American Ranch

Chapter 446 Little Treasure Hunter

Chapter 446 Little Treasure Hunter

Qin Yi set the departure date for the treasure hunt, and the adults were all looking forward to it. Angel cheered and jumped on her tiptoes, then ran upstairs screaming, probably impatient to pack her things!

The adults smiled and ignored her. They discussed the tools they might need for a while, and then they got together to study the treasure map, trying to decide on a possible route.

Well, no matter whether the treasure map is true or not, there must always be a destination. Even if there is no treasure in the end, beautiful scenery and unforgettable life experiences will be harvested along the way.

However, studying the treasure map is the business of the three of them. Qin's mother doesn't know much about it, and she doesn't care too much. She just plans to take care of her good granddaughter when the time comes, so she has already started cleaning up the big carp.

These were caught by Qin Yi in the morning, there were two in total, one of the sweet-and-sour fish was eaten at noon, and the remaining one happened to be stewed for everyone to drink in the evening!

Qin Yi didn't get involved in their topic either, so he picked up the phone and called Ryan.

"Hey, Ryan, we are going to go treasure hunting tomorrow, about three or five days, how about it, do you want to go together?"

"Aha, treasure hunt?"

Ryan was amused and laughed, thinking that Qin Yi was joking with him, so he also said in a joking tone: "Yi, have you got the treasure map? Well, no matter what, this is a happy thing!"

Qin Yi shrugged his shoulders: Look, everyone doesn't believe that there is really a treasure!

"Of course, Amanda got a treasure map that showed $35 worth of gold was buried somewhere on Natland Island in the Oregon Sea."

He explained a little bit, and then continued: "We plan to search for it. I believe it will be a wonderful journey!"

"Ha, it seems that there is indeed a treasure map! Well, I wish you a pleasant journey!"

Ryan understood Qin Yi's meaning, the process of treasure hunting is the most important thing!
"By the way, Rachel would be happy to go, if it doesn't bother me!"

"Of course, Susa and Keluo are very happy, it's more lively together, isn't it!"

Afterwards, Qin Yi called Hobbs and others again, almost the same dialogue, almost the same reaction, but in the end, everyone was still joking, wishing him the lost treasure!

Finally, Qin Yi called John who lived in the guest room and asked him to arrange the yacht to set sail immediately. It would be best to arrive in the Oregon waters tomorrow morning. At that time, we can fly directly to Oregon to save some time.

After finishing these, there are no other arrangements, just wait until tomorrow morning, get dressed and go!

At this time, Angel ran downstairs, and everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look at her, but when they saw the little girl's appearance, they suddenly laughed a little!
I saw the little girl wearing children's camouflage protective clothing, with a pink cartoon hard hat stuck on her head, and there were two ant antennae on the hat. When the little head shook, the antennae trembled, which looked very joyful.

Goggles like a haha ​​mirror cover most of the face!
Mickey Mouse's small gloves, leather boots, and a small khaki backpack on his small shoulders. It's bulging, and I don't know what's in it!
Not only is she holding a small plastic shovel in her hand, but she also has a water spray pistol and a small water bottle hanging on her waist. When the animals saw her come down, they immediately surrounded her, making the scene even more lively!

The adults laughed when they saw it: Wow, ran upstairs, just to go hunting for treasure just to change into this look?

"Is it okay to dig treasure like this? I can't wait!" The little girl shook the small shovel in her hand, her voice full of excitement.

"Of course, Angel is really beautiful, like a brave little soldier!" No matter how interesting the little girl's idea is, Qin Yi immediately expressed his support.

Keluo immediately took out her mobile phone to take a picture, while Susa waved her hands funnyly: "Hey, baby, come and show mommy, wow, did Angel come up with this? It's really beautiful and majestic! It seems that this time Angel's treasure will definitely be found by Angel!"

Angel was giggling at the compliment, ran over and threw herself into her mother's arms, "Yeah, when I find the treasure, I'll buy everyone gifts, a lot of gifts!"

As she said that, the little girl handed the plastic shovel to Susa, stretched out her two small arms, swung them around to draw a big circle, and wanted to show that there would be a lot of gifts!

Everyone was about to tease her, but they saw her come out of Susa's arms again. She didn't even want the plastic shovel, and ran to the kitchen, tiptoed and poked her head, "Grandma, what are you doing? Is it delicious?"

Qin's mother looked at the expectant look of the little girl's widened eyes, and said with a smile: "Well, stew fish soup for Angel at night, do you want to drink it?"

"I really want to drink it, the fish soup made by grandma is the most delicious!" So, the little girl put the treasure aside first, and poked her head to watch grandma prepare the ingredients.

Several people in the living room shook their heads and laughed: Well, our little treasure hunter still needs to go through the test of food before going to work!

For half an afternoon, the topic mainly revolved around treasure hunting. Angel led her treasure hunting team members—little animals, ran wildly upstairs and downstairs, playing the game of treasure hunting alone, and went to the kitchen to watch grandma cook from time to time The progress is also fun to play.

Susa, Khloe, and Amanda, the three women, are mainly discussing the exact location of the treasure.

However, even though there is a Google map, the torn parchment depicts the topography of more than a hundred years ago. Not to mention the simple lines, it also does not match the characteristics of today's vegetation. Therefore, after half an afternoon of discussion, there is no result!

But seeing that they were always in high spirits and didn't look disappointed at all, you could tell that they still enjoyed the process very much!
Well, treasure hunting, the most important thing is the process of searching, and they arrived at the destination easily. Even if they really found the $35 gold bar, it didn't mean much to them.

To be honest, if it is not for the experience, this little treasure is really not worth their trip!
Seeing Angel playing alone, Qin Yi wanted to accompany her, "Hey, Angel, how about we play together?"

"Is it treasure hunting? Well, I like treasure hunting!" Angel, who was running down the stairs with sweat on her forehead, said expectantly.

"Yes, it's a little game of treasure hunting! Dad puts ten dollars on the table in a certain room at home. If you find it, it belongs to you! How about it, do you want to play?" Qin Yi dug out a few small coins from his wallet. Face value banknotes, shaking in his hand.

"Of course, I like playing games!" Angel clapped her little hands, very happy, not only because she can hunt for treasure, but also because her father will play with her!

"Do I need to close my eyes? Or I'll go to the kitchen first, I won't peek, grandma will prove it for me!"

"Of course, Angel is going to accompany Grandma first, Dad is going to set up the treasure!"

Qin Yi patted Angel on the head, seeing her happily running to the kitchen, got up, smiled at the women who kept paying attention, and ran to the indoor swimming pool in a hurry, and he put the money on the small coffee table casually!

"Let's start, Angel, ten dollars, it's yours if you find it, and the title of the greatest treasure hunter, I'll let the mothers make you a little crown!" Qin Yi is still very good at coaxing children !
Sure enough, because of the treasure map today, Angel was already interested in the treasure the most, and coupled with the title of "The Greatest Treasure Hunter", which sounded very powerful, she immediately jumped for joy, muttering "My treasure, My Crown", with a group of small animals, ran with a bang!

The little girl fluttered in the room like a little butterfly. Qin's mother and the women watched with smiles, and the whole main house was full of joy.

Playing around, the little girl naturally found the treasure under Qin Yi's cloth, wearing a wreath crown, enjoying everyone's praise, laughing endlessly!

(End of this chapter)

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