American Ranch

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

*sorry sorry!It was supposed to post a chapter around ten o'clock, but the obsessive-compulsive disorder has caused me to code nearly [-] words. Now I will post [-] words first, and Xiao Chong will work an extra half hour to make up enough for a chapter to post early tomorrow!Forgive me, everyone go to bed early!
For this operation, everyone is in the mood of watching rare things. After all, the big wild boar is huge, but as long as it does not know magic, it cannot escape the rounding up of a group of hunters!

Everyone chatted enthusiastically for a while, seeing that the time was about the same, the mayor Marcus, who organized the roundup together with Ryan and Hobbs, suggested to Qin Yi: "Yi, let's start now? Don't let this pig Sarah is gone!"

Everyone looked forward to it. They came here to hunt big wild boars. What a pity they ran away!

So Qin Yi didn't delay anymore, and waved his hand: "Let's go!"

A group of people either rode horses or drove four-wheeled motorcycles, galloping mightily on the grassland.

Along the way, the farmers and cowboys gathered together in groups of three or four, joking and betting on who would hunt the big wild boar.

Everyone was not polite, and they all said that they would be the ones who hunted the big wild boar, and they all pressed ten or twenty dollars, just for fun.

Qin Yi wasn't humble at all, he pressed himself ten dollars!

Their family has two kinds of transportation. Qin’s mother was not very stable on horseback, so Qin Yi drove a quad bike and took her and Angel with her. Susa and Ke Luo rode behind with the two sisters. , heroic cowgirl!
In addition to Qin Yi's family and the farmers, there are some animals in the team, not to mention cattle dogs such as black rice and wheat, and two large predators, Maggie and Big Cat, are also on the team. Fortunately, everyone's speed It's not fast, they can keep up slowly while hanging behind.

Teddy, kitten, little fox, etc. also came out, but the treatment was much better. Sitting in the arms of Qin's mother and Angel, poking their heads and looking around, these little guys have not yet reached the age of curiosity.

But to say that the most helpful for this hunt is Eagle Big Eagle II.

These two kings of raptors from the nearby Rocky Mountains spread their wings arrogantly and flew low on purpose from time to time. The flickering of the wings brought up a frenzied airflow, blowing many people's cowboy hats away!
As a result, Qin Yi said sorry, and at the same time searched for a picture of a wild boar on the Internet with his mobile phone, pointed at them for a while, and ordered them to go look for them.

It was like a picnic all the way, happy and looking forward to it, but after driving to the northwest for about an hour, we came to a gentle hillside. Everyone immediately knew that this place might be the habitat of the big wild boar!
Ryan had already shared the information he searched yesterday with everyone along the way. At this time, when he arrived at the wild boar infested area, everyone felt relaxed and comfortable, and became excited and looking forward to it.

Ryan signaled to Qin Yi, and called everyone to stop: "Okay, guys, we've arrived at the end of the field. The signs we found yesterday afternoon indicated that the super wild boar is in the woods on this hillside."

This hillside runs north-south, only tens of meters high, very gentle, covered by pine and poplar forests, and also covered with weeds and shrubs, which looks relatively dense and deep, but it is a good hiding place for wild boars.

Qin Yi took the map of the ranch and compared it. The forest follows the trend of the hillside, forming an ellipse running north-south. The longest is more than 2000 meters, and the width is 600 meters. It is considered a relatively large forest in the ranch.

"Yes, what we have to do now is to search around the woods to see if there are other signs. In other words, we need to find out whether the big wild boar is still in the woods."

Hobbs said so.

Everyone felt reasonable after hearing this, so they made a fuss for a while, and all the soldiers split into two groups. Hobbs and the mayor Marcus led half of the troops to turn to the left, and Qin Yi and Ryan took the rest. The farmer, starting from the right, began to scout around the woods.

Qin Yi handed over the specific affairs to Ryan. This old cowboy was better at hunting than him. He arranged for everyone to line up to expand the search area to the maximum and move forward in a net-like manner.

The farmers and cowboys present all knew how to hunt, and they had more or less mastered the skills of searching for prey. At this time, everyone gathered together to show off or compete one by one, and all showed off their housekeeping skills, so the efficiency was particularly high.

Even the old cowboys like Ryan and Walker, through the marks left on the grass, and through mutual communication and verification, even a hare passing by not long ago can infer it, and the reasoning is justified, as if they saw it with their own eyes!
This made many young cowboys look respectful, and satisfied the old guys' show-off mentality, and they kept smiling!

