American Ranch

Chapter 51 Scum!

Chapter 51 Scum!

In the middle of the night, the online public was still engaged in fierce verbal confrontations. The company where the fashionable man in the video was located had received the news as early as the video went viral.

On the side of the trendy guy, the girl, who is almost unconscious, starts to vomit as soon as she enters the room. Every time the trendy guy wants to do something, the girl starts to vomit again. No desire!
Until the girl vomited almost just now, and went to the bathroom to take a bath in a daze, the trendy man failed, but at this time, the phone rang, and the trendy man, who had been tortured by the girl for more than an hour, was already bored Huo, saw the phone and didn't want to answer it, until the manager called the second time, and then answered in a rough voice: "What's the matter?" (Bangziyu, the same below)

Originally, the agent was very angry when he received the news of the video, you go out and expose it to others, why are you so worried!Now when I heard my artist talking to me in such a tone, I suddenly exploded, "What's the matter? You have been exposed tonight and you don't know what's going on! What else do you do all day besides playing with women?"

The trendy man originally wanted to complain, but he didn't dare to make the manager angry, but he didn't expect the manager to scold him directly, intending to explain a few words, but when he heard the meaning of the manager's words, he jumped out of bed in fright When I got up, I stuttered a bit, "The explosion was exposed? Who exposed it?"

"It's not that it's exposed who wants to take care of your crap, even if you can't control yourself and want to be popular, you can't make people feel relieved. Do you know what impact this time will have? Huh? It's hard to cooperate with a movie in Huaxia , In order to publicize, even such stupid tricks as fake love are used, and this is about to be released, and you have made such a mess, you really don’t want to be in the entertainment circle, right?”

The manager was even angrier when he heard his stammering voice. Can't a big man be a little bit responsible?When something happens, it becomes this kind of virtue, and you dare to make trouble everywhere, the mud can't support the wall!
Anyway, after more than 20 or 2019 years, the trendy man also reflected it after a while, "I'm in xx hotel, the room is [-], hurry up and get someone to pick me up."

"Wait! Give me a break, don't cause any more trouble!" The manager hung up the phone after speaking, and asked someone to pick up the trendy man. Originally, the address of the hotel had not been revealed, and he wanted him to come back by himself, but Afraid of being met by others, and then took a picture and posted it on the Internet, it would be completely hopeless.

After the arrangements were made, the agent looked at this hot topic on the Internet again, feeling deeply helpless. In his opinion, this crisis public relations will not be effective.

Indeed, in the next few days, the company's public relations department put in a lot of effort, but the negative impact had already exploded. No matter how much guidance was given, it was useless. In the end, he could only give up and let the trendy man return to China to become a young actor with peace of mind.

Of course, this is something to talk about. Now that the trendy man hangs up the phone, he doesn't care about getting dressed, and just goes to the computer to browse the news naked. Sure enough, negative news about him is spread all over the Internet, and the entire page is full of negative news about him. Occasionally a few fans of his Bangziguo said a few words to flaunt their idols, and they were also pulled out to greet the eighteenth generation of their ancestors, and then they were quickly overwhelmed.
I didn’t care about those comments. I clicked on the video for the first time to see what was shot. After watching it, I wanted to slap myself twice. The video started with a black leather shoe, and then I staggered in front of the camera. He was still hugging a drunk girl, until he dragged the girl into the room, and was photographed. Anyone who saw these pictures would know what was going on as long as they had a normal head.

The trendy man's face was dull, he knew that this time he was wronged, because of the fake relationship with Liu Yifei, the Internet was already full of complaints against him, and this scandal added, he would never want to hang out in China mainland in the future.

Suddenly, he thought of the young man in the opposite room. The shooting angle of the video was obviously facing the door, and he was the only one present at that time, so he must have taken the picture. He is so strong that he can't wait to beat him up!
The girl almost vomited from alcohol, took a bath again, and became more conscious. Looking at the unfamiliar bathroom, she couldn't remember why she came here. This is obviously not her home!
The girl was a little nervous, she couldn't wear her clothes anymore, she wrapped herself in a bath towel and carefully walked out of the bathroom, the first time she saw a naked man lying in front of the computer, she screamed loudly in fright, she was drunk, she didn't know What happened, and now that he appeared in a strange room with a man, his first reaction was that he had lost his body, and he felt a little desperate, squatting there and crying.

The trendy man was startled by the girl's scream, and heard the girl's cry, and was even more troubled in his heart. He blamed this girl, otherwise how could he be secretly photographed!I completely forgot that I was on the street, and when I saw someone drunk, I got a bad idea, and dragged him to the hotel.
There is no way, his idiot and arrogant nature can only make him think like this!
The trendy guy didn't even bother to put on clothes, so he rushed forward in two steps, pulled the girl and walked towards the computer, the girl screamed in fright, and cried even more desperately, but a weak girl who was still a little dizzy, how could she be a trendy guy? The opponent can only be dragged forward.

The trendy man grabbed the girl's hair and pressed her in front of the computer, yelling violently in his mouth. The girl didn't know what kind of job she was, but she could understand it. Knowing that he asked her to watch that video, she had no choice but to Watch while crying.

