American Ranch

Chapter 586 Banquet Trivia

Chapter 586 Banquet Trivia

*[-]-character chapter.Some are the foreshadowing of future events. Tomorrow the plot will end and a new story will begin.

"God, I'm about to be scared to death! Did you see that, Susa? Those Japanese look like they're going to eat people, it's too scary!" Holding Qin Yi's arm and walking away a few steps, Ke Luo He patted his chest exaggeratedly, looking frightened!
Just after finishing speaking in a low voice, she stuck out her tongue with a smile, letting people know that she was just teasing Yoshi Ono and others who were irritated by the Australians just now!

"That's right, that look is like a coyote in the Rocky Mountains, cunning and vicious!"

Susa took Qin Yi's other arm, walked with him, nodded and smiled at the nearby guests who cast their eyes, and whispered with a smile, thinking of the fierce look in her eyes just now, she wanted to search for a shotgun The impulse!

"Okay, babes, they are bullying guys. Not only do we not have to be afraid of them, but we also need to let them know what the consequences will be if they provoke us!" Qin Yi stretched out his hands and lightly embraced the tender shoulders of the two girls. , said with a confident look.

Listening to what he said while pretending to be cool, the two girls just gave him a coquettish look, and then quickly put on an elegant smile, because there is really no time for leisure at this moment, and they just got rid of Yoshi Ono and the others. The guests came up again.

The person who came was the person in charge of the auction of Siwan Real Estate——Xuewei.

She came with Miles and was also the first guest tonight, but Qin Yi has been busy receiving guests, so the two parties just greeted each other and got to know each other formally, and did not have time to communicate more.

As for this 30-year-old Mingyan lady, Qin Yi had already learned about it from Miles just now. She is one of the heirs of the Swann family and belongs to the real high-level, unlike a collateral like Miles who only holds A very small amount of dividend equity in Swann Properties.

So, Sara and Amanda are just rich girls, but this Xuerou is a real rich girl!
Of course, in Qin Yi's heart, this Xue Rou who met for the first time, let alone a rich and noble daughter, even the eldest princess of the Queen of England, is nothing compared to a hair of girls!
But after all, the visitor was a guest, so Qin Yi put on a sincere smile and led the wives to greet him.

It's just that his smiling face, after being seen by the girls eating snacks in the corner, they all despise him
"That damn guy, when he saw a beautiful woman, he ran up to it!" Sara curled her lips in disdain, and chewed the diced apple in an unladylike manner, as if it was some damn bastard!

"That's right, like a pug!" Rachel tugged awkwardly at her long-sleeved pleated dress. It was the first time she wore such a dress, and it felt weird.

Amanda held up the juice a little bored, blowing bubbles with a straw, and immediately added after hearing what they said: "I saw the big pug with meaty bones!"

"I'll tell him!" Diana stared at them blankly for a second, then said with a wicked smile, "You say he's a pug, haha, he'll be angry! Just wait, I'm sure Tell him!"

Amanda poured out the juice that had been bubbling for a long time, held up an empty glass to play with, and took the time to give Diana a supercilious look: "Do you think any of us will be afraid? Pug, pug, I dare to call him that when he comes over! "

After seeing her playful appearance, I realized that, unknowingly, this carefree girl has gradually become feminine. You know, Amanda didn't even know how to roll her eyes coquettishly before.
"Aunt Amanda, are you looking for a puppy?"

Many guests brought gifts to Angel, so the little girl was the happiest of all tonight. At this time, I happened to hear the girls' boring conversation, and the little girl who was busy distributing and unwrapping presents, thumped. He ran over, raised his face curiously, and asked Amanda who spoke last.

"We don't have a pug, do you want a puppy?"

The little girl had an expression of "puppy dogs are also very cute", and pointed at the animals around Becky and other little guys with her chubby fingers. There were a group of black, yellow, white and tricolor puppies, chirping and biting each other. .

The chubby and cute appearance attracted many female guests to gather around with juice, laughing and watching.

In addition to a variety of delicious drinks and snacks tonight, children and animals are also a highlight of the night.

Many guests who aimed to make familiar faces greeted Qin Yi and the other three, and then leisurely watched the animals fight. Except for Angel and other little guys, these people are the most enjoyable group of people tonight!
Having said that, Angel's innocent and naive childish thinking immediately made Sarah and the others laugh. Only Amanda, who was the object of the little girl's questioning, seemed a little embarrassed. dog?
God, is this a pug or puppy problem!

