American Ranch

Chapter 500 The Twins Are Coming

Chapter 500 The Twins Are Coming

"Julie? Yeah, it's me, take it easy, take it easy, Julie! Take it easy, of course, they'll love it here. Don't say that, we're friends, aren't we? Need me to pick you up? Okay then." , the road might be a little slippery, drive carefully, Susa and Keluo are also here, we are waiting for you. Okay, goodbye."

Qin Yi waited for Julie to hang up, then put down the phone with a sigh, then shrugged his shoulders to the girls who looked over with probing expressions: "The situation is not good!"

"Why isn't it good? Oh! You guy, can you finish a sentence?" Ke Luo raised his fist angrily, and lightly thumped his arm.

Although Susa and the others did not speak, they all stared at him, waiting curiously and worriedly for his further explanation.

However, from what Qin Yi said just now, I can also understand some content. I guess that Julie may arrive later, and maybe she plans to send Knox and Vivian to the main house for two days. It can't be staged in front of children, otherwise it would be too cruel!

Julie and Pete have come to this point today, and it may really be irretrievable, which makes Qin Yi somewhat sad.

You know, both of them are his good friends, and they helped him a lot at the beginning: selling fruit wine, contacting celebrities to shoot advertisements, and helping to create momentum for drinks
It can be said that although Qin Yi has made many friends during the two years in the United States, including congressmen and mayors from California, Montana and other states, as well as many business tycoons and celebrities, these people are still in Qin Yi's hands. In my heart, there are more allies in interests and true emotional friends. Except for these girls in the room, there are really not many left!

And Julie is one of the few friends.

But now, Julie has to face such an accident again, which makes it difficult for Qin Yi, who has always been emotional, to understand.

Rubbing his face, Qin Yi reached out and hugged Ke Luo beside him in his arms, and then clenched Susa's clenched fist in his hand, and then cheered up: "Julie wants to send the children here for two days , she doesn't want this incident to have too much bad influence on the children."

The girls pursed their lips, but they didn't know what to say, and the atmosphere was silent for a while.

Fortunately, the girls are playing games upstairs with Qin's mother and Su Xi at this moment, otherwise this sad scene will definitely arouse their uneasiness.

"Poor children!" Susa suddenly sighed after being silent for a while.

She lived alone with Angel back then, so she naturally understood the difficulties of single-parent children better than ordinary people. It must be a very dark and terrible memory!

Fortunately, Julie has no financial worries, so she won't let the children have any material troubles.

"Actually, we don't need to be too pessimistic. After all, the divorce rate in the United States is as high as 50.00%, and the entertainment industry is even higher! So, isn't it normal for celebrities to have relationship problems?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was not quite right, the carefree Amanda tried to use such data to explain everyone, but after she finished speaking, she realized that, not counting Ke Luo, there are two real big stars sitting here at this time!

At the moment, I had to explain to Christine and Emma with a little embarrassment: "Uh, I'm not saying that you may also get divorced. This is the data on the Internet, I saw it before! Well, this damn data is for you Definitely not applicable, of course, you have to find someone to marry first, now it seems that it is still too early to say this."

The incoherent explanation made both Christine and Emma dumbfounded. They felt that Amanda was not only getting darker and darker, but also complained that they did not have a boyfriend!
But they all understood Amanda's temperament, and knew that her intention was nothing, so they didn't care about it, and just gave her a reproachful look.

Sarah on the other side couldn't listen anymore, so she gently pulled her sister to stop her from continuing.

"I just see that everyone is a little unhappy, I just want to ease the atmosphere, okay, okay, I won't say anything, I promise!"

Fortunately, Amanda is just a little nervous, but not unsophisticated. After being reminded by Sara, she quickly shut up and pinched her lips in a funny way. This cute gesture made everyone smile.

The autumn rain outside is still continuing, and the temperature is a little lower than at noon.Susa got up to make coffee, poured a cup for everyone, the rich burnt aroma immediately filled the whole living room, tempting everyone to take a sip.

Everyone sat like this, chatting and waiting for Julie to arrive.

Julie's ranch is not too far from the Sun River Ranch. Within half an hour, everyone in the house could faintly hear the sound of the engine outside, accompanied by the patter of raindrops, and a gradually clear sound of rushing. , that is the sound of wheels rolling over the wet road.

Hearing the movement, Qin Yi led everyone to the porch. Amidst the rain, a white semi-old off-road vehicle drove quickly. Through the front windshield, it could be vaguely recognized that it was Julie coming.

Qin Yi held up an umbrella to meet him, Susa and Ke Luo each took an umbrella and quickly followed, while the others stood with their arms folded under the porch and waited.

The car stopped slowly in front of the three of Qin Yi, the door opened, and Julie got out of the driver's seat. She was wearing a long gray home coat. She was not as radiant as usual, but her complexion was a little dull, and her eye circles were red. Obviously trying to hold on to his emotions.

She didn't open an umbrella, and she just stepped into the rain, which made people worry.

Qin Yi took two quick steps, holding an umbrella for her who looked a bit haggard, but she didn't expect her to open her hand and give her a firm hug: "I'm sorry, Yi, I don't know who else I can find here! I can't In such a situation, let the children stay with us."

"Don't worry! Julie, we will take good care of them!" Qin Yi held an umbrella with one hand, and patted Julie on the shoulder with the other hand, wanting to give her some comfort and support. It can be seen that this always strong woman , really suffered a big blow at this moment.

Julie squeezed out a smile, grateful: "Thank you, Yi, you are a good person!"

He was issued a good person card again, but Americans are like this. In the past two years, he has received a lot, so it doesn't matter.

At this time, Susa and Ke Luo also came up, gave Julie a hug, patted her on the back, and said softly.

"It's the right thing to do! Julie, children shouldn't continue to suffer like that!"

"Yeah, they're better here! We're all right, and there's Angel and Betsy too, and the kids will have a good time!"

It was still a bit cold outside, so after a few words of comfort, Qin Yi stopped delaying, put on a smiling face and shouted into the car: "Hey, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our house as a guest! What are you waiting for, Angel And Becky is waiting for you to play games together!"

"Wow, Uncle Yi, you finally thought of us!"

The younger sister, Vivian, cried out in dissatisfaction. As soon as she finished speaking, she climbed out of the car with a doll in white and blue clothes, quickly got under Qin Yi's umbrella, and turned back to urge: "You Can you hurry up? Knox, Angel and Betsy are waiting for me!"

"Just know how to urge me"

Knox muttered, but then he crawled out of the carriage. He was obviously dissatisfied with his twin sister, whom his old love dictated to him, but he couldn't resist, so his tone was full of helplessness!

Vivian has long golden hair, slightly curly, hanging on her small shoulders, she looks like a lady, of course, if she is wearing a princess dress!
At this time, the little girl was wearing simple overalls and a long-sleeved T-shirt, looking free and easy, a bit like an enlarged version of Angel.

But when it comes to naughty, smart, and ghostly spirits, Angel is better, so even though they are younger, small groups of children are generally led by Angel.

As for Knox, who is the older brother, he can only act as the little girl's little follower, even though he is a hot-headed and tiger-brained handsome guy who looks like a little man in a casual suit!

(End of this chapter)

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