American Ranch

Chapter 564 The Embarrassed Chef

Chapter 564 The Embarrassed Chef

The chefs arrive at the ranch in a large RV.

This ten-meter-long, luxuriously decorated large caravan not only delivered several Michelin chefs including Perse restaurant chef Thomas, but also several restaurant executives such as Napson. In addition, the luggage compartment at the bottom, It is also full of kitchen utensils!

That's right, the most handy kitchen utensils for chefs!
Thomas and others feel that if they have the most satisfying ingredients and the most suitable mood for cooking during this trip to the ranch, then the most perfect work in their life may be born from then on!

And with such a belief, they will never allow even the slightest mistake, so let alone bring kitchen utensils, if not conditions do not allow, they even want to bring the most familiar kitchen together.
Based on the idea of ​​the most perfect work, the chefs were sorting out their thoughts and brewing their emotions on the way to the ranch, and even when they arrived at the ranch, their minds were still a little bit overwhelmed.
Perhaps people who have reached a very high level in a certain field usually have some arrogance unconsciously. Anyway, when they arrived at the ranch, the Michelin chefs who got out of the car habitually used a scrutinizing gaze to look at them. Look at the people and things around you.

The girls don't like this kind of attitude, no, it's very annoying, so they just stood far away, and didn't go up to say hello with Qin Yi, anyway, Susa and Keluo are always around that guy, that's enough isn't it?

Well, this kind of thinking may be a little weird, and the girls have noticed it, but it's all the fault of those damn chefs, yes, it's all caused by them, these self-righteous people who like to look at others with scrutiny, They are simply a group of old hooligans in gentleman's clothes!
"Isn't it just that the dishes you cook are more delicious, what's there to be proud of!"

"That's right. After all, I'm just a cook. I, a farmer, are essentially the same!"

"Hey, I have an idea. If they have such a nasty face all the time, let's find Yi together and stop him from selling vegetables to these strange old men!"

"That's a good idea! Heck, without high-quality vegetables, let's see what they use to please those dignitaries!"

"But, Yi wants to do business. Wouldn't it be good for us to beg like this?"

"Don't worry! If you don't sell it to them, you can sell it to others. There are a lot of people rushing to buy it! Besides, if Yi dares to disagree, we will push you out. If you act like a baby, he won't be obedient? Haha "

"go to hell!"

The girls hid aside and frolicked, but they kept their voices low and kept their voices low. Others saw them smiling, but they didn't know what they were discussing at all.

They are still the guests of the ranch in essence, so the attitude of hiding and frolicking and not approaching to talk is not awkward, but Qin Yi and the other three can't do it. As the host, they still have to entertain the chefs warmly.

Fortunately, Qin Yi has a variety of top-quality ingredients under his name. For this alone, any chef who pursues cooking skills will not dare to underestimate him, and he also bears the title of "world-class brewing master". Status and personal fame, even above Michelin chefs!
So in front of him, Thomas and others, who disdain wealth and worship fame, not only dare not show off in the slightest, but also look and behave in a decent manner. It also dissipated cleanly, even with a little respect!
The difference in attitude before and after this, even though Qin Yi was calm, he still couldn't help but feel happy. Susa and Ke Luo, who also received preferential treatment because of their status as hostesses, felt much better in their hearts, so their smiles became brighter!

Overall, the atmosphere of the first meeting was pretty good.

But after the two parties got to know each other formally, when Qin Yi sent out the invitation, there was a slight surprise.

"Gentlemen, why don't we sit in the living room for a while, we have prepared coffee, it must be very to everyone's liking!" Qin Yi smiled, full of etiquette for hospitality.

The manager of the restaurant was very much looking forward to hearing this, and Napson even wanted to agree on behalf of everyone!

But before he could open his mouth, an apologetic old voice came over: "I'm sorry, Mr. Qin, if possible, we want to rush to the farm as soon as possible. You know, a large part of the reason we came here is vegetable!"

It was Chef Thomas who spoke.

This five- to sixty-year-old fat old man is not tall, with short hair. He is wearing a decent blue suit and polished brown crocodile leather shoes. An old gentleman at a party.

It's just that this formal and serious attire, combined with that sagging face, makes people know that this is an old-fashioned guy at a glance!
Thomas speaks and does things with a strict eye, and he does seem old-fashioned, but it may be because of this temper that his cooking works are generally more elegant and expensive. The style of the dishes is a bit classical, but it is very suitable for high-end banquets that pursue the essence.

Thomas and the others also knew that this was inappropriate, but the vegetables on the farm were always on their minds, and they really couldn't sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee that they could drink anytime, so they could only feel sorry for Qin Yi's invitation. declined!
This made Qin Yi somewhat dissatisfied, and Susa and Ke Luo beside him couldn't help frowning: Is it really the behavior of a gentleman to not give face to the master like this?

But it's hard to say anything, otherwise the scene will be too embarrassing!
Director Nampson deserves to be from the experience restaurant, he is very skilled in dealing with the world, and he immediately stood up and made a rescue.

"Oh, Thomas, you are so rude!"

Nampson first complained to the chefs in a low voice, and then quickly turned to Qin Yi with a smile on his face.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Qin, you have also seen that these guys who only know how to cook have been robbed of their souls by the vegetables on your farm, and decades of etiquette have been returned to God! You are a person of status , there is no need to be as knowledgeable as stupid people like them!"

"Let them go. Not being able to enjoy the coffee prepared by Mr. Qin is God's punishment for them!"

"That's right, when our chef goes out, he always only brings cooking skills, not brains!"

Several other supervisors echoed and mocked the chefs as a joke, and the chefs were not really idiots, so they hurriedly put on a low profile and apologized, and promised to cook more special dishes in the evening to show their apology!

That being the case, Qin Yi shrugged indifferently, Susa and Ke Luo also smiled and expressed satisfaction, and the awkward atmosphere quickly dissipated.

In this way, Qin Yi arranged for the two cowboys to take the chefs to the farm, and then called Nampson and others to the living room.

In fact, Napson and the others don't like these unkind old-fashioned chefs very much, so what they said may not be the true thoughts in their hearts!

And when Qin Yi mentioned coffee just now, the executives immediately guessed that this should be the delicious coffee from the legendary Sun River Ranch, so they couldn't wait to taste it!
Thinking of Thomas and the others, the executives all laughed in their hearts: Hey, arrogant old guys, don’t forget to say hello to the lovely Mr. Beetle for us, and we will help you drink a cup of delicious coffee!

Anyway, if you drink it, it's a waste, right?
What everyone didn't expect was that Qin Yi greeted the guests to sit down. Susa and Ke Luo each held a coffee pot. Just as they poured each a cup of fragrant coffee, they heard another car coming from outside. ring.

Qin Yi and the others looked over curiously, only to find that Thomas and others had gone and returned, which made them a little puzzled: Aren't they in a hurry to pick vegetables?

Napson and the others took a deep sip of the strong aroma of coffee, but they couldn't help cursing inwardly: You idiots, even if you want to come back, can't you wait for us to take a sip first?This damn coffee is simply an awesome little goblin!

The chefs looked at the puzzled Qin Yi and his wife, and then at the mocking and secretly hating Napson and the others, and couldn't help laughing awkwardly: "It was only after we left that we suddenly realized that maybe missing Mr. Qin's coffee is a Unforgivable mistake! Well, as embarrassing as it is, we would like to ask if we still have a cup of this delicious coffee"

(End of this chapter)

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