American Ranch

Chapter 498 The Cool Autumn Rain

Chapter 498 The Cool Autumn Rain

"Sister Betsy, you dance too slowly! The bunny dance taught by Mrs. Lin Na dances so fast!"

After dancing a dance, Angel said this to Becky, who was also wearing a white rabbit costume beside her. While talking, she re-demonstrated a few jumping movements with a faster beat, saying that this is the right way rhythm.

Betsy lowered her head and pouted her mouth a little aggrieved: "But Teddy dances so slowly, they can't keep up with us."

"Well, it's not my sister Becky's fault!"

Angel stood on tiptoe and patted Becky on the head, speaking comforting words like an adult, then blinked her big eyes, and said with the same look: "It's all Teddy's fault, it's time to spank!"


As soon as she heard that it was not her fault, Becky immediately became happy again, she nodded her head happily, and went to catch small animals with Angel, it seemed that she really wanted to spank their butts!

But after really catching, the spanking action is more like tickling the animals.
Under the gallery frame, the women were sitting on the reclining chairs drinking tea and chatting. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but pursed their lips and chuckled. The carefreeness of the two girls is really enviable!
At this time, the Mid-Autumn Festival has passed for a few days, and the tourism conference is getting closer and closer. To be exact, the day after tomorrow is the opening day of the tourism conference, and the third day of the tourism conference is also the day for the cattle breed auction.

Because there was not much time left, Angel and Betsy also led the animals to rehearse intensely.

That's right, the scene just now, even though it was a joke in itself, but the girls had a purpose - to rehearse the show!
According to Angel's plan, during the travel conference, the girls will bring their little circus to perform. In the words of the little girl: "God, many people will perform, so how can we be missing? We are the most The famous Angel Circus!"

"Sister Angel, will we earn dollars? A lot of dollars!" This was Becky's addition, but God knows best, this simply expressed Angel's heart!
So the two little money fans, with their big bright eyes flashing suddenly, are busy working hard to earn dollars!
As for the group dance with a group of small animals just now, it is one of the programs!

Regarding the plans of the two girls, Qin Yi and the others did not intervene too much, but occasionally acted as temporary commentators, giving objective comments on the dances of the girls and the juggling performances of the animals, to help them improve the fun of the show .

After all, it is used to make money, and the show must be worthy of the ticket price of tourists!

In fact, combined with Angel Circus's previous performance experience, it is very easy for girls to earn some dollars. Thinking about two cute little girls, leading a group of animals who are also good at acting like a baby, it is hard for anyone to be stingy That thirty-five dollars!

As for the current rehearsal and the objective evaluation of the adults, it is just to cultivate a serious and responsible attitude among the children.

However, on the opening day of the tourism conference, the girls can’t make any money, because the performances on this day, including entertainment activities such as the calf race on the farm, the playground and the food experience area, etc., all performances are free. Half price will be charged for the next few days.

This half price is equivalent to the usual price of tourist farms.

Of course, the activities and performances held by the residents of the town are also free to participate in or watch, but these contents only exist on the opening day, because the next few days are carnival for tourists, but for the town For residents, it is an excellent time to sell various souvenirs!
Precious time cannot be wasted even a second!
But even if the resident's program has withdrawn from the stage, there is no need to worry that tourists will not experience enough fun.

Because according to the planning of Ryan and Hobbs, at that time, including Angel Farm, all the more than ten tourism alliance affiliated farms will receive tourists around the clock!
Moreover, the newly-arranged performance venue covering the entire Augusta will also bring a wealth of entertainment to tourists who wander around!
In addition, those farms that have not yet joined will not waste resources foolishly. They will organize some performances and entertainment projects in some areas with relatively poor locations to fill the gaps of joined farms.

In fact, these areas with relatively poor tourist traffic are not covered by the franchise farms, but Qin Yi's side deliberately set them aside.

This is the idea of ​​the mayor, Marcus, and it is also Qin Yi's idea: join the farm to eat meat, and other farms can also have some soup, lest they collude to cause trouble.

Although they can't make any waves now, if these farms lose their livelihood, it will also affect the reputation of Qin Yi, a big capitalist!

This is completely contrary to the purpose of the Tourism Conference itself!

After discussing these things for a while, and cleared his mind, Ke Luo picked up the tablet on the tea table and planned to continue writing the script.

She is an actress. Although she has never written a script, she has seen a lot and understands the format. Therefore, after reaching a consensus with Susa on the plot, she will be responsible for writing it. Susa mainly helps her find information.

But at this time, because of the arrival of friends, more people participated in this work.

At the beginning, everyone tried not to intervene, but later saw that the two women really didn't mind, and Amanda and Sara were really curious, so they finally couldn't hold back and joined the team discussing the plot!
The exemplary role of the two sisters also dragged Rachel and the two big stars into the water. When they were not going out to play, they would surround Susa and Ke Luo and express their opinions chirping. After the brainstorming, All kinds of weird ideas pop up!