The farmers got off their horses and squatted on the grass to observe, got on their horses and held up their binoculars to look out. They were all busy and contented, but Qin Yi and the others really seemed to be on an outing!
Susa and Keluo are more reliable, imitating Rachel's movements, looking left and right to observe, although they can't see anything, they have a correct attitude, but look at the two sisters, "here is a little butterfly ", "Beautiful bird over there", made Angel giggle and filled the whole team with laughter!
But sister, we are here to capture the wild boar monster, we are hunters, don't act like you are on vacation, okay!

Qin's mother was similar, she concentrated on hugging her precious granddaughter, and said a few words to the two sisters from time to time, the wild boar monster or something had long been thrown aside!

In this way, busy and leisurely, I searched half a circle around the woods, but found no valuable information. This process without surprises made everyone a little boring.

Fortunately, in the woodland in summer, the scenery is still good, colorful flowers, or large clusters or star spots, accompanied by flying butterflies and bees, the clear and crisp calls of birds are always heard, and occasionally small squirrels can be seen in the forest. Jumping between them, it is peaceful.

If the gorgeous mountain flowers in front of me were not ruined by wild boars, it would be even more beautiful.

That's right, after searching all the way, I finally saw the traces left by the big wild boar. Although Ryan discovered it yesterday, for Qin Yi and others who only heard the name of the wild boar, this was already a great gain.

Everyone even stopped to observe.

A large area of ​​mountain flowers of various colors has been bitten, and the ground has been trampled into pits and pits. Maybe the big wild boar has rolled here, and the flowers and leaves are as if they have been rolled by a stone mill. You can roughly imagine the hugeness of the wild boar monster!

Continue on the road until the soldiers split into two groups for nearly an hour, and everyone walked around the woods and met again.

In this search, neither team found any new traces, indicating that the big wild boar was probably still in the woods.

So, everyone couldn't wait, because the real hunting was about to begin!

Everyone returned to the gnawed mountain flower just now, walked into the woods from here, carefully explored the traces of the big wild boar trampled on the grass, and gradually went deeper.

The forest is sparser than it looks from the outside, but it is only relatively speaking. When you are in it, you can still see the bushes in front, back, left, and right.

The thick and towering pine and poplar trees are nothing more than that, but the fir trees that can be seen everywhere seem to have no trunk, and the dense branches and leaves grow directly from the ground, fluffy like an ellipse, which greatly hinders the sight.

The animals still followed and returned to the jungle. As a brown bear, Maggie was still leisurely, but the big cat showed due vigilance, looking around carefully all the way, and silently followed the team.

Only the little animals were playing around, not knowing what the danger was, and bouncing after the women. At this time, their little master was sitting in Qin Yi's arms and looking around curiously. Always be ready to hit the big wild boar!
Adorable little warrior!

The big wild boar hid in the dense woods, and the vision of the big eagle was also obstructed. He hovered above the woods and failed to find the target.

However, although the hoof prints on the ground are intermittent, they can always provide directions for everyone.

Ryan and others played forward, and there were cowboys walking forward holding shotguns on the left and right. Everyone performed their duties, without talking, and walked silently all the way.

The deeper the team got, the tense atmosphere gradually permeated the team, but there was still more anticipation, the anticipation of hunting a super wild boar!

After ten minutes of walking into the woods, I was almost at the center, but I still didn't find the big wild boar. At this time, the stampede marks on the ground were already messy, leading to all directions. It seems that the big wild boar stayed here Not for a short time.

Even in the same direction, the traces of weeds being crushed are different from old to new. It can be seen that this big wild boar is basically wandering aimlessly, which brings trouble to everyone's judgment.

It's too time-consuming to try several new marks that have been stepped on one by one. Qin Yi suggested that everyone split up. As for who can hunt the big wild boar, it depends on the arrangement of heaven.

Ryan, Hobbs, plus Marcus and Walker, each led a team, chose a direction and set off, leaving Qin Yi's team members, that is, a group of women.
The mother and daughters-in-law naturally wanted to follow him, and the two sisters were unfamiliar with others, and Rachel naturally didn't want to get together with a group of old men, so, without the slightest surprise, they got together!
Fortunately, there are a group of big and small animals following, and everyone is not worried about Qin Yi's safety. After all, Maggie is more useful than ten unarmed people!
When they left just now, everyone also said that if McGee hunted down the big wild boar, everyone would give McGee the dollars they pressed!
In addition to them, there was another person who was ignored——John. Along the way, this guy seldom spoke, and he didn't give any comments on everyone's hunting operations. He just followed Qin Yi's side to make soy sauce.

