American Ranch

Chapter 516 Simple Chapters

Chapter 516 A Simple Program
*Four thousand and seven chapters!
Tourists come in one after another.

Soon, the thirty or forty red and yellow cartoon seats prepared on the field were full of people, and the tourists in the back row had no chairs to sit on, but everyone didn't mind, it was just a few children who made a small circus by themselves , can't ask for too much!

Angel and the little fellows greeted everyone and ran to the backstage. Qin Yi did not follow, and led Susa and Ke Luo to stand on the side of the venue, talking and laughing softly while waiting for the show to start.

The location of the few people is very close to the stage. Although it is not very conspicuous among the tourists, it can be found by the children at a glance. When they need help, give them support as soon as possible!

Of course, the adults standing here is a kind of invisible support. Although the children did not appear to be stage frightened, it is undeniable that they still feel more comforted by the parents they can rely on standing by.

There were more than a hundred people gathered in the tent. Although everyone paid attention to the influence and only talked and laughed softly, the whole scene was noisy when added together. A very lively and relaxed atmosphere!
Qin Yi glanced at Susa and Ke Luo, who were talking about jokes with interest and relaxed expressions, and then looked at the bright or warm smiling faces of the tourists, and felt at ease.

The emotional impact even made him feel that the part behind his ears that had been tingling since he woke up in the morning was relieved a lot at this moment.

When this guy was sleeping last night, for some reason, the place with the size of a thumb behind his ear caught a cold and kept stinging. Although he was rubbed by Susa for a while when he got up, it has relieved a lot, but from time to time It's a surprise, but it still makes people tangled!

Well, go back to the ranch at night and let the wives rub it!
Just as this guy had this thought in his mind, on the half-meter-high stage, the curtain leading to the backstage was lifted——the show has begun!

Not only their group, but also the tourists were shocked. They quickly stopped gossip and looked curiously at the performance stage.

It was Angel and Betsy who took the stage.

The two little girls in suits changed their serious speeches in front of the door, and now they were smiling, which made the tourists smile even more unconsciously, especially the way of appearance - riding a big turtle!
That's right, Angel and Becky rode Mr. Turtle respectively, with their calves swaying leisurely, each holding a fishing rod in their chubby little hands, and a small vegetable was hanging from the hanging fishing line, just in front of Mr. Turtle's mouth. They are an illusion of "walking two steps forward and eating them"
Just like that, the two arrogant but clumsy tortoises were led by the nose by the girls, obediently carrying them up to the performance stage!

This unexpected way of appearing on the stage, as well as the cute and clever images of the girls, and the cute and cute image of the tortoise, made tourists feel very amusing.

The applause was accompanied by a chuckle, and it rang out immediately, and even some children exclaimed enviously, "Wow", "Cool", and looked at the big turtle, full of eagerness to try!
"Aha!" Ke Luo also applauded lightly, and smiled at Susa with a sideways head: "Although the girls often play like this at home, every time I see it, it still makes people feel funny!"

Sisters Rachel and Sara nodded with a smile. They also liked this harmonious picture very much. Of course, if the stage made of wooden boards was replaced with dense and green grass at this time, it would give people a more visual sense. peace!
Susa observed the reactions of the tourists, then nodded with a smile: "It seems that the children's performance has made a good start!"

"Don't worry! Susa, the children can do it, we don't need to worry about it!" Qin Yi seemed to comfort her by wrapping his arms around her shoulders, shaking her gently twice.

He knew that Susa was still worried about the children, because this was the first time the children planned such a large-scale event, and they had great expectations for making money. If they did not earn a lot of dollars as expected, they would Surely there will be setbacks!

But she can only worry in her heart, and maybe she can make some small suggestions. When the children need it, the rest is to pray.

But so far, the situation is still very good!
Angel and Betsy waved their little hands to greet everyone.

"Hi everyone, our first program is about to start! But what we want to do first is a race, because Sister Betsy really wants to know, which one runs faster, Da Bao or Xiao Bao!"

What are Dabao and Xiaobao?
Puzzled in the hearts of the tourists, they whispered to each other while looking at the two girls on the stage, waiting for the next content.

The doubts of the tourists did not last long. As soon as Angel finished speaking, Becky added it and introduced to everyone with a smile: "Yes, race! Dabao and Xiaobao are the names of the big tortoise. Sister Angel is riding a tortoise. Dabao, my little treasure!"

After hearing this, all the tourists were stunned, and then chuckled: Dabao, Xiaobao, what a weird name!

