American Ranch

Chapter 469 Sorry for slipping

Chapter 469 Sorry for slipping

*Four thousand and fifty-one chapters, two chapters in one, enter the next plot after finishing.

After talking about the bonus and appeasing the cowboys, Qin Yi officially turned his attention to the cow thief more than ten meters away.

Now that they are close together, and with the illumination of the small searchlight, Qin Yi can already see the situation of the three cattle thieves clearly at a glance. At this time, the three of them have been tied up by the reins, and their clothes are a little messy. It should have been caused by struggling when he escaped and was caught.

But the most conspicuous thing was the bloody gunshot wounds on the cattle thieves. Two of them were wounded on their legs, lying on the ground and moaning.

Fortunately, little Cooper is not really stupid. He has already had their wounds bandaged. There will be no problem in a short time. Later, the police and ambulance will arrive, and the cattle thief will be handed over at that time. No need to take any responsibility!
However, as if he had resigned himself to his fate, the cattle thief didn't struggle anymore, but occasionally wanted to sit up and take a look at his injuries, obviously very worried about what might happen.

This is also normal, who would be willing to wait for death, what's more, they also feel quite depressed: this damn cow stealing operation, not only did not get the slightest benefit, but was injured because of it, and the disaster of imprisonment will not escape. Really lost my wife and broke my army!

The remaining one was also lying flat on the ground, but the gunshot wound was located in the lower left abdomen.From the bloodstains, it can be seen that the bullet did not hit the abdomen, but passed close to the left waist, which did not expect to hurt the internal organs.

I don't know if the cowboy aimed at it deliberately, or it was just a coincidence, but this situation made Qin Yi secretly rejoice, even if he came to steal the cow, but if he really wanted to kill someone, for him who was still thinking of Huaxia, it was still a big deal. Some are not used to it.

It's just that Ryan and the other cowboys secretly exclaimed what a pity!

They hate cattle thieves, and they really want to kill people. This can be regarded as killing chickens and monkeys, making it easy for people not to think about ranching!

It's just that it was too late at this time. After all, the three cattle thieves had lost their resistance, and there was no reason for everyone to shoot again. They were cowboys, but they were also law-aware citizens in modern society. They couldn't really be like those in western movies. Same, kill anyone who doesn't like it!
But you can't shoot, but you can punch and kick. As long as there are no obvious injuries, the police will turn a blind eye to such things!

So, the cattle thief was out of luck.
Although most of the cowboys just watched the excitement, there were still seven or eight cowboys who were angry. However, with the acquiescence of Qin Yi and Ryan, surrounding the two cattle thieves with injured legs was a fierce "intimacy". Beat the two of them until they wailed!
"You demons, we've surrendered, and beggars don't lay hands on unarmed enemies! Oh, look, you are not gentlemen at all! Ow! Well, well, lightly, for God's sake superior!"

A black and fat cow thief, babbling, trying to restrain the cowboys with the ancient battle etiquette, but in exchange for more violent fists, for a moment, even felt that his ribs were loose, and suddenly frightened I have to beg for mercy!
"Hey, hey guys, stop it, I might buy you a drink, how about a pub in your town? Best rum, as long as you keep your hands down!"

The other one was smarter and came up with a lure idea, but who would pay attention to those few sips of wine!

Therefore, the cowboys punched and kicked cheerfully regardless of their care. Although they controlled their strength so as not to leave scars, let alone hurt the inner organs of the bones, the feeling of pain will not be reduced in the slightest!
For a moment, the two of them were a little envious of the accomplice who was shot in the waist and abdomen, because that guy didn't know if it was true or not, but he put on a posture of dying anyway, so that the cowboys didn't dare to do anything, for fear of accidentally killing someone. Beaten to death, so spare him the bad luck of being beaten!

When they came here and got to know the situation a little bit, Susa, Colo and Rachel joined hands to meet the cows, scratching the big cows and calves to calm their frightened emotions. As for the cattle thieves, they After a few glances, I didn't pay any more attention.

At this moment, the cowboys were beating up the cow thieves. Qin Yi didn't want to get involved, but it wasn't good to watch, so this guy pretended he didn't see anything, and walked towards the women pretendingly, Join them in reassuring the herd.

Ryan waited for the rest of the cowboys to watch cheerfully.

Although I don't want to attack the cow thief who has no resistance, the anger in my heart has not dissipated. At this time, watching the scene of the cowboy beating the cow thief violently, everyone's heart is very smooth: damn cow thief, die, die
The cowboys stopped and joined the team to appease the cows until they beat the cow thief until he was in pain all over his body and screamed profusely.

