American Ranch

Chapter 554 Arranging the Auction

Chapter 554 Arranging the Auction

According to the wishes of Susa and Colo, the auction will be held in the form of an open-air banquet.

To this end, Qin Yi also invited several Chinese and Western food chefs and pastry chefs. I believe that the freshly picked Qin's vegetables from the farm and the calf slaughtered on the same day will surely make the guests present have a pleasant banquet time!

Of course, food alone is not enough to show sincerity, so he also prepared two series of fine wines, Liuhuo and Chenxi, as well as delicious coffee and unlimited beer!
Generally speaking, compared with red wine, there are relatively fewer guests socializing with beer and coffee, but all the ladies, including Susa and Colo, believe that this banquet will definitely create a "choice of beer" The proportion of people who use coffee as a formal banquet drink" a new record!

Even after the girls raised this point of view and reached a consensus, Ke Luo still had sex, begging Qin Yi to let him object to this point of view, and then made a bet with him, the loser would pay the other party a hundred dollars in compensation.
Qin Yi naturally wouldn't disappoint his daughter-in-law's occasional childlike temperament, so he put on a stubborn attitude of "my red wine is more popular", picked up his chin, and accepted her gambling invitation very arrogantly, letting her play around wishes are greatly satisfied!
The arrogance here is naturally feigned. He knows very well that the more disdainful he is at this time, the more excited Ke Luo, who has proved his point of view is correct, will be more excited when the answer is revealed. Therefore, this It's just a trick he played to tease Khloe!

Of course Khloe knows this, and she enjoys the banter too!

"Hey, cowboy, get your bills ready!" was the triumphant declaration of Khloe at the time!

Qin Yi naturally had to prepare money.

As soon as Keluo proposed this bet, he foresaw that he would lose, but what he didn't foresee was that after agreeing to Keluo's bet, the girls who were unwilling to be lonely also joined in the fun, and in the end even Susa, In order not to stand alone, a copy is also here!
As a result, everyone, including Angel, signed a betting agreement with him, and he had to prepare more than 1000 US dollars in cash for this.
From this point of view, the cost of making everyone happy is not low!

The reason why he thinks he will lose is because Qin Yi has absolute confidence in the quality of his coffee and beer, and red wine can be bought, but these two drinks cannot be bought outside.

The guests participating in this auction are basically big names in the business world and social celebrities. It is not difficult to drink fine wines of various grades produced by Qin's Liquor Industry on weekdays, but everyone has only heard about the unique coffee and beer that is unique to Sun River Ranch. , I have longed for it for a long time, except for Qin Yi's friends, almost no one has tasted it!

In this way, most of the invited guests secretly thought in their hearts: How can they not open their stomachs to drink when encountering such an unlimited supply of peerless products at the banquet?
As for etiquette and demeanor.
Does drinking a few cups of coffee or beer at a party affect these things?
The only problem may be that I have to go to the bathroom a few more times!
Oh, and one more thing I almost forgot, the coffee tastes great, and the refreshing effect is also quite good, so it may be difficult to fall asleep at night
But who cares, there may only be one chance, and the next time I can drink it is unknown, and maybe I can only enjoy the deliciousness in the past, so this time, I must have a few more glasses!
In the living room, Qin Yi was sitting on the sofa, still wondering if there was anything he missed.

At this moment, Ryan came out of his office in the worker's room.

Holding a document in his hand, he walked quickly towards the main house. When he passed the lawn, he greeted the adults and children who were playing, and then continued to move forward while turning around to tease the children, looking busy Live a fulfilling life with leisure!

"Yi, I brought the blueprint."

Ryan shook the folder and was about to elaborate, but was interrupted by Qin Yi waving his hand. He nodded towards the sofa, motioning him to sit down and talk.

There was a cup of coffee ready on the table, which Qin Yi had already poured when Ryan just walked onto the lawn. Although he was playing the role of a thinker, he was not in a daze, and he knew the reaction from the outside world.

Ryan handed over the folder first, then sat down, picked up the coffee and took a sip, the temperature was just right, and the comfortable feeling made him unable to resist taking another two sips, then took a light breath, and looked at the coffee again Qin Yi!
Qin Yi was flipping through the document. Above were a few sketches of the banquet scene. Generally speaking, it was the arrangement of tables and chairs and flowers and plants. It was very detailed. Even the distance between the two tables was marked. The planning was very rigorous. Let him see Very satisfied.

These are all drawn by Ryan himself. This old cowboy is not very good at computer games. These handmade drawings are pretty good, although he has already experienced Ryan's drawings when he built a log cabin for McGee, a big brown bear. technology, but at this moment, I still couldn't help but admire it in my heart.

Because, he can't do this kind of work, not only blueprints, but other farm work, other repair machinery, pasture pest control and prevention, veterinary knowledge, etc., he can only say that he has only a half-knowledge.
So all the while, Souza joked that he wasn't a real cowboy!

Of course, Susa also understood, how many real ranchers are real cowboys like Ryan and Hobbs?

So these jokes are just jokes between husband and wife. It is enough for Qin Yi to be his rancher well!

"According to your idea, I planned a new circular dance floor in the middle of the lawn, and the seats for the guests are scattered around the dance floor."

Ryan tapped his hand on a circular blank space in the middle of the drawing, and explained.

Qin Yi nodded, this blank space was very conspicuous, he opened the blueprint and saw it at first glance, but at this moment it was just a blank space, it didn't look special, because these were just rough plans.

In fact, the idea of ​​the dance floor was not proposed by him but by Kolo: a romantic night full of stars, delicious red wine and coffee, and tempting food. If there is a soothing music, it is like being in a luxurious open-air restaurant. dine!
In such an atmosphere, it would be a pity if there is no dance floor for people to show their charming dance moves!
In this way, Qin Yi asked Ryan to adjust the drawing to the current design.

"Very good, Ryan, this will be a successful banquet, and even a win-win auction!" Qin Yi smiled and patted Ryan's arm, then looked down at the blueprint for another two seconds, and emphasized: "No Wrong, win-win!"

Regarding the "win-win" that Qin Yi emphasized, Ryan smiled and didn't say much. Anyway, it's not a loss-making business. For the rest, he believes that Qin Yi, as the boss, will definitely make correct arrangements.

"Okay, Ryan, call the domestic service company and ask them to come over immediately!" Qin Yi gently closed the drawing and handed it to Ryan, "Just follow this drawing! You have to watch them, Ryan , Let them arrange it this morning, we are running out of time!"

"I'll watch them! Boys on vacation can also help, anyway, everyone can only play cards idle!" Ryan picked up the coffee and drank it, then stood up and walked out.

But when he mentioned the cowboys, Qin Yi said to Ryan who was about to go out: "Hey, Ryan, tell our good guys that today is free to help, there is no bonus, but there is enough beer!"

"Haha, enough beer, it will definitely drive them crazy!"

(End of this chapter)

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