American Ranch

Chapter 452 Crazy Thoughts

Chapter 452 Crazy Thoughts

*Third update!Fight until the dawn, there is wood!
Compared with the uproar at the previous premiere, this celebration will be much more low-key, and all the guests are close friends in the circle, such as Christine, Emma, ​​etc., a total of 30 people.

This is not as bright as last time's group of stars, but everyone can be said to be their own people, so there are not so many politeness, gathering in twos and threes, drinking and chatting, having fun and relaxing.

Julie is not a stingy person either. She took out all the fine wines in her collection, which aroused her friends' praise. Coupled with the good box office results, Julie and Pete, who made a lot of money, were very happy and smiled happily all afternoon. can not stop!
Drinking the wine brewed by Master Qin, everyone's topic always mentioned him intentionally or unintentionally. After all, the gathering of this small circle has nothing to do with him.

Originally, Julie also called Qin Yi yesterday, but she could only express her regret when she learned that they were going to hunt for treasure.

It is not only a regret for Qin Yi not being able to attend the party, but also a regret for missing a treasure hunt trip!

At this time when everyone was talking about Qin Yi, Julie couldn't help laughing about it, which made many people quite envious.

None of the people present would be short of those hundreds of thousands of dollars. Naturally, their envy was not the treasure itself, but just like Qin Yi and his party, they were looking forward to a treasure hunt in reality.

Perhaps in the movie, they have experienced all kinds of lives, but the movie is fake after all, so there is no excitement and fun in looking for ghosts and adventures!

Many people talked about treasure hunts and the upcoming new wines, and some talked about handsome men, beautiful women, and even drugs. There are not many of these old-fashioned stars who are not involved in this, but the strange thing is that the old-American society treats This stuff is pretty forgiving and even sold legally in Colorado!
Of course, those who go to the girl school or the idol school will pay more or less attention.

The topics of these people were messed up, but it also showed the privacy and casualness of this gathering, but the small circle where Julie and others got together, the topics were much more serious.

"Oh, God, this idea is so crazy!" Christine covered her mouth, looked at the bearded Peter in shock, and almost spilled the wine in her left hand!

Julie, Pete, Emma, ​​these people who have the best relationship with Qin Yi in the entertainment industry are all sitting here at this moment, looking at Peter with incredible expressions, as if they have seen a ghost!
When the other people heard Christine's exclamation, they all looked over curiously, but because they were not invited, they didn't come up to them, but they also listened with their ears upright, even a little absent-minded about the topic just discussed!
"Don't be joking! Pete, for God's sake, please assure us that you are not joking!" Julie stared at Peter closely with a surprised expression, but if you look carefully, you will find that there is a faint hint of There is a hint of excitement and anticipation!

"I think Peter is drunk, or he has a cold and is talking nonsense!" Pete, who has always been steady, couldn't sit still at this time, and wanted to touch the old man's forehead with his hand, as if he really wanted to check whether he was It's not a cold!
"God will think this is crazy! Let Yi make a movie? Pete, why do you have such a strange idea!"

Emma raised her right hand, couldn't help patting her forehead for fear, and then lay down on the sofa all at once, with a graceful body and exquisite curves, but she forgot the wine glass in her hand, and the wine spilled out, and she was in a hurry!
Kristen and Julie restrained their shock a little, and helped her clean up with a smile.

Yes, a few people were sitting together chatting just now. The old Peter, who has always had unconstrained ideas and full of magic, expressed his idea of ​​wanting Qin Yi to act in a movie, which aroused everyone's surprise.

At this time, Peter smiled quite complacently at Julie's surprise, "That's right, this is indeed a crazy idea."

"Not only is it crazy, but it may also make Yi suspect that you have burnt out your brain!" Before he could finish speaking, Emma pouted and complained!
Heh heh, it's all the old guy's fault, if he hadn't been thinking wildly, he wouldn't have spilled the wine!

Emma muttered in her heart!
Christine and Julie nodded in sympathy.

They have an unusual relationship, and they don't have any worries about speaking, otherwise, even if Emma and Christine are popular actresses, they wouldn't dare to talk to a top director like that!
But at this time, Peter naturally didn't care, but he was also told that his mind was on his mind, and he was a little sad. He spread his hands and said helplessly: "Well, he will definitely say that!"

"You haven't said what movie it is! Is there a script?"

Christine's concern was more serious. After saying this, everyone stopped teasing Peter and stared at him again.

"I've been thinking about it for a while, and I think Yi is really a legend!" Speaking of the script, Peter regained his energy. He first took a sip of wine in a very rude way, then leaned forward with some excitement, and started Tell what's on your mind.

When the others heard this sentence, they were also thoughtful, as if they had guessed something.

Peter continued excitedly: "Just like what you think at this time, yes, it took less than two years for Yi to build a business empire. You know, this is not an illusory IT industry, but It's ranching and wine, it's business!"

The others were silent. Thinking about it carefully, they also found it incredible.

Usually, I was surprised like this, but I just didn't think deeply about it. At this time, I found out that it took Qin Yi less than two years to build such a huge business empire, and it was an empire that was still expanding rapidly. !


What kind of genius is needed to create such a business miracle?
For a moment, everyone was a little depressed. How could the gap between people be so large!
But inevitably, several of them are a little proud, look, Yi and I are friends, very good friends!

In fact, only Qin Yi himself knows. He can only say that he is a little talented. The title of wizard is absolutely out of the question. If he hadn't been lucky enough to get space, he might still be worrying about his livelihood at this time. !
But this is naturally not something that other people can know, so, no matter what, everyone has to crown this business genius on his head!
"This is a business miracle! At this time, there may be people who can compare with Yi, but thinking about the development trend of Yi's industry, if there is no accident, in a few years, it must be a giant in the American economic field!"

Peter's face was flushed with excitement, he let out a low voice, and spit out his saliva, but at this moment, everyone had no time to feel sick, and they were all thinking about Qin Yi's business development.

"Okay, Pete, I kind of get it!"

Christine was also a little excited, pulled her hair to stabilize her emotions, and then continued: "You want to write Yi's experience in the past two years into a script, and then shoot a biography of Yi's youth!"

Peter nodded, smiling broadly.

Emma also came back to her senses, and she praised inconceivably: "Yi's biography, and it's Yi's true colors? My God, I don't say whether ordinary people will buy it, but at least the upper class will definitely accompany you crazy Already!"

"Ha, you really dare to think, Peter, you really dare to think!" Julie laughed, took a sip of her wine, and then couldn't stop muttering this sentence.

In fact, at this moment, she secretly regretted it. This idea is indeed crazy, but it cannot be denied that if Yi really agrees to the film plan, with his influence, it will definitely set off a wave of enthusiasm in the upper class!

But will Qin Yi agree to this movie project?
It's just that at this time, Julie's focus is not on this, she is full of depression!

It's all because I've been too obsessed with urban romance movies during this time, such a good idea, I didn't come up with it myself.
Peter smiled triumphantly, Julie was secretly depressed, but the others began to fantasize!

(End of this chapter)

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