Ryan led Little Cooper to find Qin Yi again, and talked about the cattle thief.

"Boss, these three damned guys are not from our town. Before you came, everyone asked them, and they seem to be from the town of Benham." Little Cooper followed Qin Yi, pointing with his carrot-thick fingers. cried the three cattle thieves.

Qin Yi nodded upon hearing this.

When he observed the cattle thieves just now, he discovered that he had seen most of the residents of Augusta. Thanks to his perverted memory, he would leave an impression when he saw them. If there is no impression, then they are likely to be people from other towns or even other states.

Then, with his unique loud voice, Cooper Jr. introduced the situation just now as if he was broadcasting through a loudspeaker:
The weather is still not cold now, so at night, the cowboys gathered the cows together and spent the night directly on the pasture. The first half of the night was the same as usual, the cows gathered together to sleep, and the cowboys left two people to watch the night, and the others also stayed. Get into the tent to rest.

But at three o'clock in the morning, when even the cowboys on watch were drowsy, the cattle dog suddenly let out a manic bark.

By the moonlight, seeing the three cats running wildly towards the cows, the cowboys became angry immediately, and immediately raised their guns to shoot. As a result, all the cattle thieves were knocked down, and then there was Qin Yi. The scene where people wake up.

Knowing this, everyone couldn't help teasing a few cattle dogs to praise them, and even found out the stored beef jerky to reward the cattle dogs who alerted the police!
At this moment, a siren sounded from a distance, everyone looked at each other and smiled, and the secret police finally arrived!

The lights went from far to near, and not long after, two police cars and an ambulance, led by Susie, stopped five or six meters away with a bang. Several police officers in the small town of Augusta, Quickly pushed the door down, and walked over quickly under the leadership of Gerrard.

Susie also got off the pickup truck in front, and walked towards Qin Yi and the others with a faint smile.

At this time, seeing the arrival of the police and the ambulance, the cattle thieves were very excited: God, I don’t have to be beaten at last, and the most holy nurse sisters, I love you so much. Don't worry about being seriously injured and dying at any time!
"Yi, are you okay? These damn bastards are nothing but social moths, disgusting like a swarm of flies!"

Gerald first asked with concern, and then glanced at the cattle thief with disgust, his words were full of disgust!

"It's nothing, but the cows are frightened. If the cowboys hadn't been experienced, they might have blown up the herd!"

Qin Yi was talking nonsense, anyway, the matter of the cows blowing up the herds was impossible to verify unless he saw it with his own eyes, so he tried to be as serious as possible, and tried to make the cow thief receive a heavier sentence!
"These idiots know how to make trouble for people!"

Gerald sighed again, he didn't care about the cattle thief's feelings at all, and he didn't have any self-consciousness about maintaining his image as a national worker!
But in this way, the cattle thieves were dissatisfied: "Hey, man, we are all listening, you have to be polite, or we will complain!"

Qin Yi and the others smiled and said nothing, Gerald didn't bother to pay attention to them, he just waved his hand, and the police officers who had been waiting for a long time rushed up, Ka Ka handcuffed the three of them, and the other two police officers, in the crowd From an invisible angle, he gathered his fists together and made two punches, which only made the two of them scream!

This is because the cattle thief who was shot in the waist was listless, and the police officers were lenient, otherwise, this guy would have to suffer a little bit!
But at this time, being shot is already a big pain, even if you can't get a few punches to enjoy yourself, you don't have too many regrets.

"Shut up, you bastard! Just this little injury on your leg, it sounds like a woman giving birth, you're really not a man!"

"Spineless idiot, you dare to come to Mr. Qin's ranch to steal cows, you should really be recruited by God!"

Bang bang and two punches, the two police officers did not wait for the cattle thief to file a complaint, and they were the first to criticize, characterizing their screams as an unbearable gunshot wound on the leg, which made the cowboys who guessed the inside story burst into laughter.

But the cattle thief would not accept such slander, and immediately retorted: "No, no, you can't do this to us! Yes, we want to steal cattle, but we also have human rights, and you must give us fair treatment !"

"Devils, you devils! I will complain about you, I will, don't let me know your police number! Let me tell you, I have already complained to three police officers, want to know how they are now? Yes, working on the farm! I saw them the other day, so you have to be nice to us, you know, man!"

Everyone laughed louder, and Qin Yi, Ryan, Gerald and others also shook their heads and laughed.

These two guys are a little out of their minds. Can't they see that they and others are in the same group?
The three girls who stood beside Qin Yi happily watching couldn't help laughing, thinking that these two cattle thieves were really idiots: even if the policeman was complained, lost his job and had to go home to do farm work, it was just going back to his job That's all, because the police officers are all young men from small towns, so they usually have to do farm work!

