American Ranch

Chapter 462 Juror Teddy

Chapter 462 Juror Teddy

*I was so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open, and I have to get up at 7 o'clock tomorrow, Xiaochong felt that he had become iron-struck: I am in good health!

After comforting the big snake who had eaten two blood spirit fruits but was still not satisfied, Qin Yi returned to the main house. At this time, everyone had already woken up, waiting for him to enjoy a warm breakfast.

Qin's mother made eight-treasure porridge with candied dates and sugar. It was so sweet and glutinous that the adults and children who enjoyed the egg pancakes ate two big bowls!

Angel, with a bulging belly, even asked her grandma to help her fill up the thermos, saying that she would invite the children to taste it when she had lunch at school at noon!
That's right, the time has entered September. In this school season, five-year-old Angel, like her friends, has passed the kindergarten period and has become a glorious preschool student!
On the first day of school, Qin Yi took everyone to see it together, and felt that this preschool class was similar to the big class in domestic kindergartens.

But here, preschool is part of the regular school system, and children are only eligible to attend at the age of five, and then enter the first grade of elementary school at the age of six.

The school is no longer the previous kindergarten, but a public school in Augusta. However, the main learning content of the preschool is still life knowledge, focusing on training hands-on and thinking skills. It is basically the same as the kindergarten, playing all day long. Play like crazy!
Susa and Keluo have long been used to this kind of education, so they didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it.

For more than a year, Qin Yi has also adapted to it, but Qin's mother finds it novel, but she is still satisfied, because every day, Angel is very happy when she goes to school, and she is very happy when she returns home, carefree, looking forward to her little one. Qin's mother, whose granddaughter grew up happily, is naturally full of joy.

It is worth mentioning that Angel and Becky are still in the same class, and Matthew and Jojo are still in the same class. The rest of the friends are in another class, but the children play games in class, and they basically play together.

What's more, they are all children from nearby farms, they take the same school bus to and from school every day, and they will gather together on weekends to hold their children's parties, so Angel's lineup of friends has not changed, plus a group of small animals at home, The little girl lived a very fulfilling life every day.

The little girl carried a small schoolbag and held her grandma's hand. Under the guard of McGee, the little girl bounced all the way to the side of the road outside the ranch to wait for the school bus.

In the past few days, Mother Qin picked her up on time, which made Angel very happy, and she also felt satisfied!
In the past, at home, seeing other people's family sending their grandchildren to school, Qin's mother, who was eager to hold a grandson, was full of envy. Now that she can finally take her little granddaughter to school, she naturally enjoys it!

Of course, she is still looking forward to having a few more fat boys in the family, and being surrounded by a group of children calling grandma, that feeling, even thinking about it, makes her feel happy!
I have to mention Maggie, although now there is Qin's mother to pick him up, this simple and honest big guy, after seeing Angel started to go to school, it has entered the school schedule again, as long as Angel goes to school in the morning, it will always show up on time in the afternoon By the side of the road, squatting stupidly on the side of the road waiting for Angel to finish school!
Over the past few days, Qin's mother has praised McGee many times, and kept comparing with the big cat who sleeps all day, which not only elevates Maggie, but also derogates the big cat. Every time she hears it, Qin Yi and the others feel Be amused.

But it is also true that except for meal time, when the big cats are seldom energetic, except for occasionally wandering around the main house, most of the time, they spend most of their time basking in the sun and sleeping on the grass in the garden or on the branches of trees, which is completely magnified version of the kitty!

It's a pity that this cat-like puma is not very popular. The main reason is that when rounding up the big wild boar before, this guy has a record of retreating before the battle. If he didn't rush at the last moment, I am afraid that he will not have a place in this family. up!

But it seems that the big cat is still very satisfied with the current life. If you are hungry, you can eat meat. When you are sleepy, you can sleep on the ground without worrying about being attacked by predators. Just to make it happy and quiet!

Compared with it, its son, Kitten, is in a completely different situation. Everyone likes this naughty little cougar very much. When he has free time, he plays with him and watches TV with him. The meaning of cat raising!
Needless to say, Teddy and the little fox family, especially Teddy, the chubby bear, is definitely the crown of all small animals in the family, and he belongs to the brown bear family, which is born with strong fighting power. The well-deserved king of small animals!

But this little animal king hasn't learned to show off his aura of the king of the jungle, and he only plays with a bunch of cats and dogs all day long.

To say that the cleanest one is naturally the Snow Queen and her servant Lai Pi!
The two rabbits, one small and one large, basically do not interact with other animals except to play with Angel every day. Perhaps they are herbivores, so they can't play with carnivores anyway!
They are quiet, because they spend most of the day sleeping in the apple house belonging to Snow White, or eating vegetables in the vegetable garden. At this time, it is breakfast time. Enjoy the tender veggies under the sun!
Watching Mother Qin lead Angel away, Qin Yi coaxed the little animals to play for a while, said hello to the daughters-in-law in the kitchen, and went to the small lake again.

At this time, Big Snake was still dozing off boredly, but after seeing Qin Yi, he immediately raised his head to visit.

The anticipation in the eyes is a bit like other animals who ate the blood spirit fruit for the first time before. Well, these guys are not stupid, and of course they don’t know about other effects, but the strong aura makes the animals yearn for it !
But Qin Yi doesn't plan to give any more, these guys are big eaters, no amount of blood spirit fruit is enough for them to eat!
Seeing that Big Snake wriggled a little uncomfortable, Qin Yi felt that Big Snake should have absorbed a little of the medicinal effect of the blood spirit fruit in this short period of time, and the change in physique made this big guy a little uncomfortable.

But this is just the beginning. If the blood spirit fruit is fully effective tomorrow morning, I'm afraid it will be even more uncomfortable. Haha, it seems that this ugly guy is going to have an awkward life experience!
Back in the main house, Susa was answering the phone, and Ke Luo leaned aside to listen, but the faces of both of them were a little weird, a tangled look of wanting to laugh and trying to endure, but the smile in the eyes could not be concealed .

Seeing Qin Yi come back, they quickly waved as if sharing interesting stories, signaling him to hurry over.

Interested, Qin Yi quickly walked over to sit down, and took them into his arms. The two girls gave him a coquettish look, but they didn't move away. They leaned against his arms, and the three of them leaned together The head listens to the same phone.

Susa reconfirmed the information she heard: "Mr. Nash, I want to confirm one last time. It is Teddy from Sun River Ranch who received the invitation letter for the juror?"

In fact, Su Sa did it on purpose. The purpose of the questioning this time was to let Qin Yi understand the cause and effect. When Qin Yi heard her words, he was indeed stunned: Invite Teddy to be a juror?

But Teddy is a little brown bear, how can he be a juror?
(End of this chapter)

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