American Ranch

Chapter 440 Going to the show

Chapter 440 Going to the show

*Estimated, I will be home tomorrow morning, and I will work on the network cable at that time, and the stable update will be restored in the evening, thank you for your support!

Today is another day for Angel's Little Circus!

Early in the morning, under the expectation of the little girl, Becky came over in the car of her grandma Viviera. As usual, she ate another breakfast in the pasture. The little girl slid off the seat, planning to call the little animals!
Qin Yi and the other grown-ups thought it was funny. These two girls, having experienced the joy of making money, are almost becoming fans of small fortunes!
"Oh, my little baby, don't be so anxious, the tourists haven't come here yet!" Mother Qin couldn't just let them run away, she hurried to catch up with them and hugged them in her arms, took out a handkerchief and wiped their mouths one by one, seeing They can't wait to look small, and they can't help being funny.

"Grandma, uncles and aunts all get up early."

Angel pouts her mouth in displeasure, grandma is delaying others from making money!
"Yeah, uncles and aunts all like Teddy and Fanny, and the little fox, too!" Becky smiled and narrowed her eyes, probably remembering that the tourists rushed to pay for rewards during the last performance Good time!
The adults were also present at the time, so they naturally saw the lively scene, but we can't let the children not even enjoy breakfast.

Qin Yi took two glasses of fresh milk, got up with a smile and walked over, "Well, the girls are all great! But you have to drink the milk first, grandma put sugar in it!"

Only then did Angel remember that she was too anxious to leave and forgot to drink milk!
And when I heard my father said it was sweet, I immediately took it happily and drank it beautifully. Becky was the same. The two girls eat with the most pride. Not to mention how much they eat, they also gulp, unlike other children. Don't eat it even if you coax it!
Susa often said with a smile: "Well, girls can't be little ladies, at least in terms of dining!"

Perhaps it is because of this that the small arms and small faces of the two girls look fleshy. Fortunately, they live a regular life every day, and they can run and do some farm work. It can be regarded as exercise, and there is no danger of getting fat suspected.

Under the adult's smiling gaze, the two girls finished pouring the milk, then pouted their mouths for grandma to wipe, then ran out the door with a grin, to gather the little animals.

But at this time, the animals are also eating breakfast. Even if they are eager, the girls will not force them to start, so I am afraid that they will not be able to start for a while.

They have performed twice, and Qin Yi and the others are aware of the situation, so they don't care about them. They finished their breakfast in peace, packed the tableware, and then changed their clothes and went out.

At this time, the animals were also well fed, and the girls were planning to lead them to the stables. The little flower cow and the little black cow pulling the cart were still in the racecourse, grazing leisurely among the quarter horses!
"Girls, do you need my help?" Qin Yi led the way and asked the two girls who were holding hands more than ten meters away.

In the back, Susa and Ke Luo walked with the two sisters, bathing in the warm morning sunshine, chatting and laughing leisurely, while Qin's mother hugged a few thin blankets that had just been washed, and walked towards the bright and colorful small garden, passing through several rose bushes, With a flick of his arm, he hung the thin blanket on the hanger that Qin Yi helped her build!
The red and yellow blanket, bathed in the warmth of the bright sunshine, flutters among the green leaves and red flowers with the morning breeze. This is the beginning of the family's leisurely day.

It is the habit of Qin's mother to hang clothes to dry naturally by relying on the heat of the sun. After Susa and Ke Luo washed their clothes, they all dried them directly, but Qin's mother always felt that something was missing, so there was such a thing. The birth of a drying rack!

In this regard, the daughters-in-law showed their hands to Qin Yi and didn't express any more. It was a trivial matter, and there was really no need to care about it.

Qin Yi has always been more fortunate about this.

The daughters-in-law are well-behaved, and the mother understands the truth. Although there are some differences in life philosophy, they are all understanding each other.

