American Ranch

Chapter 551 Three Supermen

Chapter 551 Three Hundred Supermen

*The past two days are a bit stuck, and the writing is not going well. Let’s make sure of today’s three chapters. If possible, today and tomorrow, I will make up for the two chapters owed yesterday!

Just about to call Ryan after breakfast, John, who had been staying in the guest room directing and dispatching the security team, suddenly strode in, ignoring the others, and went straight to the sofa where Qin Yi was sitting, bent over On Qin Yi's side, he whispered the latest information about the security situation.

"The Nightingale team (belonging to the intelligence department of the security company) has received news that our little bees (miniature flight detectors) have detected signs of large-scale operations by the local police in the directions of Great Falls and Helena. The target should be Augusta Town and Sun River Ranch, we haven’t received relevant notifications yet, so we don’t know the other party’s true intentions for the time being.”

Qin Yi was taken aback immediately when he heard it, it was inexplicable, why did the local police rush out to join in the fun?
Susa, Ke Luo and the others were also a little surprised. They encountered such an accident just after breakfast in the early morning. They really don't understand what's going on!

"Come at us?"

"It's indeed in the direction of Augusta. Nightingale has rushed over to confirm."

John took the coffee brought by Susa and thanked him in a low voice. Hearing Qin Yi's question, he answered quickly. Then he put down the coffee he didn't have time to take a sip, and took out a tablet and handed it over. An accurate map of Augusta.

"In addition, the security team is on standby and can rush to these two locations to deploy defenses at any time!"

As he said that, he tapped twice on the tablet, and Qin Yi looked around, and found that the two locations happened to be the intersection of the highways entering Augusta from the two places, and there were some shops along the street on both sides, which were very suitable for defense !

Well, see what John means, he wants to ambush there in advance!

From the perspective of combat intention, it is indeed a very good position suitable for ambush, but the question is, is it necessary to put on a war posture?
Even if the police from the two places sent a large number of police officers into Augusta without saying hello, it is indeed easy to cause misjudgment, but it does not mean that they are here to find fault. Maybe they are conducting a safety drill.
Well, even if you are here to find fault, can you really order the security team to launch an attack?

My God, this is the mainland of the United States. Once a conflict breaks out, will I still have a way out?

Among other things, the military base in northern Montana is enough for the security team of 100 people to drink a pot
For a while, Qin Yi was dumbfounded by John: These war criminals know how to fight head-to-head all day long, and they don't use their brains in everything!
He put the tablet in front of him aside, took a sip of tea calmly, then stroked his chin and thought quietly: In any case, he didn't believe that the police's actions were aimed at him, and there must be other purposes.

"How big is the scale? Has anything unusual been discovered recently? Have the field agents of the Special Criminal Investigation Division been transferred? What about the local branches of the CIA and FBI? Nightingale has not received any news? The anti-terrorist and Did the armed riot police make any movement?"

While Qin Yi was thinking, he asked a lot!
He also knows that the security team has always been monitored by the government, so they have always been very restrained in terms of vigilance and intelligence spying, but at this moment when the situation is unclear, it is unavoidable to hear such a general report from John. .

This series of quick questions may be overwhelming for ordinary people, but John is not one of them.

As a former member of the Special Forces, and when Qin Yi healed his disability, he took the blood spirit fruit to strengthen him. Although his mind and physical fitness were not as good as Qin Yi's, they were far superior to ordinary people, so he didn't find it difficult to deal with it. , but with ease!
But Qin Yi's displeased expression still made him feel uneasy, and unconsciously, some fine sweat broke out on his forehead.

"It's all public security police officers, and no field agents with heavy firepower have been found. There are almost 300 people in the two places together; as for the CIA and FBI, they have been paying attention to us recently, but they are only routine intelligence collection, until today. There is nothing unusual in the morning, but I have already asked Nightingale to contact the other party, and I will soon find out the police's intentions!"

After talking about the specific news, John took another careful look at Qin Yi, and was relieved to see that he didn't show any dissatisfaction anymore.

He was not afraid of Qin Yi, but worried that his work would not satisfy Qin Yi!
Ever since Qin Yi provided good jobs to a group of their brothers and healed their disabilities, they decided to follow Qin Yi wholeheartedly, but if they were the best at their jobs, they couldn't satisfy Qin Yi. Wouldn't they have become trash!
This is unacceptable to them!
Qin Yi naturally didn't know what John was thinking at this time, he took another sip of the tea and carefully analyzed the reason.

Susa and Keluo beside him are also a little puzzled. Of course, there is nothing to worry about, and everyone has done nothing illegal. If the police really came to find fault, the first thing to weigh is the laws of the United States. The gadgets don't just restrain the little people like them!
Besides, with Qin Yi's current relationship network, there is no need to be afraid of the local police forces.

"Aha, what does our policeman want to do, arrest our security team?" Colo said nonsense with a smile.

"How is it possible, we have legal authorization! Well, if someone is really dissatisfied with the security team, they can only issue a document ordering the security team to return to the vineyard station or stay in the ranch. It is impossible to directly arrest No one would dare to issue such an order in the face of a legally armed quasi-military force!"

Susa immediately retorted in this way, with a serious look, it was obvious that she had entered the working state, and Ke Luo naturally knew her temper, so she just smiled and shrugged her shoulders, and did not refute, because she was just joking.

Besides, Susa's words are indeed reasonable. Do you still expect a group of security policemen with revolvers to deal with a hundred paramilitary elites?
"I also agree with Susa's point of view, they can't bear the responsibility for the outbreak of conflict!" Diana tilted her head, echoed softly, and shrugged her shoulders with her mouth curled up, and began to tease her father: "Just like our Scott Congressman, he's never willing to take too much risk!"

In addition to the three of them, Julie and Brandon also sat on the side discussing in a low voice.

Everyone is speculating about various possibilities, but more of them are unnutritious jokes, such as: Minotaurs have been mixed into the ranch, and [-] supermen disguised themselves as security patrol policemen to sneak into the ranch in the name of safety drills in order to save the world be arrested
The rest of Amanda and others knew that they couldn't help, so they simply took the children out to play, so as not to stay in the house and cause trouble for everyone.

All kinds of performances indicate that everyone has nothing to worry about, and they should play around and play leisurely, and they should not be affected in the slightest!
Only Susa's attitude was more serious, but after thinking for a while, it was only the police from the two places who finally had a correct assessment of the security situation in the town during the tourism festival, so additional police were sent to help the town maintain law and order.

But Qin Yi didn't think so after hearing her guess.

Before the opening of the tourism festival, the police were able to make a clear judgment on the security situation in the town based on the sharp increase in passenger flow at the airport and the significant changes in car traffic. It is impossible to react until now!
Therefore, this action is definitely not simply for the tourism festival, at least the tourism festival is not the main purpose!

So, apart from the tourism festival that tests the level of law and order, what else is worth the policeman coming all the way?
Following this line of thought, Qin Yi quickly thought of the most likely reason: the cattle breed auction!
(End of this chapter)

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