In fact, it is normal for tourists not to understand, because when the animals were named, except for Maggie, Teddy, Fanny and the foxes (Luna, Jasmine, Harry), they were basically Chinese names. The family of humpback whales in the fishing ground in Los Angeles also has a Chinese name like "Yuanqiu". These old beauties who don't know Chinese, it's hard to avoid such a transliteration of the name, so it's strange!
But everyone didn't think much about it, and focused more on the keyword "race". Ha, two turtles race, it's really rare!
Including Qin Yi and others, everyone looked at the stage with a smile on their face. At this time, Angel and Becky had already climbed out of Dabao and Xiaobao's turtle shells.

But Mr. Guigui is very arrogant and usually not very obedient, so at this time, the two girls didn't intend to order them, but lured them with vegetables hanging from fishing rods, and successfully led them to the left side of the performance stage, arranging Stand in line.

Afterwards, Angel called "run" and ran out together with Becky. Dabao and Xiaobao saw the vegetables they had been eyeing for a long time running away with the little master, and immediately waved their four clumsy short legs with all their strength, " Quickly catch up!
The two girls quickly came to the other side of the stage, then turned around, looked at Mr. Wugui who was running hard with a smile, and clenched their small fists, bent slightly and shouted at them: "Come on, Dabao (Xiaobao)! If you run fast, you will have vegetables to eat!"

It’s just that no matter how they jump and cheer, Dabao and Xiaobao are like robots in slow motion mode. Not only are they very mechanical, but they are also stuck like cramps. Not to mention how funny it is, it makes the girls giggle !
This happy and lively scene also made the tourists laugh. Although there are only two cute little girls running with a big tortoise, there are not too many funny props, but this is the first time for everyone to see a racing tortoise. !
Coupled with the clumsy and clumsy nature of Mr. Guigui and his foodie attributes, this simple and relaxing scene made everyone grin happily!
Because the innocence and childishness are still there, the children in the audience are more excited than the adults. They were envious of Angel and Becky having a clumsy tortoise to ride. At this time, they saw Dabao and Xiaobao stretching their heads for vegetables. Running, let them can't stop having fun!
For a while, cheers like "gogogo", "Come on Dabao! Overtake, overtake", "comeon! Xiaobao, you can do it", resounded throughout the huge circus tent, and even the tourists passing by You can hear it, and it arouses many people's curiosity.

It's just that the performance started at this time, and the venue was limited. Angel had already ordered Knox, who was in charge of physical work, to set up a wooden notice in front of the door to let everyone know that if you want to watch the performance, you have to wait for the next performance!
However, many people secretly remembered this place, planning to come to see it later, what kind of performance made the people inside laugh so loudly!
In this way, the reputation of Angel Circus gradually began to spread.

At this time, the performance in the tent aroused everyone's laughter, but the competition was only halfway through.

At this time, Dabao had gained some lead, which made Angel and Dabao's supporters rejoice, and Xiaobao's supporters also shouted louder and cheered, as if Mr. Turtle on the stage could understand
Soon, the game ended, without any accidents, Dabao, who was a little bigger and so flimsy, finally won the victory and successfully tasted the winning vegetables!

When Dabao was staring at the cute little round eyes and chewing the vegetables stupidly, Xiaobao wanted to go up and grab a bite, but in response to the girls' own thoughts and the calls of the tourists, Angel and Becky also took the vegetables. Another green vegetable was rewarded to it.

It's a consolation prize!

Becky patted Little Treasure with her mouth puffed out, comforting it was like comforting herself: "Little Treasure, come on! Eat fat, strong, and run faster than Big Treasure next time."

Qin Yi and the others in the audience, as well as the tourists, couldn't help chuckling when they heard her childish words.

At this time, the curtain leading to the backstage was lifted again, and two small heads poked out. It was Vivian and Knox. Maybe they couldn't help being curious when they heard the excitement ahead!
But they have to watch the animals in the background to prevent them from running around, so it is impossible to have fun with everyone in front at this stage.

Maybe when it's their turn to take the stage next time, they can enjoy this joyous scene to their heart's content.

Of course, if you think that they are just looking around out of curiosity, you will underestimate Angel's performance plan!

Vivian and Knox shrank back, and a few seconds later, the little white pig was carried out by their joint efforts. That's right, according to Angel's arrangement, the tortoise competition is over, and the little white pig is about to appear on the stage!
When the little white pig came to the stage, seeing Angel and Becky, he immediately spread his hooves and hopped around the two of them, with his short tail curly, wagging briskly, and making a cute moaning sound. Shout out and look happy!
Coupled with arching the trousers of the two girls from time to time, twisting their buttocks and rubbing against two turtles, the image of a mischievous but smart little piglet is deeply imprinted in the hearts of tourists, not only children, but even some My lord, I can't wait to rush forward to hug this cute little guy!
However, if you are confused by Xiaobai's lively behavior and cute appearance, and ignore his mischievous, bullying nature, then everyone will soon feel the surprise it brings!

