American Ranch

Chapter 518 Hello Boa Constrictor

Chapter 518 Hello Boa Constrictor

*I just finished half of the next chapter, come back later, and finish dinner first!

I saw Angel bouncing up to the stage, smiling at everyone, then turned her head to look at the curtain leading to the backstage, the tourists followed her, and suddenly found out!
I saw a corner below the curtain, which had been lifted at some point, and a dark triangular head with dark yellow patterns was slowly poking out from behind the curtain.
Seeing that head, the tourists were taken aback for a moment, and then they were startled, and their backs were soaked in cold sweat!
Everyone covered their mouths tightly, not daring to make a sound.

They wanted to flee immediately, but they were afraid that their rash actions would attract the idea of ​​that head, so they could only widen their eyes in horror. Although their hearts were about to jump out, they still could only stand still and dare not move!

Only the children were better. Although there was a little fear in the eyes looking at that head, they were more curious!
Of course, when seeing Teddy, Fanny and the kitten, the love shown on the little faces is absolutely invisible at this time!

That's right, the last one to appear is the big surprise for tourists - our mighty and majestic Mr. Boa Constrictor!
It just seems that, like what Vivian said, and what Qin Yi and others expected, the boa constrictor with a triangular head and cold eyes brought more horror than surprise to everyone!
Fortunately, when we entered the venue just now, Vivian had already reminded those tourists with weak hearts, heeded the advice and did not come in, otherwise, at this moment, they would really be scared to the past!

But at this time, Qin Yi also noticed that many tourists were sweating and their faces were pale, and it was not far away from them.
This made him a little worried, maybe he should call Ryan and ask him to notify the medical staff stationed at the tourist fair site by the town hospital to come and stand by?
"Damn it! I knew that anyone who saw a boa constrictor would be sick from fright!" Ke Luo muttered softly, although she was cursing, but there was a smile on the corner of her mouth, thinking that so many people had come to experience her treasure hunting in the past The horror feeling during the adventure satisfies her little wicked taste!
Look at Amanda, Sara, and Rachel who also had the same experience. There is no sense of fun in the worried eyes of the three of them looking at the tourists.
Only Susa's eyes were more worried. She grabbed Qin Yi's arm, bit her lip and said, "Yi, maybe we have to do something! God, don't really scare the tourists out of the question, or we will bankrupted!"

God, at this moment, she is still in the mood to joke!

Qin Yi was a little speechless to his overwrought daughter-in-law and friends!
However, compared to Ke Luo and the others' attitude towards watching a good show, Susa is already much better. After all, she is a few years older, and the maturity of considering issues is not comparable to that of Ke Luo and the others who are 20 or [-] years old. .

And there is one thing she said is right, if you really scare the tourists out of good or bad, you will not go bankrupt, but it will be a huge compensation, and the money will be ignored. If you scare people, wouldn't you be suspected of committing a crime?
If there is another lawsuit, God, it feels terrible to think about it!
So he patted Susa's little white hand as if comforting, and walked quickly towards the stage.

At this moment, Angel didn't seem to see everyone's reaction, she still looked at the big boa constrictor poking out her head with a smile on her face, and then she seemed to think that this big guy was too slow, and walked up with her little feet.

"Come on, that's a giant python! Oh God! Is it April Fool's Day? Or am I not waking up, but dreaming in my little tree house? Yes, that's right, I must be dreaming God, today So many crazy things!"

Seeing Angel smiling towards the boa constrictor, an old Caucasian lady stretched out her hand and grabbed it twice worriedly, as if she wanted to pull the little girl back, but in the end, she was incoherent, muttering, looking like she was about to go crazy look!

And with her beginning, the tourists who were already terrified could no longer bear the panic in their hearts and the dignified atmosphere on the field, covering their heads and screaming!

"Oh my god, help! The giant python is coming to eat me"

"My God! How can there be a giant python? Why is there a giant python? Damn it, if I knew I would never come in."


"Tina, forgive me for not being able to walk with you any longer. I hope you and the children will not be sad because of me. When death comes, we are so small and humble, fearful, resentful, cowardly, and helpless. May the good and merciful Lord, Forgive their faults, pardon their guilt, alleviate their physical pain, and send the Holy Light to shine on your believers, guiding them to the kingdom of eternal life"

Some people ran away or squatted on the ground screaming, and there was a chubby middle-aged black man kneeling on the ground with tears on his face, praying fearfully and devoutly in a choked tone, doing his last act for himself and others before he died. prayer
The chaos of the scene and the fear of the adults had a profound impact on the children, making these little ones who were not very scared at first overwhelmed, and they also cried loudly. The whole scene suddenly became chaotic, as if the next second will get out of hand!
The tourists at the back had successfully "escaped" at this time, shouting for help outside the tent with terrified voices, and even heard some people calling 911 to call the police
Seeing this scene, Susa and Ke Luo couldn't laugh or cry. At the beginning when Angel wanted to let the boa constrictor perform on stage, everyone had expected that there would be trouble, but they didn't expect that everyone's reaction would be so violent!

It may be because there are too many people, and everyone is yelling in a very undisciplined manner, so that the fear in everyone's heart affects each other, and the final result is that the fear is magnified!

Back then, when Qin Yi and the others encountered the boa constrictor, even though they were terrified, because Qin Yi was the backbone, they didn't mess themselves up. So although there were few people at that time, compared with the group of people who don't know each other now, Tourists are much stronger!
But at this time, I can't think too much. Seeing that there is going to be a problem, everyone can't sit still, so they quickly comforted him loudly.
Angel sat on the thickest belly of the boa constrictor, stared at the tourists with wide eyes, and scratched her head in confusion: What happened to these strange uncles and aunts?
Hearing the chaotic sounds in front, Becky and Vivian, who were playing with the animals in the background, also came out. Knox, who had newly painted clown makeup, was making the final preparations for his performance, and couldn't help it at this time Poked his head and looked around.

"Calm down everyone, listen to me, you're safe! Yes, boa constrictors can't hurt, I promise God! So boa constrictors can't hurt, and you're not in the slightest danger! Look , The boa constrictor is a friend of our family, do you remember Maggie and the big cat, that's right, the big brown bear and the puma, the boa constrictor is just like them!"

Qin Yi jumped onto the stage, waving his hands and shouting loudly. Although he had only half practiced the mental technique of Xinyiquan before, it has the effect of spatial spiritual spring water, and his boxing and kicking skills have already reached the peak of dark energy. The son shook the ears of tourists
This was indeed effective. After everyone heard this, they subconsciously looked towards the stage. Sure enough, Angel, Becky, and Vivian were riding on the boa constrictor, looking at themselves and the others suspiciously and strangely.

This made everyone a little unbelievable: this giant python is as good as a little pet?
Oh God, are you kidding your people again?

(End of this chapter)

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