American Ranch

Chapter 438 Fanny and 2 Treasures

Chapter 438 Fanny and Erbao

"Look, Dad, isn't Fanny beautiful?"

Angel's shout came from outside the door. Qin Yi, who was reading the newspaper in the living room, looked up. The little girl was waving to him on the lawn. The little girl in the sun, with a bright smile on her face, was a little angel who brought joy to people!
Fanny is the girls who named the little elephant, and the two big tortoises are called Da Bao and Xiao Bao respectively!

It has been two days since Baby Elephant Fanny came to the ranch. Because of everyone’s friendliness and love, the fear and guard against everyone has gradually been eliminated. Even the cowboys in the ranch can approach and touch it. People are very encouraging, and I have to come and tease it every day when I find time!

Because of the spiritual spring water, Fanny was closest to Qin Yi, followed by Angel and Becky who played with him and fed him all day.

He treats adults in the same way, often stretching out his long nose and gently touching everyone's heads and shoulders, friendly and curious.

After all, he is still a little guy at the age of curiosity and naughtiness. He really feels the friendliness of everyone, and he can quickly integrate into the big family of the ranch.

Moreover, not only the Qin Yi family who loves it here, but also Teddy, little fox, kitten and other small animals, all of them are naughty and curious little guys. After the girls introduced them both, After playing around for a while, you will become familiar with it. It is even easier for animals to make friends!
In this way, eating, drinking, playing, and taking a leisurely walk, the little elephant Fanny spent two happy days in the ranch!

In the past two days, Ryan and the others, as well as the cowboys, have passed the addiction of playing with Fanny, and put themselves into work again, and their life has returned to a simple but fulfilling busy life. The life of Qin Yi's family has also returned Now the leisure of the past.

Early this morning, Angel brought Sister Betsy, who had come to the ranch early, to play with Fanny and other animals. The adults read newspapers, and those who cooked were busy.

Hearing Angel's call at this time, Qin Yi glanced at the little girl under the sun, agreed with a smile, got up and walked out of the room.

Seeing him come out, the two little girls giggled, and one of them ran up and grabbed an arm, urging him to go quickly: "Father (Uncle Yi), we have dressed up Fanny, she is so beautiful!"

At this time, the Fanny in Qin Yi's eyes is indeed very different from before: on the sparsely downy head, there is a rough garland woven with various flowers, a pink bow is tied on the tail and the trunk, and four thick short legs There was still a light blue silk scarf tied around her neck, and finally, around her neck was an orange scarf with a bell on it, which would jingle when Fanny moved a little.
Well, the bows belong to the girls themselves, and the silk scarves and scarves should belong to the daughters-in-law, but where did the flowers come from?
He moved his eyes to the colorful small garden, and sure enough, many of the clusters of flowers of various colors had been plucked, and the sparse ones lost the richness of the past, but looked fresh and elegant. !

"Uncle Yi, isn't Fanny pretty?"

Seeing that he didn't speak, Becky pouted and was a little bit disappointed: I have spent a long time with Sister Angel!
Angel also looked at him expectantly with a small face.

"Of course, Fanny is so pretty today! Look how the wreath and bow suit Fanny! Girls, promise me, you really came up with it yourself?"

Naturally, Qin Yi would not let the girls down, and his slightly skeptical tone showed that Fanny's current attire was really pretty, which made the girls even happier!

"Of course! Sister Betsy and I helped Fanny dress up together!" Angel held her head high with a proud expression on her face.

Becky on the other side was also completely unfazed. She nodded her head and narrowed her eyes with a smile: Look, Uncle Yi said she was very beautiful!
Fanny, who was sniffing the new equipment such as scarves and silk scarves with her trunk, saw Qin Yi go out, and immediately walked over with her big ears flickering. The bell hanging under her thick neck jingled as she walked, and she gradually recovered. The naughty little guy adds a bit of brisk emotion!
Qin Yi went over to pet the little guy, played with the girls for a while, and Angel suddenly said: "Father, Fanny said, it still needs a dress, a beautiful dress!"

"Yes, Uncle Yi, Fanny has no clothes to wear, how pitiful she is!"

At this moment, Susa poked her head out of the living room with a few buns, and seeing Fanny's outfit outside, she smiled coquettishly, and then said to the girls: "Okay, of course Fanny can have her own." Clothes, but girls, don’t you have dollars? Buy them for Fanny yourself, you haven’t given gifts to your good friends yet!”

"Yeah, we have a lot of dollars!"

The two little girls were overjoyed. They had saved hundreds of thousands of dollars in their children's accounts. They were all earned by doing housework, cleaning the stables, and picking vegetables. Except for the occasional ice cream or cream cake, they never spent money indiscriminately. Money, so save more and more!
"Fanny, don't worry, we will give you a gift, a beautiful gift!" Angel said joyfully while holding Fanny's trunk.

"Sister Angel, you help Fanny buy clothes, and I'll buy a big ball for Fanny to play with!"

When Becky came up with an idea, Angel agreed with a smile: "Yeah, all the elephants in cartoons have big balls!"

Qin Yi and Su Sa were amused, at this moment, Ke Luo called them in the room, dinner is about to start!

Today's breakfast is still very simple, warm and refreshing.

Becky ate breakfast before she came, but now she still couldn't stop her drooling, so she quickly sat down next to Angel, each of them holding a dried vegetable bag and chewing deliciously. The big round eyes of the girls keep looking at the oily salted duck eggs, they like it the most!
Even affected by this, Walker Farm also started to feed ducklings, which were caught from the pasture before, just to make salted duck eggs for Becky!
The grandparents and grandchildren ate happily, and the others also chatted happily. Susa was describing Fanny's dress outside to Ke Luo and the others.

After eating, the girls let their grandma wipe their mouths, and ran out, clamoring to ride a big tortoise, followed by a group of lively little animals, chasing and wowing, especially the little turtles. White pig, the humming never stopped!
The adults didn't bother, they set up reclining chairs on the lawn, took computers or magazines, and enjoyed the warm morning sun.

After a while, Angel and Becky's laughter came, and everyone turned their heads to see two little girls sitting cross-legged on the big tortoise, using a small wooden stick to lift a crisp and tender green vegetable, hanging from the big tortoise's mouth edge, and lure them forward!
The women laughed, the girls have been doing this for the past two days, but every time they see it, they still find it funny, lamenting that the big tortoise is so stupid, and the girls play it around with a vegetable!
Leisure is also interspersed with busyness. In the next few days, Qin Yi went to Oregon alone. Led by Miles who arrived earlier, after some bargaining, he bought it at a price of 300 million US dollars. A [-]-acre ranch!

So far, the land area under Qin Yi's name has reached 22.8 acres, including 12.4 acres of the Sun River Ranch, 3.1 acres of the Wobe Lake Ranch, and finally the newly acquired one, which was named Fanny's Ranch at Angel's begging.

After the transaction was completed, Qin Yi stayed at the Fanny Ranch for a few days. After inspecting the working ability of the former ranch manager Aklaide, he was relieved to let him manage it. According to the usual practice, he explained the irrigation system improvement and the calves. Back to Augusta.

Anyway, there are contract constraints, so I don't have too much to worry about. The two initial tasks can be regarded as a small test.

(End of this chapter)

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