American Ranch

Chapter 543 Becoming a Monster

Chapter 543 Becoming a Monster

"I think it's better for us to change the subject."

Qin Yi, who had been pretending to be dead, had no choice but to stand up and help everyone. He didn't want to get involved in the girls' dispute, but the confrontation between Sarah and Diana made him think that the girls had conflicts, which made him unable to stand by and watch.

"That's right, why do we have to discuss this topic? We can choose from many more relaxed topics!" Susa clapped her hands and stood up. She and Keluo had long wanted to interrupt this damn conversation!
"For example." Ke Luo interfaced very tacitly. She nodded her exquisite chin glowing with jade, thinking of better topics.

Amanda and Rachel came back to their senses and changed the subject on purpose. Sara was tired of everyone talking about her and wished that everyone's eyes would be taken away from her. As for Diana, she was warned by Sara, I also feel that easily digging mines can easily become cannon fodder.
In this way, they all looked at Ke Luo expectantly, hoping that she would think of a more suitable topic, and dispel the weird feeling that enveloped everyone's hearts!

It can be said that Ke Luo shoulders the expectations of everyone including Qin Yi and Susa at this time!
But I don't know if Ke Luo is teasing everyone, "for example" for a long time, making everyone a little hopeless, and the "for example" has not yet come out with a result.
Susa is angry and funny, this girl started playing again, and her mind changed too quickly. Well, even if you want to play, bring everyone together
She couldn't help but patted Ke Luo, reminding her not to just play by herself!
This shot was indeed effective. After enjoying everyone's expectant eyes for a while, Ke Luo smiled and pointed his tender fingers at Qin Yi who was also expecting: "For example, we can continue to discuss Yi's expression! Didn't you say that this Is the guy's expression very rascal just now, maybe someone took a picture of that scene."

Su Sa immediately covered her mouth and chuckled, she knew that this Hun Dan would definitely be pushed out to block the gun!
Qin Yi pretended to be very surprised and opened his mouth wide, expressing his surprise, and even spread his hands innocently, with a funny expression of "why is it always me who gets hurt", which made the girls giggle unscrupulously !

In fact, he already knew that he would be pushed out by his daughters-in-law. It happened many times before.
Of course, this is also because, in the current atmosphere, teasing him is the best way to divert the atmosphere. In the words of the girls: Yi is a man, and he deserves to be teased and joked by them!
Rachel, who laughed a few times and didn't express much opinion until now, proudly raised the DV in her hand, and said excitedly: "I took a picture of Yi's expression just now! You don't want to have a copy!" Is it? This may be a good collection!"

"Wow, you're awesome!"

Amanda, who was the closest, snatched the DV from Rachel's hand for the first time, hugged her shoulders excitedly and shook her shoulders twice, then lowered her head to fiddle with the DV, and praised: "Just now everyone just watched the fun I didn't expect you to come up with the idea of ​​filming it! Rachel, you are awesome!"

Susa, Ke Luo, and the remaining two also followed suit.

Qin Yi was ignored, but he was also happy to relax, sitting on the scooter, stroking the protruding boa constrictor's head, this obedient guy even helped him scare Little Japan, and he didn't have time to praise it just now!
At this moment, the girls were only discussing with the camera, and he happened to come over to appease the big guy.

It would have been a good choice to feed some food, but the boa constrictor will not eat for a long time after eating once, so it can only touch its head as a reward!
But Rachel, who enjoyed everyone's praise over there, shook her hands embarrassingly: "Well, you don't have to praise me like that, because I was just like you, I was just watching the fun at the time! Ke Luo handed over the DV Give it to me, I've been holding it flat, it's not a special shot"

"Okay, Rachel, no matter what, as long as you take a picture of that silly funny look, you've already done a great job!" Ke Luo watched Amanda fiddling with the camera while patting Rachel proudly. shoulders, with an arrogant look of "I'm the boss, what I say" makes the girls giggle!
"Oh, that's fine!" Rachel didn't say any more, because she was really happy to "make a great contribution"!

"Haha, look, that's the face. God, why does he admit his mistakes, but give people the feeling of being a rascal?"

"It's very simple. Susa was about to go crazy, but Yidu took the initiative to admit his mistake. How can Susa go crazy?"

".Well, he's a rogue!"

Qin Yi over there was quite speechless, but in the past when he argued with the girls, he was not a scoundrel but an idiot, so he could only pretend that he didn't hear it!

But looking at the boa constrictor beside him, he laughed again, and asked in a low voice: "Hey, buddy, do you think I'm a rascal too? Of course, before answering this question, you must first understand that a rascal, I won’t feed you delicious food, let alone give you delicious spiritual spring water!”

The boa constrictor looked at Qin Yi, doubts flashed in his nimble little eyes.

Although it has been remodeled, like Teddy and the others, it has become as intelligent as a two- or three-year-old child, but it has only learned some simple commands. Qin Yi's long list of words, it is really difficult to figure out what it means.
Therefore, it just looked at Qin Yi suspiciously, at most it pressed its head against Qin Yi's palm, as if to ask him to say it again, and then it didn't do any other movements, giving people a cute feeling!

But Qin Yi was very satisfied with its reaction: "Well, silence means denial, it seems that you don't think I'm a scoundrel either! That's right, how could I be a scoundrel? Look, the boa constrictor is the most honest , um, I'll drink spiritual spring water for you when I get home!"

As he said that, he also gestured a gesture of holding water with both hands. The boa constrictor knew this gesture very well, and immediately rubbed his head against Qin Yi's arm happily, then lay down quietly, and dozed off again.

This big guy likes to sleep late even more than the big brown bear McGee!
At this time, Fanny returned to the backstage after the performance, holding a bunch of bananas around her nose, presumably it was a reward from Angel for her good performance!
Fanny went straight to Qin Yi's side, poked her nose and handed over the banana, wanting Qin Yi to help peel it off, so Qin Yi had a new playmate!

It's just that he thought his voice was low enough, and Susa and the others wouldn't have heard what he said jokingly with the boa constrictor, but he didn't realize that the backstage was so big
"God, did you hear that? You are so rascal, you can say such rascal words" Ke Luo covered her stomach and bent over with a smile, but she really lowered her voice, only the girls who were close to her could hear !

"Well, we all underestimated him before. Maybe he shouldn't exist on Earth!"

"Like Green Lantern, can it be a visitor from the universe?"

"Aha, that's right, maybe Yi is an octopus monster."

"Oh God, can't you just use another word? This is disgusting!"

"How about a groundhog? This one is cuter!"

".Well, forget what I said!"

They muttered here, but they didn't notice that Qin Yi, who was peeling bananas for Fanny, suddenly became very excited after answering the phone.

He couldn't wait to hang up the phone, jumped off the cart, and shouted excitedly at the girls: "Hey, ladies, Sandy is going to give birth to a pony! Don't you want to go back and see?"

(End of this chapter)

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