American Ranch

Chapter 568

Chapter 568

Maybe not as beautiful as them, not as beautiful as them in clothes and cosmetics, and not as respected as them, but all of these cannot constitute an obstacle for us to enjoy a happy life. As long as you feel that you are happy, then you are living winner!
These words were what Qin Yi wanted to express to Jenny.

Regardless of whether it makes sense or not, these words are obviously very effective for Jenny, or just like Qin Yi's analysis, she is a free and easy woman in essence, and she may not need to be explained by everyone, and she will not miss the night Chance for a beautiful dance on the rainbow carpet!

Qin Yi glanced at Jenny, who tilted her head and smiled and applauded, analyzing in his mind, but then he remembered, he seemed to have made a mistake?
what is it then?

Oh, by the way, a group of words seemed to flash in my mind just now: beautiful dance!

He shook his head and smiled, and felt that it was necessary to correct it: Jenny's dance was actually not graceful. When she sailed across the Pacific Ocean on a yacht, the girls danced in the bar of the Venus. Jenny performed in a limited number of times. That is to say, the general standard, there is really not much to stand out about!
Of course, if a lady with a great figure dances in front of her, I am afraid not many men will care about her dancing skills.
This is also the reason why Qin Yi forgot Jenny's dancing level for a while!

It seemed that he was thinking wildly here for a long time, but in fact, only three or two seconds had passed since his words. Everyone's applause was still going on, but it had already subsided.

"That's great! Yi, you can definitely become a great speaker!" Brown seemed to be greatly encouraged, and the applause just now was his strongest!
Because he felt that although what Yi said just now was for Jenny, it was not applicable to men!

He has decided that he will memorize these words as his motto, and he will repeat these words again when he encounters people with the same troubles in the future. He believes that this will encourage everyone like him. ordinary people!
Qin Yi didn't know that his words were so recognized by Brown, otherwise he would definitely have a toast for himself!

Ryan and Walker, two old cowboys in their 60s and [-]s, also smiled with emotion at this time, but they just patted Qin Yi's shoulder vigorously twice, and didn't say much.

Only the remaining Jenny, still clapping lightly, whistled mischievously, and then began to boo with a smile: "I think Yi's words can be used as a toast for the evening banquet!"

These words surprised Qin Yi!
God, why has no one ever reminded myself?

In fact, it's not that everyone didn't remind him, but that he has always shown that he has the wisdom in his hands, and he has proposed many good plans, so this has been ignored by everyone. He is actually a guy who has omissions!

It's just that even though he didn't prepare a toast in advance, he wouldn't consider Jenny's proposal.

These words are not suitable to say at a banquet, because it has obvious bias. Friends like Jenny and nearby neighbors will be very happy after hearing it, but it will also make the ladies and ladies at the banquet unhappy. !

So if you are asking for trouble like this, Qin Yi will not mention it at the banquet, he has always been the most afraid of trouble!

But what should I do with this toast?

He thought about it, and felt that since today's theme is an auction, he might as well praise the beef cattle on the ranch, encourage the staff at the ranch, and then suggest that everyone have a drink together. Isn't that all right?
God, this is more of a headache than naming it.
So he resolutely gave up, planning to wait for his wives to help out with ideas.

But for now, Jenny dared to make fun of herself. Qin Yi felt that he could not spare her lightly, so he pretended to be dissatisfied and complained to Brown: "You have to take care of her, Brown! She must be imagining in her heart that I provoked the anger of everyone. The attacking scene. Maybe still laughing!"

"Oh, God, is that how you see me?" Jenny really thought so, but how could she admit it, so she denied it with a giggle, and even pushed him on the arm pretending not to be happy .

Brown, who was showing admiration because of Qin Yi's words just now, raised his eyebrows treacherously at this moment, and expressed his position very doglegly: "No, no, I can't control her, she has the final say in our family!"

After hearing this, Jenny smiled at Brown in admiration, and then looked at Qin Yi provocatively!
This made Qin Yi dumbfounded. Did the couple come here to tease him today?
"Hey, Brown! You're a man, you gotta have some dignity for yourself!"

"Yes, I'm a man! But a man listens to his wife, I don't think there's anything detrimental to his dignity." Brown was indifferent to Qin Yi's aggressive approach. Anyway, he deliberately contradicted him, making Jenny very happy!

Regarding this, Qin Yi could only spread his hands speechlessly: "Okay, okay, you are all bad guys, you belong to the same gang!"

Then he stopped talking to them, pretended to be very angry and walked towards the house, which made the bad guy and his wife even more proud, and followed behind with a laugh.

Ryan and Walker have not interrupted, just smiled and watched their young people joking with each other, but looking at the looks of reminiscence on their faces, they may also recall in their minds the scene of laughing and laughing with their friends when they were young.

After eating the watermelon, Ryan and Walker returned to the lawn, directing the cowboys and staff to make detailed adjustments and layouts.

Brown, on the other hand, got together with Brandon and Trevor, chatting about fishing, firearms, sports, etc. When talking about fishing gains or scoring goals, it was inevitable to exaggerate. Lose!

Mother Qin brought Susie and Viviera, and has already started to prepare the ingredients for noon. Although the evening meal is the theme of today, but with so many people gathered in the ranch, a sumptuous meal at noon is inevitable.

And those who are here at this time, although they are also guests, are all close relatives, so although the small dinner at noon is definitely not as good as the evening, but in terms of emotional communication, it is even more exciting.

Jenny naturally mixed with Sara and Rachel. A group of girls, Yingyingyanyan, roamed around in the living room, under the porch, in the small garden, and on the lawn. It can be said that they are the most leisurely of all. up!

It was the children who had been running around all morning, but now they calmed down.

Because they wanted to help Qin Yi get rid of the big watermelon that "occupied" the cart, the little guys ate their bellies round, and they were lying on the sofa at this time, moaning and moaning while touching their bellies, and even Teddy and the kitten Waiting for the little animals to jump around to find them to play with, can't arouse their interest
In the end, seeing the animals that the little master didn’t want to play with, he had to run to play with two big tortoises basking in the sun. So, the tortoise, who had been very quiet all this time, suffered an unintentional disaster. Pitiful!
Only Fanny is the most well-behaved. The children don’t play with it, they play with its flower balls by themselves. When they are hungry, they go to the house to roll a few bananas, and come to Qin Yi to let him peel them for themselves. It can be said that the little elephant is simply It is a model of enjoying life!

They will also enjoy, as well as Maggie and Big Cat, the lively ranch living area, and they can't disturb their nap mood at all
In such an atmosphere, Qin Yi pulled the wives aside and discussed the toast. After discussing for a while, the consensus reached by Susa and Ke Luo turned out to be exactly what he had thought before— —Praise the breed, encourage employees, and look forward to the future.
Old fashioned!
But since the daughters-in-law also think this is very good, well, Qin Yi is still very happy to accept such a no-brainer decision, and he can think of everything, isn't he?
I enjoyed a hearty and pleasant lunch at noon, and then passed another relaxing afternoon, and at four o'clock in the afternoon, guests began to come to the door one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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