Although the team was a bit messy, what had to be done was still to be done, so Qin Yi waved his hand and set off with the "Eradicate the Big Wild Boar" team!
The direction of the new imprint has been selected by everyone, so Qin Yi had no choice but to lead everyone along the original direction.

But I don't know whether it was good luck or bad. After walking for a few minutes, the black rice and wheat, and the big cat, who had been vigilant all the time, suddenly moved towards a bush 30 meters away on the right, and put on a guard posture!
Qin Yi, who had been paying attention to the reactions of the animals, immediately beckoned everyone to stop, then handed the curious Angel in his arms to his mother, pointed to a few big trees on the side, and signaled the women to hide there, and then called Never to be vigilant Meggie, keep it by their side.

After doing this, he held the shotgun and glanced at John, saw him gesturing left and right, nodded to show his understanding, and then the two of them dived separately in silence.

The two stooped, one left and one right under the cover of weeds and short trees, and approached lightly from the outside. The women were very nervous, but they could only stare closely.

The big cat seemed to be a bit scrupulous, but fortunately, Hemi and Mai were loyal and followed Qin Yi's legs without hesitation, baring their sharp teeth, but cleverly did not make a sound.

Damn big cat, he eats so much every day, but now he is so timid, whether he will give you food or not!

Susa and Keluo murmured in their hearts.

Originally, in their minds, they thought that they saw a big wild boar on the grass, and they fired a volley directly, and even a wild boar of any size had to lie down, but only now did they realize that the idea was beautiful. There is a lot of surprise factor!

For example, the wandering of the big wild boar makes it difficult to find it, and the cover of the bushes makes it impossible for everyone to judge. Is there a big wild boar the height of a person watching here?

The original excitement and anticipation of hunting the big wild boar had dissipated long ago. Looking at Qin Yi who was gradually bypassing the bushes, all he was left with was worry!

As for John, well, no one is paying attention to him at this time, please forgive the selfishness of the women, but there is always a distance in the relationship.
At this time, Qin Yi and the two didn't think so much.

Creeping slowly among the bushes, the shotgun in his hand has already been loaded, with the flat end on his chest, as long as there is a slight movement behind the bushes, he will shoot immediately!
Now that they were getting closer, there was a faint stench, which made the two of them tremble unconsciously: the ranch will emit such a smell, I am afraid it is only a big wild boar!

The two became more cautious, and their steps became lighter and slower. From a distance, Qin's mother and the women who were scattered and hiding behind the tree were beating their hearts out one by one. Did they find something?

Susa, Keluo, and Rachel unconsciously raised the shotgun in their hands. Under nervousness, the hand that was originally rosy in white turned white at the moment, and waited for something to come out from behind the bushes. One shot at a time, wild boar or not!
one step, two steps
Finally, the two circled around in a big circle, and finally they could see the whole picture behind the bushes: messy grass, broken branches everywhere, and some blood-stained pheasant hairs, half-gnawed wild potatoes
The most obvious one is a newly dug large earth pit, about [-] centimeters deep, but more than four meters long!
The potholes are not aesthetically pleasing, and they are usually said to be eaten by dogs, but now Qin Yi vaguely understands this meaning!
But the inside of the pit is quite smooth, it seems that this is where the big wild boar sleeps!
No wonder Black Rice and Wheat were just staring at the guard, but didn't roar to warn. It seemed that they just smelled the smell of a big wild boar and didn't hear any movement!

Yes, apart from the clutter here, there was really no sign of the big wild boar. Qin Yi and John were still squatting in the weeds, looking at each other 30 meters away, with some relief but also some regret in their eyes.

This has touched the big wild boar's bedroom, but he is not at home, so the two of us have been nervous for a long time!

He glanced at the pit again, and murmured in his heart: I dug up a hole to use as a nest, did I think I didn't die fast enough? The grave was already dug!

I will kill you sooner or later!

"Woof! Woah! Woah! Ugh."

As soon as Qin Yi thought about it, the black rice and wheat by his side rushed forward two steps, staring at the front like fried hair and howling wildly, his voice was shrill. This was the first time in his life. No such cry!

His mind tightened when he heard it, and he immediately knelt on one leg and raised his gun to observe. John on the other side did the same!

A pig, a gray and white wild boar as tall as a person, in the jungle in front of 40 meters away, like an ugly king, slowly approaching at a leisurely pace!

The thick limbs, the big fangs shining with cold light, and the thick and long hair like steel needles all give people a kind of spiritual oppression, especially the vicious small eyes, vicious and bloodthirsty!

Looking at the huge body like a small car, the two of them even felt like their hairs were standing on end!

(End of this chapter)

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