American Ranch

Chapter 504 Headache Chapter Title

Chapter 504 Headache Topic

After dealing with a few phone calls, and promising to some relevant people and departments that he would restrain the behavior of the security team, Qin Yi was able to be quiet and couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help but look at the old men in front of him. stop laughing.

Because these old men with different personalities are drinking coffee at this time, while looking at themselves with expectant eyes, their expressions are exactly the same as Angel and other little guys who saw the delicious food!
He chuckled twice, picked up his cup of coffee, leaned back on the sofa and took a sip, "Look, what I saw! Aha, have you old guys also learned to play tricks? It seems that I How lucky, this silent drama is free!"

In the face of the boss's kind ridicule, the old men also realized that they had gone too far, but there was nothing embarrassing about it. They either patted their thighs, or hugged their thin hair, and laughed heartily at the same time!

Hobbs, who is optimistic and jumpy, was the first to lose his composure. He sat on the sofa, leaned forward, and rubbed his rough palms with carrot-like thick fingers expectantly, "Take us together! Yi, Let's meet the security team and let the lads know they are welcome!"

"That's right, we don't care about soldiers, but they all belong to the boss's security company, and they are our own people!" Ryan said proudly, as if his boss had a privately armed security team, so he was also honored Not a lot!

"Let's go together. There are not many opportunities to meet soldiers in reality. Damn it, I'm fed up with those security officers in small towns wearing small-caliber revolvers. The firepower of these good babies is not even as good as ours. These old hunters!"

It was the oldest Walker who said this.

The old guy drank the coffee in his cup in one gulp, smashed his mouth to express his disdain for the young people who only like to surf the Internet and pick up girls, his chubby round face was glowing red, and he was about to tell about his brilliant hunting achievements Posture!
"Yeah, they're just a bunch of DUI-checking, ticketing, old hats that should go in the trash can. Well, maybe this is an opportunity, a chance for small-town youth to embrace physical fitness God, I can't wait!"

Marcus guessed what Walker was thinking, so he interrupted him quickly to prevent him from talking about hunting. However, it is inevitable that everyone will take it out and make fun of it.
This is not what he hoped for!
Witnessing this scene, Qin Yi smiled and waved his hands: "Of course you can see our great lads, but guys, we have to finish the work first!"

"Of course, of course! How could we forget about work!" Several old men nodded and agreed happily.

"Okay then, cowboys, let's have a big fight!"

Qin Yi held up the coffee, like champagne in a goblet, stretched it out to touch the old cowboys, and drank it down in one gulp!

This made Ryan and the others quite interesting. Could coffee be used for toasting?
Although they were muttering in their hearts, their movements were not slow. They held up the coffee one after another, bumped it with a few "booms", and then drank it boldly!

"Okay, cowboys, hurry up and work for me, and go to meet our soldiers later, well, this is the benefit of your busy work recently!"

"Oh, God, can this be considered a benefit?"

"That's right, Yike really looks like a capitalist more and more."

"Haha, shut up! Marcus, Jones, you two greedy old bastards, don't you know that starting tomorrow, you can make a lot of dollars? That's your welfare!"

"Hobbs is right, guys, you are not only working for Yi, you are also working for yourself, don't be dissatisfied!"

"God! Thinking about the past, fools can't be satisfied! We're just kidding. Oh, yes, Ryan doesn't understand jokes! Haha"

Watching several old cowboys leave joking with each other, Qin Yi shook his head and smiled, got up and went upstairs.

The laughter of a few little guys came from the third floor. It was the children playing in the dance training hall, and of course there was a piece of piano music with a good rhythm. Qin Yi stopped and listened for a while, then shook his head and laughed: It seems that Vivian I'm showing myself again!

The little girl really likes to see the adoring eyes of Angel and the others!
He didn't continue to climb up to the third floor, but entered the study room deep in the corridor on the right, where the ladies were doing their work.

Opening the door, there was a heated discussion, and they were designing the plot again. Originally, the ladies wanted to choose the location on the terrace on the second floor, because they thought it would be easier to find inspiration for film art while enjoying the beautiful scenery of the autumn rain!

But a terrace is a terrace, even though Qin Yi helped set up a large canvas umbrella, it still couldn't stop the autumn wind from coming!

After all, a big umbrella is not a tent!

So, after the hard-working shot script was soaked by the rain many times, the ladies couldn't bear it any longer, and angrily entered the house while cursing the terrible weather!

As for Qiu Yu's quiet beauty, let it go to hell!
At this time, Qin Yi opened the door and entered the room, and the ladies either continued to discuss, or leaned towards him to ask him to support their point of view. Qin Yi couldn't help secretly guarding against any bad idea.

Sure enough, seeing his guarded expression, Amanda suddenly giggled, a little inexplicably, which made Qin Yi feel more and more badly.