The two sides can live in harmony, so that he, a young man in the new era who has dual identities as husband and son, does not have to be caught in the middle!

Sometimes he would think wildly as if enjoying himself: It is said that men are difficult, but as long as the wife and mother do not have conflicts, the difficulty of life will be reduced by more than half!
At this time, Qin's mother was drying clothes in the brightly colored garden, and Qin Yi and the others were slowly following behind the girls.

Hearing his question, Angel immediately turned around like a brisk little butterfly, her bright blond hair was fluttering in the sun, she held her head up and smiled, "Of course! Dad can help us harness the ox cart!"

"Well, Uncle Yi help us! The calf has grown up, sister Angel and I can't reach it!"

Becky also had a look of joy, but after she finished speaking, she looked at Qin Yi curiously again, her small face was full of doubts: "Uncle Yi, why do Mavericks grow tall, while Sister Angel and I are still so tall?"

Ke Luo and the others, who have been paying attention to the girls from the back, also chuckled when they heard the words, how do people compare with Mavericks?
Qin Yi also scratched his head a little, this question is really hard to answer, do you want to tell them that calves grow up eating pasture?
But seeing that Angel and Becky both looked like curious babies, they could only try to answer: "We have different physiques from Mavericks, but Mavericks are taller, and they are still not as old as you!"

It didn't seem right to say anything, and finally said simply: "Okay, girls, let's not think about Mavericks, you just need to be taller than Jojo and Irene!"

Sure enough, the girls were overjoyed: "Yeah, sister Qiao Qiao is not as tall as me, we measured it the day before yesterday!"

At this time, the adults had already walked to the girls.

Susa squatted down with a smile, reached out and pinched the girls' cheeks, "Well, the girls are always the best! However, even if they are taller than Sister Qiaoqiao, they still have to be called Sister Qiaoqiao, you know? Be a good boy with good manners!"

The girls naturally nodded obediently.

"Okay, girls, we have to hurry up, aren't you going to perform, the time is almost up!"

"Yeah, we're going to make dollars, a lot of dollars!"

"Aha, how about we have a competition?" Ke Luo trotted in place and continued to tease the girls, "Whoever runs to the stable first wins and can eat half a pudding!"

"Wow wow wow" the girls have already started running excitedly!

But Khloe just finished speaking and hasn't announced the start yet!

The grown-ups laughed and secretly thought that you are a little ghost!

But it was just for fun, the result is not important, so the adults chased after them, shouting "We are catching up" from time to time, which made the girls scream and move their calves faster!
Playing around, Qin Yi helped the girls put on the bullock cart, and carried the little animals into the cart. The little guys sat in a row very well, but their buttocks sat honestly, and their little paws and mouths still couldn't stay idle, scratching and beating each other. Noisy, chattering, chattering, very lively.

After Qin's mother packed up the housework and came to gather, Qin Yi drove the ox cart and took everyone off. The ox cart was slow, and McGee and Big Cat could keep up with it.

They are also part of the show. Although tourists who see them for the first time will be shocked, it also represents novelty. It is said that curiosity killed cats. Many people saw McGee and big cats, although they still felt A little scared, but I can't help but watch!
After arriving at the farm, Qin Yi's team immediately attracted a lot of tourists to follow and watch, and he didn't pay much attention to it. He only joked a few words casually when someone greeted him, and walked all the way to a big tent. It's the girls' circus performance area.

At this time, Angel's little friends had already arrived first, and they were rehearsing in the tent. Seeing them coming, they swarmed to go up, chirped and greeted, and then played around the animals, all of them looked happy!
The performance announcement was placed in front of the tent, and the tourists who followed along the way rushed in happily, and just stood around the performance stage, waiting for the performance to start.

After a while, a group of children dressed in colorful performance costumes came out from the backstage. After a happy flower fairy dance, with the applause of the tourists, Teddy came on the stage on a bicycle, and the performance officially started!
(End of this chapter)

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