American Ranch

Chapter 574

Chapter 574

*Next chapter at 9 o'clock, Chapter 311 o'clock,
"How can you say that? Am I someone who can't give everyone a sense of trust? God, you should have more confidence in me, for God's sake!"

Trevor seemed to be stimulated by Scott's surprise, so he jumped a little and shouted angrily.

Seeing this, Qin Yi secretly smiled, thinking that this kid really has some acting skills, um, maybe he has been begging for a long time, it is not impossible to give him a chance to play the role of a cow thief in the movie under preparation
When Qin Yi was thinking about these thoughts badly, the ladies who were teasing animals about ten meters away also heard Trevor's "distraught" voice.

Girls like Susa and Keluo, when they heard these familiar words, they knew what was going on after a little thought, because he said the same thing when he used fake photos to trick everyone, and now he came out to bluff again , I definitely want to cheat the old guy Scott!

Wanting to understand this, the girls couldn't help laughing in their hearts, and at the same time they could all guess that this bad idea was probably thought up by Hun Dan, Yi!
Miranda didn't know what was going on. Seeing Trevor jumping in anger, she thought that there was a conflict between the men, but then she felt that something was wrong, because for a person who respects his identity, even if it is not speculative, it is not right. There will be conflicts face to face!

And even for Qin Yi's sake, no one would be so stupid to have conflicts in the ranch!

"Aha, is this how men chat? Maybe we don't care about them!" Susa glanced at Qin Yi and said with a light smile.

Ke Luo gently hugged the snowy, small and cute little rabbit Baixue, and handed it to the puzzled Miranda, "Look at this cute little guy, ha, it wants you to hug it!"

Immediately, Miranda's attention was attracted, and she accepted Bai Xue with a full of love. The question of "what are the men discussing?" was immediately thrown out of her mind.
The screen returned to Qin Yi's side, listening to Trevor's kicking words, Scott couldn't help but apologize.

He was really surprised by Trevor's words: two meters long, and it is a relatively rare fish species like tuna. God, this is more than enough for media reports. If he has such a fishing harvest, it will be enough to show off for a lifetime!
It was so surprised that he used a questioning tone instead of deliberately playing a naysayer.

Seeing that Trevor looked hurt, the old guy hurriedly raised his hands to apologize.

"No, no, I didn't mean that! Well, I'm sorry, I was just so surprised! God, two meters of tuna? There are not many anglers in the entire United States with such achievements. Of course, it depends It was caught with a fishing rod, not a sea net!"

In fact, this attitude can be regarded as treating Trevor and the three as friends. Otherwise, with the pride of his federal congressman, it would be fine to chat, but he would not make trouble with them like this!
"It's really surprising!"

Brown, who looked surprised, also interjected. He wrung his hands together and stared at Trevor expectantly.

"We've talked about fishing a few times before, why never heard you mention it? Well, never mind, Trevor, I mean, it's a huge honor, and everyone can't help but bring it up Show off. Of course, I'd do it too!"

"Well, well, you have to come up with something, don't you? Although I don't want to be called a damn showoff, I don't want to see my friends' suspicious eyes!" Trevor explained with a look of disdain Looking around, he reached out and took out his mobile phone, and then opened the photos inside!

"Assure God, Trevor, it's not doubt, it's wonder and anticipation!"

"Well, we did want to witness that great moment and it's an honor isn't it!"

Scott and Brown leaned forward, poking their heads to get a better look.

As the instigator, Qin Yi also walked over with a look of surprise and anticipation, as if he didn't know it beforehand. I have to say, this guy is really hard to guard against when he plays a prank. Very misleading!
On the contrary, Brandon had a very difficult time this time. He didn't follow him, but squatted down quickly, pretending to tie his shoelaces, but if the camera is lowered, you will find that this guy is biting his mouth and laughing silently
God, such a prank scene of fooling people has been experienced twice in a few days, and he really can't help laughing!

But at this time, he was also very lucky. Fortunately, he had been wearing Martin boots all the time in the ranch. If it was a suit and leather shoes, he might not find such a good reason to bend over and laugh, otherwise Qin Yi's good deed would be ruined. I can't afford Qin Yi's revenge!

Qin Yi, who had been keeping an eye on the six roads, secretly glanced at Brandon who was fiddled with the shoelaces casually. He naturally knew what he was doing. Last time, he burst out laughing at the last moment, which made everyone see through Trevor's prank, so This time, Qin Yi has been guarding against him!

Seeing that Brandon was so "interesting" at this moment, he felt relieved.

Except for Qin Yi, Brandon's actions did not arouse the suspicion of others. In other words, Scott and Brown's attention was focused on a few fake photos, and even Trevor was immersed in the prank. When you are happy, you have no time to pay attention to other things!

"Oh God, this is incredible!"

"Look at this spindle-shaped body, and this beautiful fin, my God, this is simply the most perfect masterpiece of God!"

Scott and Brown snatched Trevor's cell phone, looked at the photos synthesized by Trevor with their heads together, and couldn't help murmuring in amazement. It seemed that the two-meter-long tuna was hotter than his body. The fashion girl is even more attractive!

The old and the young who had been shaken somehow made Qin Yi secretly happy, and of course he was a little chilled, because in comparison, even a tuna that is ten meters and eight meters is not as attractive as the girls. So he secretly waved at the girls who came over, as if he had succeeded in a prank!

"Okay, Trevor, I have to apologize again for the behavior just now! Judging from this photo, you are not talking big, in fact, you are one of the most successful anglers!"

Scott looked at the photo reluctantly, while speaking to Trevor sincerely.

"Yes, you won't argue with us, right? You are a great fishing king. God, I'm a little jealous of you, oh, no, you will be envied to death!" Brown behaved even more unbearably, he He grabbed the phone and kissed the big fish on the screen!
Then he felt that his act of snatching the phone was a bit inappropriate, so he wiped it twice with the long sleeve of the plaid shirt, and returned it to Scott with a smile.
Scott was a little disgusted, but he reluctantly took it. After all, the golden tuna glowing in the sun is so fucking beautiful!
This scene happened to be seen by Brandon who had just got up, and suddenly burst into laughter, so he quickly squatted down again, as if the shoelaces he had just tied were loose again.
Qin Yi almost laughed out loud, so he smiled and waved at the running children, covering up his emotions.

And Trevor held his arms, facing the compliments of the two, his nostrils turned up with pride for a moment, and he smiled very proudly. At the same time, he admired Qin Yi unceasingly. Damn it, this is the most successful tuna prank ever!
Maybe if there is any prank plan in the future, I have to find Yi to cooperate!

The complacent Trevor thought so in his heart.

At this time, Scott held up the cell phone that Brown had kissed, and ran to present treasures to the ladies. The ladies held back their smiles, saying that they already knew that only Miranda and Jenny were really ignorant, and followed suit. I was amazed for a long time, and Qin Yi and the girls were ashamed to see it!

Only Diana, although she also thought it was fun, couldn't see her father being cheated by everyone, so she pretended to let go of her mouth unintentionally. As a result, Scott and Brown, who were furious, expressed that they no longer believed anything Trevor said.
This made Trevor feel amused, but at the same time felt a little wronged: This is Yi's idea, how can it only be blamed on me?
(End of this chapter)

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