She patted her fair little hands, and after attracting the attention of the sisters, she said in a mischievous tone: "Hey, girls, I have a good idea!"

As the hostesses, Susa and Colo were naturally the first to express their views. They nodded with a smile and encouraged Amanda to continue talking.

"The script is almost done now, and I have a good idea about the ending!" Amanda smiled conspiratorially at Qin Yi again, with a malicious expression, not to mention Qin Yi, the girls could also see it.

"At the end of the movie, Susa and Colo are caught by the cattle thief, and they want to exchange the code to open the vault in Yi's hands, but because the code is only half, the cattle thief only agrees to exchange one of Susa or Colo, Unless Yi Yi gets the other half of the password in Area 51."

Speaking of this, Qin Yi already understood the huge pit that Amanda dug for him, enough to kill someone!
Sure enough, Amanda, with a little devil smile on her mouth, crossed her arms and gloated: "So, our gentleman, Yi, which one do you plan to exchange? Susa, or Kolo?"

The ladies were all smiling and watching, wanting to see how he resolves the crisis, especially the two parties, Susa and Keluo, who looked at him jokingly, with two pairs of bright and big eyes, unblinking, I looked at Qin Yi so hard that my head broke out in a cold sweat!
Damn Amanda!

I will come back with revenge. One day sooner or later, you just wait, and I will let you, a silly woman, know how powerful I am!
Qin Yi was thinking viciously in his heart, but he knew very well that this was not the time to think about these things. If the predicament in front of him was not properly resolved, his wives would definitely be dissatisfied!
Scratching his head in distress, the girls all found this depressed look very interesting: Haha, but it's rare to see this guy so embarrassed and having a headache!
In the anticipation of everyone, Qin Yi finally spoke: "Uh, that... This is really too bad! For me, Susa and Keluo were captured, which is more distressing than myself falling into the enemy's hands." ! Life is better than death! Yes, that's the word! Well, this trick really beat me, I think I'm almost done."

As Qin Yi spoke, he paced back and forth unsteadily, nervous, impatient, and afraid that his answer would hurt either Susa or Ke Luo, so he seemed at a loss!

Yes, this topic made him, who had always been calm, a little helpless!
In fact, at this time, Amanda had already begun to regret it, and realized that this joke was really too much. If she made anyone unhappy, she would become a complete sinner!
But she just thought of this prank temporarily, and said it as soon as she got excited, without thinking too much. It is really difficult for a careless girl like her to solve the problem at this time.
Well, this is beyond her ability, so she can only stand there and worry!
The girls are also aware of this, but they don't know how to round up the topic. They want to blame Amanda for a few words, but seeing her lose their sense of control first, they can't bear to be harsh in their hearts, so they just stare at her and give up!
The only thing to blame is that this girl never uses her brain when she speaks and does things.
At this moment, Susa and Keluo no longer had jokes in their eyes, but were replaced by nervousness and worry!
I can't help complaining to Amanda in my heart: The family was fine, but she accidentally had trouble like this!

Of course, they actually wanted to know how Qin Yi would answer. Although they accepted the status quo, they still had their own petty thoughts after all. Who wouldn't want to occupy a more important position in their lover's heart!

But if it really affects the harmony of the family because of this incident, they will definitely stop Qin Yi from talking. After all, long-term happiness is the most important thing!
In this atmosphere of having different thoughts, Qin Yi, who was a little distressed, finally looked at Susa and Ke Luo with affectionate eyes in the expectant and worried crowd: "Well, this is really difficult to answer, but I swear to God, I really love you guys. If something like that happens, I hope I can use that half of the code and myself to get you back and let you save me!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Susa and Ke Luo were even more relieved, feeling that the boulder that weighed heavily on their chests had finally fallen, and being shown love by Qin Yi in front of so many people, their hearts were filled with joy and happiness.

Although his answer just now seemed a bit rascal, what else could he ask for!

Julie stepped forward, hugged the shoulders of Susa and Keluo, her smile was full of blessings, she had just experienced emotional problems, but the scene in front of her, especially the happy smiling faces of the two girls, gave her a lot of relief , and the mood also improved a lot.

Sara took the lead in booing and clamoring to watch the kissing. This request to watch the show got everyone's response.

As a result, the study room, which was supposed to be serious, suddenly became noisy!
And in this happy atmosphere, Qin Yi honestly hugged Susa and Ke Luo, and had a suffocating wet kiss one by one that made the girls' hormones rise.
Afterwards, Amanda took the initiative to stand up and condemn herself. Her fair face was flushed with guilt, and she spoke incoherently. This girl who has always been carefree showed a cute side!
After the incident was over, Qin Yi announced the arrival of the security team. The demeanor of the soldiers easily attracted the interest of the girls, and they all expressed their desire to follow along. As a result, the onlooker team was expanded again!

(End of this chapter)

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