet-style auction. It would be too nondescript to have a podium!

"Ladies and gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen!"

Ryan, with a calm and indifferent smile on his face, stood gracefully on the podium where the lights were gathered, like an old housekeeper who followed ancient etiquette. Most of the guests spontaneously gathered on the lawn, and only then nodded gracefully in all directions.

"Wow, Rachel, your dad is doing well!"

Following Qin Yi, the girls standing under the aisle were laughing and teasing Rachel, and even Qin Yi gave her a teasing look.

Everyone's reaction made Rachel slightly proud, she couldn't help imitating the arrogant appearance of her sisters in the past, and raised her chin proudly: "Of course!"

The girls laughed again in a low voice.

In fact, how did they know that Ryan has practiced these simple lines and behavior countless times in private, otherwise the old guy who has been a cowboy all his life, even if he has been tempered in managing the ranch in the past two years, he will not behave rashly. Come and act like a gentleman!

"Ladies and gentlemen, the banquet is about to officially begin, but first, we must invite Mr. Qin, the owner of the ranch, to give a speech for everyone!"

The applause was not loud, but the atmosphere was very good. This was because everyone wanted to maintain the image of a gentleman and a lady, so vigorous applause was really not suitable for such a banquet.

Qin Yi let Susa tidy up his collar, but was pushed by Ke Luo with a smile, and the girls also covered their mouths and chuckled.

On the contrary, Angel led her friends, as well as the newly joined grandson and granddaughter of the governor, bouncing around and waving her little hands, muttering softly, "Come on, dad (uncle)."

Mischievous little ones, entertaining nearby guests.

Qin Yi stood on the wooden pier, waved to everyone, then pressed his hands down to signal everyone to be quiet, and then continued: "Ladies and gentlemen, first of all, please let us pray together!"

He clasped his hands on his chest, making a wish: "Thank you for giving me food and a job so I can survive and make money to feed my beloved family and make them live a prosperous life; thank you for giving me friends , accompany me to spend happy times, and accompany me to drink and sing songs in occasional distress days; thank my parents for giving me life, let me feel the joys and sorrows of loving and being loved in this wonderful world!"

Xu Shi was moved by Qin Yi's words, the guests on the field were speechless for a while, and the atmosphere was a little silent.

On the other hand, the girls were really moved by this guy. Those who were stronger were sighing in their hearts, and those who were weak-tempered had already had red eyes, but they had the same thought, and they cursed in their hearts: This damn thing The guy who can always say something memorable!
Susa and Keluo were even more angry. This guy asked them for a toast before, but now this is the best toast.
Hmph, it's useless to help him think for a long time!

Qin's mother, who has been chatting with Su Xi and other old sisters, is also full of inexplicable emotions. After all, the child "thanks parents" in front of so many people always makes the parents feel warm.

Seeing that the atmosphere was silent for a while, Qin Yi didn't expect this to happen. He just had a feeling for a while, but he didn't expect the effect to be good, but it's the time of the banquet, so he waved his hand to the porch shelf in a funny way: "Hey, I love you guys!" !"

The guests immediately felt relieved, and there was intense applause. Many people even ignored their image, and their hands were flushed!

It's just some people under the gallery, except for the little ones who only know how to be happy, other people's moods are complicated!

Love you guys.
To whom?Probably Susa and Keluo, after all, it should be like this, but obviously, the guy's gaze seems to be a bit wide, is it for everyone?god the damn guy
(End of this chapter)

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