After watching the video and scanning the comments, the girl was even more sad, knowing that she was involved in a celebrity scandal, but this was really not what she wanted. She was just drunk and didn't know what was going on, so she appeared in the hotel. I don't know if I was bullied by this scum.
Although in the video I kept tilting my head because I was drunk and couldn't see my face clearly, but the power of human flesh is so strong, the chance of my real identity being exposed is very high!

Thinking of being criticized by the people of the whole country, and possibly losing his body, the grievance and despair in his heart became more intense, and he had the idea of ​​dying with this scumbag!
The trendy boy was already angry, but now the girl's crying made him even more upset, he lost his mind all of a sudden, stepped forward with red eyes, and shouted: "Why are you crying! I see you vomited!" One night, this thing happened before I had a good time, I am more unlucky than you!" After finishing speaking, he grabbed the girl's long hair, swung his right hand fiercely, and slapped the beautiful face with tears. superior!

"Crack!" With a scream, the girl fell to the ground covering her rapidly red and swollen face, feeling a little resentful in her heart, but she was calmly thinking about what the scumbag said. Judging by his meaning, she seemed to have vomited for a long time, and he hadn't succeeded yet. , that is, I haven't lost my body yet!
The girl somewhat believed the angry scum's words, because his words were not meant to explain anything to herself, but more like a rant and confession in his heart. He was venting his dissatisfaction. At this time, he usually would not tell lies.

It seems that I am quite lucky. Although the whole country will know that I will be fleshed out tomorrow, at least I have not lost my body.The girl covered half of her swollen face, a little aggrieved and a little grateful.

But what people didn't expect was that this scumbag slapped the girl and still felt puzzled. He jumped up and held her down, slapped her left and right, and slapped the girl a few more times. The corner of the girl's mouth was bloody!

After a few slaps, the trendy man stood up, turning a deaf ear to the girl's resentful eyes and cries of grievance, and kicked hard on the girl's stomach. She covered her belly and curled up in pain, unable to even scream. come out!
After venting his anger, the trendy man remembered that someone would come to pick him up later, and he ignored the girl who was dying of pain. He walked back to the bed and put on his clothes, and then walked towards the girl again. He was so scared that he just felt better. The girl struggled to stand up, and ran out the door unsteadily.

The trendy man was scared when he saw it, and hurriedly chased her to stop her. If she ran out and yelled at her, then the whole hotel would know about it, and if he spread it on the Internet, he would be even more unlucky!

The girl was so frightened that she ran even faster, crying as she ran, and went out the door. Seeing that she was about to be overtaken by this scum, her current state would definitely not be able to run away from him, so she could only go to the opposite side and knock on the door, hoping that the person on the other side would help her. Own.

"Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!"

Qin Yi, who was sleeping, was awakened by the loud and messy knock on the door, rubbed his eyes, saw that the time was only 12 o'clock in the evening, and couldn't understand what happened, so he got up, put on his clothes casually, and went to open the door.

"Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!"

The knock on the door rang a few more times, and then the girl's cries were vaguely heard. The desolate voice was full of despair, indescribable resentment and sadness.

Qin Yi didn't dare to delay, ran up to open the door, and saw a man dragging a girl wrapped in a bath towel to the opposite room, wasn't he just the trendy guy I met at night, and this girl, how could she be This look?

Although I don't know the reason, it's obvious that this trendy man beat up the girl, and now he is dragging her away. He looks like a villain at first glance, Qin Yi can help the weak!
The trendy man has long seen the young man who wished to kill him in his heart. If he hadn't seen him to be strong, he would have beaten him together, but he didn't expect that he would not seek trouble with him. Too many people!

The trendy man decided not to tolerate him anymore. Although you look strong, but my buddy is not really afraid of you. Today I will let you experience the Taekwondo of the Big Stick Country!
Thinking about it this way, he let go of the girl and rushed towards Qin Yi, uttering something Qin Yi didn't understand.

Seeing Qin Yi coming out, the girl immediately begged: "Help me, this scumbag keeps beating me! Please. Help me!"

Qin Yi looked at the girl's pitiful appearance, and just wanted to say a few words of comfort, when he saw that trendy guy rushing towards him, approaching him, clenched his fists with both hands, and kicked him in the head with his legs raised high, with that speed and strength, you can see Qin Yi curled his lips, complaining that it would be better to put on airs than he used to.
I was thinking wildly in my heart and didn't rush to fight back, but in the eyes of the other two, they thought it was Qin Yi who couldn't dodge the kick. The girl hurriedly reminded Qin Yi loudly to dodge, regretting in her heart that she had hurt others, while the trendy man was staring at him. Lu was pleasantly surprised, and was very excited that he would be able to make meritorious deeds with one blow!
As a result, at the next moment, Qin Yi quickly punched with his right hand, hitting the trendy man's high-raised leg with a punch, and with a crisp click, Qin Yi quickly changed from fist to palm, and punched casually in front of the right. With a slap, he slapped the trendy man on the left face, knocked out a few teeth, and at the same time interrupted the screams he was about to make because of the dislocation of his right knee, causing him to fall to the ground, hugging his leg. cough!

The girl was a little shocked when she saw Qin Yi's two quick shots. She glanced at the trendy man who fell to the ground and groaned miserably, and she also let out a sigh of relief. This damned scum only took two hits, which is really cheap for you!
ps: Thank you for your recommendation tickets, thank you for the simple little K’s reward, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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