If Peter's idea of ​​"nuclear weapons hidden in the belly of the cow" was weird enough, then two days ago, the ladies' idea of ​​"the cow that the cow thief tried to steal was pregnant with a calf with superpowers" As soon as I imagined it, it seemed even more shocking.
It's just as good as the anti-Japanese drama!
Fortunately, the ladies abandoned this setting after laughing and laughing for a while, which made Qin Yi, who had no intention of interfering in it, heave a sigh of relief!
He doesn't want his first, and perhaps his only movie, to be the target of audience complaints after dinner!

At this time, following Ke Luo's actions, Susa and the others' discussion about the plot also lifted the curtain once again.

But after chattering about "what kind of clothes should Qin Yi wear when racing", it was difficult to reach a consensus, and it was discovered that the increase in the number of people did not speed up the writing speed of the script, but was suspected of slowing down .
"Mom, mom! Look, Teddy is amazing!"

"Sister Angel, let me sit down too! It looks very fun!"

At this moment, the shouts of Angel and Becky once again attracted the attention of the ladies.

On the lawn, Teddy was clumsily riding a tricycle, Angel was sitting securely on the back seat, swinging her calves leisurely, giggling and waving her little hands at the ladies, and Becky next to her was trotting, looking forward to it. Begging, also want to sit up.

"Oh my God, Teddy is really good!"

The ladies praised one after another, and Teddy could also feel the happy mood. He turned his head and bared his teeth at everyone. He was dumbfounded, which made everyone smile even better.

Well, this grinning expression is Teddy's smiling face, which Angel has been teaching for a long time!

"Hee hee, I taught it, and sister Becky!"

Hearing the adults praise Teddy, Angel narrowed her eyes with a smile, and said so proudly, the subtext is: Teddy is so good, but it was all taught by me and sister Becky!
The grown-ups smiled, and before they could boast a few more words, Becky begged impatiently: "Good sister Angel, let me try!"

"Okay then, Sister Betsy, sit down! It's very comfortable!"

Angel commanded Teddy to stop the bicycle, and then climbed down. The elder sister helped Becky climb up the back seat as if taking care of her younger sister. Then, under Angel’s command, Teddy kicked his short legs clumsily and started to ride again. , cheerful laughter, soon sounded again.

Playing around, when it was almost noon, the weather, which was not so good, gradually became gloomy, as if it was going to rain at any time.

The ladies glanced at the girls who were still having fun, and couldn't help looking into the distance: It's going to rain, why hasn't Yi come back?
At this moment, Qin's mother and Susie drove a four-wheeled motorcycle and came back from a distance. Angel smiled and directed Teddy to go up.

Qin's mother's English progress is very slow, but she can still talk to Susie through stumbling and hand gestures, so in the past few days, Qin's mother, who has nothing to do, has been busy with Susie in the vegetable base of the farm. It has been enriched a lot.

Mother Qin's quad bike stopped in front of the house, got out of the car quickly, and hugged the two smiling little girls in her arms.

"Good babies, do you miss grandma?"

"Yeah, I miss grandma!" Angel pouted, and kissed Qin's mother's face!
"Betsy thinks about it too!" The little girl also raised her little hand, vying to be petted, "Betsy didn't eat any ice cream, wait for grandma to eat it together!"

In fact, they were reluctant to eat, but they were attracted by Teddy's bicycle, so they didn't pay attention to it for a while!
The little girl has been playing with Angel all day long, and she has learned to behave well. Viviera must be jealous when she sees this enthusiasm: the good granddaughter is about to be abducted.
But who made her and Walker too busy to spend much time with the little girl.

"Okay, grandma's taking the babies for ice cream!"

Even though she knew that the girls were trying to make her happy, Mother Qin was very relieved, and immediately took the girls one by one and walked into the house.

"Grandma Susie, let's go together!" Angel did not forget to invite Susie who stopped the car together. The polite little guy made Susie smile, so she greeted the smiling girls standing under the porch, and followed We entered the house together.

Slowly, the temperature dropped a bit, and the autumn wind picked up. The ladies who were still wearing short sleeves couldn't help stroking their arms, feeling a little cold.

"It looks like it's really going to rain!" Susa looked up at the darkening sky, and lamented the passage of time, "Girls, autumn is really here."

"Yeah, after this rain, it's cold." Rachel has lived here all her life, so she knows the climate change very well.

Everyone went back to the house, and after a while, they changed their clothes and came out. Of course, they were not thick clothes, but they just changed short-sleeved T-shirts into long-sleeved T-shirts, and added a thin coat at most.

Sitting under the porch for a while, before Qin Yi came back, he waited for the cold drizzle to come, pattering, with the autumn wind blowing on the back of his hands and face, the slight coolness made everyone worry: Will Yat get wet?

Such a thought in their hearts, but Sara and the others didn't behave well. Only Susa and Keluo looked at each other, thinking whether to bring a raincoat and go to the Sun River to pick up that guy who didn't know how to go home!
But at this moment, in the northwest direction, a figure galloping on horseback emerged from some low-lying slopes and merged into the misty rain. It was Qin Yi who went fishing alone!
(End of this chapter)

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