At this time, the cattle thief who was injured in the waist secretly pulled the two accomplices to remind them to be quiet.
But after he secretly pulled it, he immediately regretted it, because...
"Oh, God, my good friend, good brother, so you're all right!"

"It's so good, it almost scared us, I thought you were too injured to survive."

"Yes, you don't know, I was so sorry just now, I thought I couldn't attend your funeral! Think about it, if you die, we must still be in prison. The application for attending a funeral is very difficult for people like us. It's not easy to pass!"

"That's right, if you want to die, wait for us to go out before you die. If the action fails, you will go to jail together. When you come to steal cattle during the day, we have an agreement!"

The two of you said a word to each other, there were a lot of quack, quack, and they didn't even worry about the situation at this time. I have to say, these are also two rough-headed idiots!

So far, Qin Yi and the others have completely believed it, these two people are afraid that their heads are really abnormal
Only the third cow thief slapped himself on the forehead, looking extremely depressed!

Originally, he wanted to mention these two idiots in consideration of his friendship, so that they would be quieter and avoid the pain of flesh and blood, but he didn't think about these two idiots. Not only did he not understand what he meant, but he also exposed him. Immediately felt regretful!
Damn it, why did he decide to steal cattle with two idiots? It's a miracle that such stupid teammates don't have any accidents!
But it was too late for him to regret. The cowboys who felt that he was pretending to be seriously injured all wanted to go up and beat him up, but at this time Gerald and others were present, even if they were his own, they always had to take into account the impact, so Can only be secretly depressed!

But the policeman is not polite. They were already surrounded by the cattle thief. When they made a secret attack just now, they did not do anything to the guy out of compassion. At this moment, they felt that their pity had fed the dog, and they suddenly felt a little jealous. The anger of being fooled, so this guy is also unlucky!

"Oh, I'm so sorry sir! I didn't see your feet here too, damn it, it's so dark!"

A few searchlights are shining, where is it dark?Even the little ants under the grass blades can't see it!


"That's right, that's right, it's too dark!"

The other policeman didn't know whether it was a punch or a pinch, anyway, the third cattle thief howled like a pig, and then said to himself: "Maybe I should suggest to Mr. Get some lighting!"

The third cow thief wailed, but the policeman could always find an excuse, either it was too dark, or he didn’t sleep well, he couldn’t concentrate, he was hungry, he had low blood sugar, his hair was dizzy, bloody, or light, whatever. Whether it is reasonable or not, it is made up casually!
The cowboys watched secretly, and secretly gave the police officers a thumbs up!

Haha, these damn stupid thieves, don’t they know that Augusta is the boss’s territory, even if they speak ill of the boss on the street, they will be beaten with a sap, and they dare to come here to steal the boss’s cattle, it’s really itchy!
Everyone was not at all surprised that the police secretly punished the three of them. You must know that Qin Yi is the idol of young people in nearby counties and cities, and everyone dreams of becoming a second him!

As for the middle-aged and elderly people, although they are not as blindly worshiped as the young people, they are also on Qin Yi's side.

Especially in Augusta, how many families are rich because of him, although they will not shed their blood for him, but if anyone troubles him, they will not agree first, and even this kind of maintenance is worse than the worship of young people. To be reliable, a community of interests, that's the reason.

But at this time, the cow thief had been beaten for a while, and it would be bad if it continued. If it spread, it might really affect the police officers, so Qin Yi winked at Ryan.

Ryan immediately understood, smiled, and suggested to Gerald: "Sheriff Gerald, these three cattle thieves have been shot, let's take them to the hospital first."

"Oh, you got a gunshot wound? Then send them to the hospital first. Although they are thugs, their injuries must be treated. We must respect human rights!" Gerald seemed to have just discovered that the cattle thief was injured. The posture of a human rights defender, It makes everyone laugh!

"Oh, my most respected nurses, seeing you, I feel that my life is guaranteed! Oh, yes, nurses, you are so beautiful, I like talking to you the most!"

Finally escaped from the cowboys and the police, the cow thief lay on a stretcher, looked at the beautiful nurses who were close at hand, and suddenly began to get carried away again, talking nonsense, causing the nurse's sister to roll her eyes and prick her little hands with needles " "Accident" trembled, and immediately poked the cow thief's arm, the pain was like killing a pig!
"Sorry, sorry! Hand slipped"

The nurse sister hurriedly apologized, the sincerity on her face made the cow thief speechless!
(End of this chapter)

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