No, Xiaobai strolled around a few times and enjoyed a few touches, and immediately noticed that Angel quietly pointed at the big tortoise. Xiaobai, who often played this game, understood the meaning of the little master very cleverly.

So it groaned and leaned towards Dabao and Xiaobao, and the pig's nose raised its arches twice in a row, and immediately arched Mr. Turtle, who was still chewing vegetables slowly, with his feet on his back.
Mr. Turtle was still chewing vegetables, kicking his four big thick legs, trying to turn over, but since the little white pigs came to the pasture, they have experienced this situation many times, and they couldn't turn over on their own every time
The tourists were taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing, saying that they were deceived by the little guy's cute appearance, this little piggy covered in white, but there is a little devil living in his body!
And Xiaobai, who followed Angel's instructions and did bad things, looked at Dabao and Xiaobao who had four thick and short legs poking around, thinking in his heart: two stupid people who are out of stock, only know that they are delicious, make me watch
Hehe hehe, he deserves it!
Xiaobai jumped up and down twice, circling around Angel and Becky, rubbing Angel's trousers as if asking for credit.

Angel bent down and patted Xiaobai's pig's head, this naughty pig with the attribute of a twitch, jumped up and down even more happily
Tourists who saw such a scene for the first time felt very novel, and even wanted to know where to buy such a smart and cute piglet. If there is one at home, it will definitely add a lot of fun to life!

It's just a pity, these are all improved by Qin Yi with spiritual spring water and spiritual grass, exclusive in the world!
Although Qin Yi and others have seen such a scene many times, every time they see it, they can feel a burst of relief in their hearts.

But the ones who feel the most relaxed are Julie, Christine, and Emma. They live in the entertainment industry and are surrounded by various fetters such as entertainment, exposure, and gossip news. Even when they went on vacation, it was rare to experience The feeling of relaxation.

Now in this pasture area close to nature, I really feel the peace in my heart!
Even at this time, many tourists recognized them, but they didn't come forward to disturb them, as if there were no celebrities, no rich people, and no damn government officials here, and some were just ordinary people looking for a free life!

Qin Yi glanced at the smiling ladies, then put his arms around Susa's shoulders, and joked with a light smile: "How about it, should you feel relieved now?"

Susa has always been worried about the children. At this time, the tourists are relaxed and happy, and they know that the children have succeeded!
Although the show is not so exciting that it is unforgettable, there is no problem in bringing everyone a good time. Traveling and vacationing, isn't that the only pursuit!

At this time, most of the tourists on the field also had the same thought in their minds: This is the work of four or five-year-old children, God, what more can you ask for?

"Look, Susa! I just said that the children will be fine, don't worry, haha, they will earn dollars soon!" Ke Luo also comforted Susa with a happy face, as if she had never worried Pass!
I don't know who has been running back and forth to help give ideas and encourage the children.
Qin Yi and Su Sa didn't expose her, they smiled happily and continued to watch the performance together.

And at this time, Becky's parents—Brown and Jenny came over, which surprised everyone. These two basically run clinics in Great Rapids. They only came back to play with Becky on the weekend, and they actually missed work today. ?

Seeing everyone's surprised eyes, Jenny shrugged helplessly and amusedly: "Why, are you surprised to see us?"

Qin Yi and the others looked at each other without speaking, but nodded in unison!
This made Brown a little embarrassed, "Well, the clinic is really busy, you know, the world is full of patients! But think about what day it is? Wow, my baby's show day! It's so important How could I miss the festival? So I left my work and drove here!"

"Assure God, we didn't go home, we came directly from Great Falls!" Jenny added nervously with her hands clasped together!
She didn't want her friends to condemn her, and she was really busy with work recently, so she didn't have much time to spend with Betsy, which made her feel guilty.

But this time, the couple planned to take Becky to have fun for a week. As for work and patients?

All go to hell, damn it!

Seeing the nervous expressions of the two, Qin Yi and the others couldn't help laughing. To be honest, they really didn't intend to say anything more. After all, this is the normal state of many families. If they are not busy working and earning money, how can they live!
At this time, Becky also noticed the situation here, and happily waved her little hand to say hello to Brown and Jenny, and then followed Sister Angel to the backstage to prepare for the next show.

But when they turned around, everyone saw that the little girl had a happy smile on her face, the kind that touched people's hearts.
The show is still going on, the two girls brought Mr. Wugui and the little white pig to the end, and the next one to play is the little chubby teddy bear!
(End of this chapter)

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