Seeing her dumbfounded, the three daughters laughed even more happily, and even Sara, the younger sister, said with a look of anticipation: "Hey, Angel, your Aunt Amanda likes our cute and cute puppy , but she prefers a certain pug!"

"No Angel no pugs"

The little girl nodded her face with her small hand, and blinked innocently, but then, her eyes lit up again, as if thinking of something, she nodded happily at the girls, and ran to the pile of toys a few meters away!
The girls all looked at her amusedly, and saw the little girl ran over, first picked up a little monkey puppet, exchanged a plush toy in the shape of a puppy from Becky, and then ran away happily come over!

"Aunt Amanda, the aunt who gave the gift just now said, this is a pug, I'm giving it to you!" The little girl raised her head proudly, satisfied with her quick wit!

Amanda was a little embarrassed at first, but the little girl found "Pug" so enthusiastically, she couldn't help but feel warm in her heart. Seeing the girl's expectant eyes, she quickly took the doll over and hugged it like she liked it very much. inside!
"Thank you, Angel, wow, what a beautiful pug, my aunt likes it very much!"


The little girl smiled happily. Seeing the warm smiles of the three of Sara, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Do you want one too? Well, you will have some too. Don't worry, when I find it again, I will give it to you." Yours!"

The girls and Angel were laughing and laughing here, and Qin Yi and the three had just sent Xuerou from Swan Real Estate away. The two chatted for a while, but there was actually no real content, it was mostly polite and flattering.

But because of this, Qin Yi felt that this Xue Rou was smarter than most of the bidders.

She didn't try in vain, or use the Miles family as a breakthrough to build relationships. It seems that she understands better that at this moment, all hypocrisy is superfluous, and only the final price at the auction is confirmed. Tonight's auction The only criterion for winning or losing!

Qin Yi is naturally satisfied with her behavior. It can be said that so far, Swan Real Estate is the easiest bidder to deal with tonight!
Seeing Xue Rou away, Qin Yi couldn't bear to see the wives looking tired, so he grabbed their little hands and persuaded: "Okay, babies, go and have a rest, the hostess of the banquet must not be exhausted, otherwise It's going to make people laugh!"

As he said that, he imitated other people's sarcastic expressions and said in a low voice: "See, you are so tired to see a doctor after having a banquet, are they sent by God to make fun of everyone?"

Seeing his exaggeration, the two girls laughed, and Qi Qi slapped him on the arm, scolding him for messing around regardless of the occasion. If people listen to such low status, they will be ridiculed first up!
But to be honest, the two girls, who have always been leisurely, are really not used to the continuous entertainment for more than half an hour at this time, so they nodded and walked towards the girls together. To be honest, the two girls also want to know, big and small What kind of happy things are the girls talking about, they look very lively!
Watching the daughters-in-law and the guests walk away, Qin Yi picked up a new glass of fruit wine from the acclimatized student who passed by, and was about to chat with the guests who toasted to him, but noticed a A middle-aged man with slightly longer hair and a mustache on his upper lip.

He froze for a moment, then suddenly remembered, isn’t this Stan Kroenke? He had seen this guy in a photo when John submitted the security report. At that time, this guy went to Augusta to watch the opening of the tourism festival. Shi, I didn't expect to come again today!
Tonight's guest reception event actually only lasted for a while. Later, as the number of guests increased, Qin Yi couldn't afford to leave everyone alone, so the guests who came later all entered the venue directly, and did not greet this part.

Qin Yi was thinking about something. Kroenke, who was dressed in a navy blue suit, had already brought a middle-aged lady in a dress and lace hat. Qin Yi, who had done work in advance, also knew some information about this lady. It was Kroenke. Mrs. Anne Walmart Kroenke.

These two couples are not simple people. Kroenke is the fourth of the top ten landowners, a sports tycoon, and is worth 50 billion US dollars. Anne is one of the heirs of the retail giant Wal-Mart. She holds part of Wal-Mart shares and created her own The specific value of the supermarket chain is unknown, but it is definitely not worse than Kroenke!

This couple, at the banquet where heavy guests gathered tonight, they are definitely big names!

No, several councilors who wanted to talk to Qin Yi when they saw that Qin Yi was free, noticed the behavior of the big bowl couple, and all of them stopped in their tracks, even though in fact, they were closer to Qin Yi!
This small detail was also noticed by Qin Yi, and he couldn't help but lament the power of Wal-Mart. Nima, this seemingly high-ranking federal congressman is nothing but a fart in front of such a giant!
When will the Qin Group develop to such an extent?
Qin Yi was still looking forward to it, but Kroenke and Annie had already arrived.

