American Ranch

Chapter 508 Durable Firestick

Chapter 508 Durable Firestick

"Tu Tu Tu!"

The tractor was like a playful little pig, jumping happily on the road that hadn't dried yet, carrying Qin Yi and his party on the long cart, and drove towards Augusta at a leisurely pace.

There are also many pedestrians on the road, some are nearby residents, and more are tourists driving from other places. Not to mention the local residents, many American people in other places also know the boyfriend of the former Hollywood actress Khloe. Qin Yi, even though the other party didn't know who he was, he still poked his head out to greet everyone at the moment of overtaking.

"Hi Yat? Is that you? Haha, I knew it! Well, you sure don't know me, I'm xx! Wow, you guys are so romantic, look, driving a tractor in a field on this sunny morning Go for a ride, it's more stylish than a roadster! Well, this is a good idea, I will try it someday"

"Hello, Ms. Moretz, I am your fan. Of course, you have changed your career. What a pity, for those fans"

"Oh man, look who I saw! Miss Stuart and Miss Watson! It's a surprise, isn't it? You and Yat are friends? Well, I'm too much of a problem, please don't mind By the way, you heard from Director Peter that you have a new movie, Stealing Cows”

Along the way, Qin Yi and his party chatted and laughed, while responding to greetings from various people. The atmosphere was relaxed and leisurely.

"Damn it, I like it!"

Sitting on the wheel baffle of the tractor, Senator Scott slapped his thigh hard, and praised with a relaxed smile, "This reminds me of when I was a child, on my family's farm, my father drove the tractor like this, with Me and mom!"

Qin Yi turned his head to look at this old guy, because he was well maintained, this guy didn't look too old, he had short hair and his body was not obviously out of shape, he could only be said to be middle-aged and in the prime of life, in one word, that is It's time to hit!
But at this time, Scott was sitting loosely on the tractor in a decent suit, which looked really funny!

"Looks like that was the best time of your life!"

"Yes, that's right! But that's not all. When Diana was young, I used to carry her on a tractor like this. I also accompanied her to paint, catch fish, go camping, and do woodworking. Unfortunately, she is grown up now and doesn't like it very much. Stay with me, a bad old man, she likes young attractive guys!"

Scott had nostalgia and regret on his face, but he was more relieved. Children will always be like this when they grow up, as long as they live well!

After being stunned for a while, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Qin Yi: "Does Diana keep in touch with you often? I mean, you are all young people, and you should have a lot of common topics to talk about!"

Qin Yi glanced at him, a little puzzled, why did it suddenly involve Diana?

But he still replied casually: "Yes, she often calls. These days, Bonebreaker has participated in many competitions, and Diana can bring back a beautiful championship trophy every time! Of course, there are also US dollars! "

The silly girl!
Scott complained secretly in his heart, participating in competitions all day long, no matter how many championships he won, he didn't feel relieved at all from this kid's attitude.
Seeing that he had become dazed again, Qin Yi didn't know what he was thinking, so he stopped talking and concentrated on driving the tractor, smiling and nodding to the passers-by who greeted him from time to time.

"I have an idea!"

After a while, Scott suddenly became excited again. Like a child who thought of a good idea, he moved his buttocks and couldn't wait to offer his treasure: "Yi, why don't you build a professional horse farm yourself? It's in the Sun River Ranch. You don't need to worry too much." Big enough to be able to breed and train more than a dozen competing horses!"

Qin Yi frowned and looked at him, and quickly understood what he meant: "You mean, bring back the bonebreaker?"

"Why not?"

Scott's smile was full of bewilderment, he clapped his palms happily, he didn't care that he would show his left palm with three missing fingers, "Isn't it safer for bonebreakers to live and train in their own professional horse farm? Years later, the Bonebreaker will have offspring, and he can also train himself!"

Qin Yi glanced at Scott who was trying to encourage him, but couldn't figure out what his plan was.

But after thinking about it carefully, there is really no harm in doing so, so I simply agreed.

Coincidentally, he has always regretted not seeing the Bonebreaker for a long time. With his own professional horse farm, this problem will be solved!

Scott naturally has his own ideas. If the Sun River Ranch has a professional horse farm, Diana, who is a jockey for the Bonebreaker, will definitely live in the ranch.
Diana, there is only so much daddy can help you with. You are a one-sided, silly girl. If you want people to remember you, you can't just do things with your head down!
Scott thought regretfully and narcissistically: Why didn't he inherit a bit of his political acumen to Diana?
The two were chatting in front. Susa, Keluo and a group of ladies were sitting on the cart covered with hay and blankets, teasing the children while admiring the scenery of the open pasture under the bright sunshine, all of them seemed leisurely Leisurely.

But on the other tractor that followed, the atmosphere was not so harmonious.
"Damn it, why are they riding in armored vehicles, even Apaches, and we have to be treated to this goddamn dray! God, didn't know it would look funny in a suit and ride in a dregs dray ?”

"Maybe it's because their name is the security team, while ours is the bodyguard dog!" A middle-aged man laughed, patted the complaining young man on the shoulder, and relieved him like a joke.

"Haha." The others laughed freely when they heard this. They all entered the industry earlier than the young man, and they have long since lost the competitive mentality of young people.

"More than that!"

Another person spoke, and he pouted in the direction of the two armed vehicles, sighing enviously: "Look at their equipment, not to mention night vision goggles and bulletproof vests, but look at the guns, M249 automatic rifles, mo Damn Sberg, oh my god, did you see that machine gun mounted on the roof, M240B, only troops above the US military platoon level are equipped with it!"

"Ha, did this surprise you? Guess what I saw when I set off just now? M14 enhanced sniper rifle! That's right, that's it. Although there is only one, this is a configuration that only special forces have. I don't know how they did it!"

"It's very simple, you don't know this country yet? As long as you have money, you can get anything. It's a question of how much money you have and how little money you have! Will Mr. Qin have no money? Haha, you can get an M14 with a hundred bottles of wine, You can even get legal procedures!"

The young man hummed unconvincedly: "There are a lot of firearms, but they are only used to maintain law and order. No matter how many they are, they can only be used for display. What's the use! And even if I only have a pistol, I can still do the job!"

"Forget your old and rusty Colts! They're standard M9's, your old pistols that should be retired, only used occasionally by the street punks when they shoot birds."

The young man couldn't help but blush, but he still held his head up and defended himself: "Damn it, will the performance be much worse? I don't think so. Of course, the key is that I'm proficient, okay, okay, even if I don't carry a pistol, I And a Remington, bang bang"

The young man made an aiming and shooting action, but his companions laughed again: "Damn Remington, the universal gun, it reminds me of hunting, yes, this thing is very effective against big stupid wild boars! And I never The drunk who lived in the abandoned train station also saw one, haha, he used it as a fire stick, and hung a broken iron pot underneath to boil water!"

"Haha, I think that must be durable"

"Shut up, do you fucking want to taste my fist, old man, I promise to blow your nose off!"

The young man became furious, grabbed a handful of hay and threw it over, which caused even more laughter.
(End of this chapter)

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