American Ranch

Chapter 426 The Recent Situation of the Vineyard

Chapter 426 The Recent Situation of the Vineyard

*There is a small mistake in the previous article, it should be blind Odd (left eye injury), Sessel is a big black man with a left arm prosthesis. *
The group of people arrived at the vineyard before eleven o'clock in the morning. Taking advantage of the time, Qin Yi directly called everyone to have a meeting in the small castle-like winery.

In fact, it’s not a call. Everyone knew that the boss was coming, so they had been waiting for a long time. When they arrived at the vineyard, they came to report to the boss one after another. Qin Yi felt that since everyone had come, it would be better to meet him on another day. Day, directly to the meeting!
In order not to disturb their work, after the three adults chose a room, they took Angel and ran out. The vineyard in midsummer was lush with leaves and fruitful, and the joy of the harvest easily infected everyone's emotions. Be joyful and lively!
The little girl screamed while running, saying that she was going to eat big sweet grapes!
Indeed, the bunches of dark red grapes hanging all over the grape rack seem to be tempting everyone: "Come and eat me!"

Very attractive!
If it wasn't for helping Qin Yi deal with things, Susa and Ke Luo, who are the hostesses, would probably run out too!

However, these improved grapes were originally very bitter, but after the improvement, the grapes grow faster, bear more fruit, and even the flavor has changed.

The improved version of the grapes is more bitter, but after a careful aftertaste, you will find that the bitterness is also mixed with a touch of refreshment and warmth, which makes the taste of the whole variety even more weird!
This refreshing and warm feeling comes from the diluted space spirit spring water.

Although the flavor of the pulp is worthy of the aftertaste, it is still a lot worse than the sweet fruit grapes.

Fortunately, before, Qin Yi asked Old Pete to develop all the remaining ten acres of planting area. Most of them were still planted with wine grapes, but a small piece of sweet grapes was also planted to satisfy everyone's greed.

Angel knew this, because she was the one who was greedy!
So after curiously tasting an improved wine grape, the little girl, who was so bitter that her little face was wrinkled into a ball, honestly dragged her grandma and two aunts to the sweet vineyard!
Adults and children happily ran around eating grapes in the small sweet vineyard, and the meeting of Qin Yi and others was also being held.

In addition to him, Susa and Colo, those who participated in the simple meeting, the old Pete, Daniel, John, McCain, Odd and other six people.

Everyone sat down and drank coffee and chatted for a while, and soon got to the point.

As the foundation, the vineyard is the top priority of the entire wine industry.

So the first one to speak was Old Pete, this serious and responsible old man, who happily explained the quality of the grapes produced in the vineyard this year, and also estimated the harvest, which may be nearly [-]% more than in previous years!

In fact, everyone has known this news for a long time, but when it is mentioned again at this time, I still can't hide my excitement.

What is the concept of [-]%? Adding one piece of four vineyards, the increase in the entire harvest can produce tens of thousands more bottles of wine than in previous years!

Although these grapes were used by Qin Yi to brew a new wine, which is the simplified version of Chenxi, everyone has long admired his wine-making techniques. I believe that the newly brewed Chenxi must be the successor of Qin's wine industry. Another big ace pillar product!
Moreover, Old Pete and others have all tasted Chenxi, which is an extremely fine wine that is even rarer than the limited edition Liuhuo (contains three drops of spiritual spring water)!

Only the very small number of flowing fires containing ten drops of spiritual spring water can be compared with it!

In order to make it easy to distinguish, everyone privately classified Liuhuo into grades. Those sold in specialty stores are called Liuhuo directly. The three-drop Lingquan water version auctioned is a limited edition Liuhuo, and the distilled Liuhuo brandy is called a collection. Edition, which is almost the same level as the limited edition.

The highest one is the ten drops of spiritual spring water version, known as the handed down flowing fire, which is juxtaposed with the dawn brewed by space fruits!
Anyway, everyone present, including John and others who are only in charge of security, saw the harvest of grapes in the vineyard, as if they saw a bottle of top-quality wine, and they were naturally very happy!
After talking about the harvest of grapes, Old Pete reported on the work of purchasing grapes. With the experience of last year, he will be more handy this year.

According to Qin Yi's instruction, he didn't deliberately lower the price of grapes, but bought them at a price slightly higher than the market price. Anyway, compared to the extravagant selling price, the cost of these raw materials is simply a spoonful of the ocean!
And because of this, Qin's Manor has won a good reputation nearby, and has attracted a group of stable grape growers to follow, providing a large amount of fresh grapes for a long time, making the raw material supply of Qin's wine industry more stable.

This means that there is no need for old Pete to be within [-] kilometers of the surrounding area to buy in a net-like manner like last year, which can barely meet the needs of winemaking!
After the final report, Old Pete looked forward to the future happily: "Yi, this is really the gospel of God! With our output this year, we will definitely be able to enter a wider market! Ha, for God's sake, let those gangs The idiot rich go to the bar, we just make money!"

Everyone burst into laughter, Susa and Ke Luo also pursed their lips and chuckled, but they glanced at Qin Yi at the same time, and then they blinked at each other, smiling even brighter!

However, their tacit understanding confuses Qin Yi. Isn't it good to make money from idiot rich people? Why do daughter-in-laws laugh so weirdly?
He didn't realize that he is more or less a rich man now, but he didn't know if others would add the prefix of an idiot when they wanted to make money from him?

Next came Daniel, who was in charge of sales. He mainly reported on the operation of the specialty store, saying that he would brew more fine wine as soon as possible, and the current inventory would not last long!
Needless to say, Qin Yi came here this time mainly to make wine.

Then, Daniel tactfully said that if possible, he would like to auction off some of the handed down Liuhuo and Chenxi, which would play a good role in publicizing the upcoming new wine Chenxi.

After saying this, this guy became a chatterbox, imitating the old Pete and looking forward to the future, and wanted to cover the specialty stores in several major international metropolises.

For these, Qin Yi agreed after thinking for a while. The handed down Liuhuo and Chenxi are stored in the wine cellar, and they are all piled up. Since his own people can't finish drinking, why not take it out for some benefits!

And the US market is almost saturated, it's time to move to a bigger market.

The security team has nothing to do. Since the last invasion, there has been no abnormality in the vineyard. Apart from training and patrolling all day long, it is a bit boring!

So Qin Yi arranged it. When escorting the wine to the specialty store in the future, let the security team take turns to follow the car in batches, which can be regarded as finding something for them to do.

After talking about work, Qin Yi looked at McCain, the man whose waist was damaged and his lower limbs were paralyzed. Although he tried his best to conceal it, Qin Yi still saw the expectation in his eyes.

The last time the vineyard was invaded, even though the security team had more victories than the few, it was still a beautiful first battle.

At that time, McCain, who was a sharpshooter, shot and killed an infiltrator who was hiding in the window. With this credit, Qin Yi promised that after the official sentence was pronounced, he would heal the injury on his waist and let his Legs back to mobility!

The fact that the person who was killed sneaked in armed could not be changed, and he tried to resist after being surrounded, so it was no accident that McCain's shot, whether it was the court or the jury, believed that there was no need to bear legal responsibility.

The verdict has come out long ago. It stands to reason that Qin Yi should also fulfill his promise, but he has been away on vacation since this period of time, and he has been busy with work in the past few days when he returned to the ranch, so it has been delayed for many days.

Now that he has arrived at the vineyard, it is indeed time to help him heal his injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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