"Stan Kroenke, this is my wife, Annie! Nice to meet you, Mr. Qin!" Kroenke, who looks unsmiling, has always been called "Silent Stan", but at this time he is also very face-saving. Smiling and introducing myself.

Annie, on the other hand, had a warm smile, which made people feel very friendly. At this time, following Kroenke's introduction, she also greeted Qin Yi. She was not like a strong woman with a fortune, but like a housewife she usually saw. , but be more elegant and calm.

"If it's not impolite to say that, ha, I know you guys! Well, hello, you can just call me Yi!" Qin Yi smiled and stretched out his hand to shake hands with the two.

Regarding Qin Yi's words, Kroenke just smiled. Of course, he could have expected that Qin Yi knew his husband and wife, but it was considered polite to introduce himself when they met formally for the first time. Although he was taciturn, he was not a rude person!
Annie, on the other hand, looked at Qin Yi curiously, while joking: "Well, Yi, I am also very happy for you to call me Annie, because I don't want you to call me Auntie Annie, it will make me old of!"

"Auntie? No, you can't take advantage of me. Although you are so dignified and stable, you are still a young lady, aren't you? How can you be my auntie!" Qin Yi pretended to have suffered a big loss, Just kidding, big or small.

"By the way, Anne, are you 30 years old? Oh, sorry, I'm so rude, how can you ask such a question to an elegant lady! Sorry, Anne, forget what I said!"

Amidst Qin Yi's pretentious apology, Annie had already bent over laughing, and Kroenke next to her was also a little funny, thinking that this Chinese young man is really a humorous guy!

Of course, this is also for Qin Yi, who has achieved success and fame. If an ordinary person said that, people would definitely give him an evaluation of "exaggerated and glib"!

Sometimes, even if it is a joke of praise, it is more appropriate to have equal status.

A small joke established a friendly and harmonious atmosphere for the conversation between the two parties. In the following time, Qin Yi discussed many things with Kroenke, from ranch management to breeding of breeding cattle, from land policy to future development, from this Qin Yi learned a lot from the words of the old big landlord.

The content of the conversation with Annie is less, mainly about the cooperation proposed by Annie: the farm vegetables go to the supermarket for retail sale!

This is a very good idea, but it is only an idea at this time, and more specific ones will be discussed later.

But apparently, what Annie is more interested in is the girls' skin care secrets. Qin Yi laughed secretly, no matter what age the ladies are, they are all concerned about this question. Xuerou also asked this tactfully before, but Qin Yi Yat fooled it.

It's just that when Annie asked at this time, it was not easy for Qin Yi to fool her. After all, he planned to cooperate for a long time in the future, so since it was difficult to refuse, he simply responded: "Okay, since Annie asked, I won't hide it from you." !"

Qin Yi paused, seeing that Annie and Kroenke were full of anticipation, and felt slightly proud, and continued in the future: "Annie may have heard that I have a kind of aloe vera extract here, which is the latest method of traditional Chinese medicine and my biological laboratory. A kind of aloe vera essence is extracted through the combination of technology, which has a remarkable effect on skin care! However, the current technology is not yet mature, so the output is very low, and it is only used by some of my relatives and friends."

This guy seems to be advertising, saying one thing after another!
However, Kroenke and Anne didn't have much doubt about this statement, especially the low output. After all, if such a good thing can be mass-produced, this shrewd young man will not seize this opportunity to make a lot of money ?
It's just that at the end, with the hearts of the two of them, they couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Is it right to give or not?

It's not like they haven't thought about buying some for use, but facing a new rich man like Qin Yi, how much can you pay for a small bottle of aloe vera essence?

Fortunately, Qin Yi didn't make too much of a fuss, and smiled slightly: "Well, I'll talk to Susa later and ask her to get you a bottle! The production is really limited."

Kroenke and Annie thanked Qin Yi repeatedly, and looked at Qin Yi with a more cordial gaze, which made Qin Yi deeply satisfied: It seems that my skill at fooling people has improved!
Afterwards, the two sides discussed relaxed topics such as thoroughbred horses, and Qin Yi also knew for the first time that Kroenke was also interested in the Sun River Ranch. It was this taciturn middle-aged man!
Knowing this, Qin Yi invited them to visit the ranch another day, which was a bit of a show off, but the two of them were really interested in the mysterious Sun River Ranch, so they agreed.

After seeing off the two of them, the time is coming to [-]:[-] pm, and the auction is at the last moment before it comes!
(End of this chapter)

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