American Ranch

Chapter 523 It's Difficult to Pick a Name

Chapter 523 It's Difficult to Pick a Name

When they returned to the main house, Angel was leading Vivian and Knox, riding alpacas on the lawn for a race. As for Betsy, Brown and Jenny took her home after eating snacks. , I want to play enough with little Becky!
It's a pity that they were too wishful thinking. Although Becky happily hugged Jenny's neck and lay in her mother's arms and refused to come down, before leaving, she still vowed that she would come here on time tomorrow and go to earn dollars with Sister Angel!
Well, playing with your friends and earning dollars is more important than mom and dad!

"I haven't played with my parents for a long time. They are so pitiful. Well, I'll just spend the night with them today, for God's sake!"

According to Susa's description, these words were said by Becky before she left, and Susa repeated it in a child's tone, which made Qin Yi just want to laugh, and lamented that American children are all so small and big!
But when Becky came home, Knox was very happy, because when Becky was around, the three girls would play together. He just happened by the way and didn't have much sense of participation. Moreover, he was often ordered by the girls. .
Just like the current alpaca race, if Becky was there, the three alpacas, Lazy Goat, Beautiful Goat, and Li Goat, would be divided into one for each of the three girls. Watch him bored more, give him the little flower cow or the little black cow!
But they rode alpacas, but he had to ride a calf. Such an obvious difference made him completely unmotivated
But now there is no worry in this regard. Although Knox is given a brown llama, which is still different from the white of Angel and Vivian, as long as it is also an alpaca, that color is right for Knox. Nevermind, he wouldn't even mind a zebra-print alpaca!
Of course, if there is a rare zebra-printed alpaca, it will definitely not be his turn to ride.
Looking at the three children dressed as little knights on the lawn, yelling to make their mounts run faster, Qin Yi and Susa, who watched quietly for a while, couldn't help pursing their lips and chuckling.

I took Susa back to the house, only to find that there were so many family members and friends, and no one was at home at this time, and I didn't know what they were busy with.

"Khloe and the others went to the airport, Sara and Amanda went to pick vegetables with their mother, there are guests in the evening, the dinner must be richer, although Trevor is the second brother of Khloe, not an outsider, but we must be more enthusiastic, right? ?"

Seeing his doubts, Susa smiled and explained, and finally remembered something, her expression was full of anticipation and excitement: "Yes, Sandy is about to give birth to a foal, and Rachel predicts that it will be within this week! God, we're going to have a new member soon!"

Su Sa was a little elated, and trotted over to give Qin Yi a light hug to express her celebration. This gesture was not at all like the usual mature and stable her. Qin Yi felt itchy and kissed her!
Qin Yi also had great expectations for the soon-to-be born pony. This is the first offspring of the improved horse, and it is the first offspring of Xiao Hei!
The cowboys may only regard the birth of a pony of excellent blood, but in the eyes of Qin Yi's family, the birth of Xiao Hei's offspring means that the big family has added a new member!

For the good news, Qin Yi poured two glasses of wine and celebrated with Susa a little.

Then he called Ryan, who was still busy at Augusta, and asked him to arrange for two cowboys to guard the stables all day.

Ryan naturally agreed, if he hadn't been busy with too many things recently, he would have wanted to take care of it himself. Now, in his words, that is: it's cheaper for those boys!
Just after hanging up the phone, Susa, who leaned against Qin Yi with a teasing smile, immediately said: "Yi, have you thought about the name? The name of the little pony, when a baby is born, there must be a name that sounds good." name!"


Qin Yi rubbed his nose, knowing that his wife was teasing him again
I'm not good at picking names, and they always make fun of them whenever I get a chance!

Seriously though, the pony has to have a name!

This really posed a problem for him: What kind of name should he choose? Is it like Eagle Big Eagle Two, and also give the foals to be born, and the ponies in the next few years, a big horse, two horses, etc. name?

I have to say, thinking about it this way, Qin Yi is still a little moved. Regardless of whether it sounds good or not, at least it saves trouble, and it solves the problem of naming all newborn ponies in one go!

It is simply once and for all!

But a name like Eagle Big Eagle II has always been teased by Susa and Ke Luo. If this model is adopted again, let alone whether the daughters-in-law are happy, it is inevitable to be ridiculed by everyone. After all, The name is too level!

low ah low
Qin Yi shook his head, but still rejected this tempting idea!
But there was no other choice, so I had to procrastinate first, so I raised my hand in surrender to Susa: "Okay, we can talk about this issue later, you know, Trevor should be here soon, I have to go wash Taking a bath and changing clothes, you can’t be too rude, can you?”

Su Saming knew he was procrastinating, but she didn't try to expose it, she just giggled coquettishly, as if she had won a battle!

Qin Yi quickly took a shower, put on a casual pair of jeans and a T-shirt, whistled, and went downstairs leisurely. At this time, Susa had already brewed a large pot of coffee, which was produced in the space and had a strong and mellow aroma. , and entertain friends later, this is an excellent drink.

It has to be said that Susa's timing was just right. Not long after the coffee was brewed, Qin Yi heard the sound of a car outside, presumably it was Ke Luo who came back.

The two hurried out to check.

Sure enough, the one that drove over quickly was the rough-looking Escalade. This car was bought in the vineyard. Qin Yi once drove it from the vineyard all the way back to the pasture. A road trip is considered rare. experience.

The three little guys, Angel, also came over on alpacas, and stood beside Qin Yi and Susa with a smile, waiting to welcome the guests, appearing very polite and well-behaved.

The car stopped quickly, but it was Ke Luo's eldest brother Brandon who jumped out of the driver's seat!

Qin Yi shook his head, this guy didn't say he would come together, he thought it was only Trevor!
This thirties-year-old man with stubble on his face has a rough feeling at the moment, which is far from the previous chic and handsome image. Red is a great match!

Maybe that's why he replaced Khloe driving?

With a "boom", Brandon slammed the car door domineeringly. Black sunglasses and a leather jacket one size smaller made him look stylish. I think this outfit is very attractive when paired with Escalade. The little girl's eyes!

Under the funny eyes of Qin Yi and Susa, Brandon caressed his short hair rather narcissistically, then took off his sunglasses smartly, and greeted them with a big smile, "Aha, Yi, I love this to death." It's a car, this is the car a man should drive!"

Qin Yi was loose, with one hand in his pocket, and the other hand out to shake him, looking very relaxed and comfortable.

This kind of body language was given to him by Ke Luo. He usually greets old friends or relatives at the door. Many old beauties will put on this pose, which can easily give people a familiar and friendly feeling!

"Buy one if you like it!" Qin Yi smiled, and then raised his fist and thumped Brandon's chest gently.

To be honest, Qin Yi still prefers this tough and intimate way of greeting.

(End of this chapter)

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