American Ranch

Chapter 488

Chapter 488

After talking about the gift, Qin Yi hugged Angel and walked straight to the stable, facing the morning sun, teasing and laughing with the little girl all the way, and started a busy day.

Animals such as Teddy and the baby elephant Fanny, who had been playing on the lawn, immediately followed in the footsteps of their masters, big and small, singing or jumping, playing and fighting all the way, without a moment's rest!
The brown bear mother, McGee, and the cougar big cat, the evil spirit, leaned on the lawn with their big bellies open, facing the warm and sunny sun, enjoying a peaceful and leisurely life. That leisurely posture made Christine and Ai Ma is envious!
However, like Amanda, they pay more attention to the little animals. In the eyes of women, these cheerful little guys are naturally so cute that people can't take their eyes off!

At this time, they got a satisfactory gift promise, and naturally let Qin Yi go, teasing the animals while talking and laughing with each other, followed behind Qin Yi, and walked towards the stable. The work that is about to start is The way they relax on vacation.

Although the work of cleaning the stables is particularly tiring for them or their identities as celebrities or urban girls, as independent women in the new century, they are not delicate girls. In their words, they themselves belong to the "able to fight" Thieves, can fight hooligans" half the sky!
In this way, dirty work such as cleaning the stables is naturally not a joy, but it can be regarded as a good life experience in terms of vacation.

When they came to the stable, it was no surprise that Rachel was already busy, the three of Amanda approached, and the four young girls gathered together, naturally there was another laugh.

Especially with Angel's gags, the whole stable laughed constantly. In a pleasant atmosphere, they didn't feel so tired after working!

It's just a naughty little girl, running around with a bubble machine, blowing bubbles at the horse, the little flower cow, the little black cow, and the three alpacas from time to time, which made the animals with sensitive sense of smell keep snorting or sneeze.
Therefore, seeing the little devil approaching, the animals unconsciously retracted their necks, which made the adults smile wryly!

In the end, it was Qin Yi who spoke and asked the little girl to ride the alpaca for a walk, which made her cheer. She took the alpaca and the grown-up cows for a run on the simple horse field in front of the stable, clamoring to help the animals Let's work out!
The little girl ran in front of the alpaca, and a group of small animals jumped to keep up. Even the fat little chubby teddy bear was far behind, but the running speed was comparable to the slow little elephant Fanny. , causing Angel to pout and criticize it dissatisfied!
In this way, under Angel's criticism, the animals ran fast or slow, the kittens and foxes were faster, and a group of newborn puppies, barking immaturely while running, look It looks cute.

Even the humming little white pig ran fast, like a gust of wind, closely following the alpaca, looking up at the little master on the alpaca's back from time to time, his little eyes full of please
Angel is its big backer in the ranch. Whether it will be slaughtered by the male master to eat meat depends entirely on the little master's will, so you have to hug your thigh tightly!

Only Teddy who was hanging behind, looked at Fanny who also ran very slowly, a little innocent, but also a little depressed: the younger sister of the little elephant also ran very slowly, but the little master only criticized himself.
Also, how did those two stupid big tortoises learn to be lazy today, otherwise, it would not be me who ran the slowest.
Teddy's Xiaoyuan's ears twitched a few times, and he decided to turn around and look for an opportunity to take revenge on these two silly turtles, to vent his anger!
The little chubby bear thought about it silly and happily, and Angel rode the alpaca Lazy Goat, leading a group of small animals, and ran past it again, gradually overtaking it!

In this regard, the little girl was a little proud and a little angry, so she had to call out: "Stupid Teddy, I have surpassed you by two laps! When I surpass you by one more lap, you will lose today's big apple. Give me the reward." Xiaobai, Xiaobai is the most obedient!"

This time, the little white pig's short legs walked more happily, and Teddy reluctantly accelerated a little bit. Only the little elephant Fanny, the little master had no requirements for her, kept jogging leisurely, and the little short tail flicked and flicked comfortably. Very!

The girls worked hard, looked up at the lively scene on the racecourse from time to time, and chatted happily. Although they were busy with their hands, their hearts were leisurely and fulfilled. Their clothes and bangs were wet with sweat, exuding a different kind of beauty.

In fact, most of the dirty work was contracted out by Qin Yi, and the women were more of a helper. The combined workload couldn't keep up with him, a male laborer!

There is no way, as a male chauvinist, how could Qin Yi let women do such physical work, he is not a real landlord Lao Cai!

The workload is heavy, so naturally he doesn't have much free time. Therefore, he has been immersed in his work, unlike the women, who either watch the playful Angel and the animals laugh and chat, or surround the mare Sandy curiously, and his heart is excited.

Sandy's belly is swollen and she is about to give birth to a pony. During this time, everyone takes care of her very carefully.

For this pony that is about to be born, everyone reported the greatest expectation and enthusiasm. Every day, the cowboys who took turns stayed in the stables except for sleeping, and even ate with a plate. Cheerfully watching Sandy leisurely enjoying the concentrate mixed with egg whites!

After all, the pony that is being bred is the descendant of Ma Wang Xiaohei, and there is a [-]% to [-]% chance that it will be an excellent riding horse. For cowboys who will basically stay on horseback for a lifetime, With maximum appeal!
During this period of time, Rachel assigned part of the work at hand to her father Ryan, just to free up time to take good care of Sandy and several other pregnant mares who were getting bigger.

In this regard, although Ryan is already a bit busy managing the entire ranch, he has no complaints. Not to mention that he is helping the baby girl, even if he is helping the pony's smooth birth, he is also happy!
However, in the past two days, because he was busy with the matters of the Augusta Tournament, Ryan didn't have much time, so Qin Yi took over the work of the stables, so the workload was much more than before.

The women were still circling around Sandy and waiting for a few horses, whispering and laughing. In their words, there was no lack of anticipation for the newborn pony, and even a little rejoicing.

Because in the next period of time, they will all be filming the cow thief movie on the ranch. It is a rare opportunity to witness the birth of a pony, which is rare for ordinary people in a lifetime!

Only Qin Yi, who was sweating all over his head, was forgotten by the women, and no one sent him a towel to wipe his sweat
Fortunately, after all, there are people who love him. No, Susa and Ke Luo, who had missed their sleep, also came over after half the work. Not only did they carry towels, but they also had a pot of tea. A few kisses!
Although the daughter-in-laws were a little bit shy and coquettish, they were full of happiness in their hearts: it's the daughter-in-laws who know how to love others!
It's just drinking tea in the stables, the taste is a bit wrong
Niu drank two cups of tea, Qin Yi continued to work, Su Sa and Ke Luo also raised a shovel to help, but were stopped by Qin Dalaoli, Amanda and the others let it go, the wives did hard work, He can't bear it!

But they were not happy to let them idle, and it was easier to brush the horse, so they called Xiao Hei, who was leisurely chewing the grass, back, and asked them to help him take a bath.

Speaking of Xiao Hei, Qin Yi wanted to criticize it.

In Qin Yi's opinion, Xiao Hei is really not a qualified husband and father-to-be. His wife is pregnant and his son is about to be born. He seems to be doing nothing all day long, wandering around, without any nervousness and anticipation that he should have!

Qin Yi sighed in his heart: If Susa or Ke Luo were pregnant, he would be so nervous and excited that he wouldn't be able to fall asleep!
(End of this chapter)

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