American Ranch

Chapter 422 Ferocity 2 Ball

Chapter 422

The speed of the humpback whale is really not good. It only took two days to travel day and night with Yuanqiu and his family, but it took five days to reach the coast of Los Angeles!
But at least he arrived at the destination, Qin Yi felt relieved.

In the past few days, the family once again experienced a yacht holiday. Every day, they enjoyed the sunshine and sea water, and occasionally rode a big whale for a stroll. These days are leisurely and carefree, and everyone feels beautiful in their hearts!

Arriving at the fishing ground at this time can be regarded as finding a stable home for the Yuanqiu family. Everyone has a feeling of watching the child get married and start a business.

They can live here all the time in the future, maybe they can even become loyal guards of the fishery!
As soon as the guard said, he was not joking. Before Qin Yi helped the big ball and the second ball to transform, he had seen the huge force of the two ball. One tail directly slapped a humpback whale of the same size out of the sea!
And along the way, everyone opened their eyes again.

It was the afternoon of the third day after leaving Hawaii. The team drove to the middle of Los Angeles and Hawaii. Suddenly, a nearly ten-meter-long killer whale rushed up. It might be very hungry, and it went straight towards the easiest prey. Ball away!

At that time, the nervousness of the killer whale haunted everyone on the yacht, and Susa and Ke Luo even grabbed Qin Yi's arm!
Catherine and the other girls all turned pale. This is a killer whale that can attack people!

Fortunately, it was on the Venus, and the killer whale had nothing to do with such a big ship, otherwise, everyone would have been screaming in fright!
Only Angel looked at the streamlined big killer whale with joy in his eyes. Maybe it was not enough to have the Yuanqiu family, so he wanted to catch the killer whale as a playmate!
The approach of the killer whale scared the hearts of everyone on the yacht to chills, but suddenly angered the big ball and the second ball that Huzi was eager to!

According to the habit, the first one to rush up is Eryuan Ball, who is swimming around and responsible for vigilance.

However, killer whales, as ferocious predators, have always ignored humpback whales.

This kind of big guy who can only eat krill is a herbivore in the ocean. The bison is huge, but can it still be the opponent of the lion, the king of the grassland?

In the same way, lion-level players in the ocean, such as killer whales and great white sharks, seeing these lukewarm big men, is like seeing a big plate of fat!

Therefore, seeing the Eryuan ball rushing towards him, it was quite dismissive: Even if I hit you, it hurts me, and I even eat you!

Just like that, one was eager to protect the child, and the other was red-eyed from hunger. Under the nervous eyes of Qin Yi and others, the two were swimming quickly on the sea surface and approaching each other!

Then, facing the big meal brought up, the killer whale opened its mouth full of sharp teeth, as if it wanted to bite the Eryuan ball into two pieces!
But at a distance of five or six meters, Eryuanqiu suddenly leaned over and dived. Before the killer whale, which continued to move forward with inertia, could understand the situation, Eryuanqiu's tail raised as it dived, It wheeled forward at an extremely fast speed!

Huge waves rose up, and the killer whale was hit head-on by Er Yuanqiu's unexpected move, and was slapped headlong into the sea!
"Oh, my god!"

Seeing this scene, everyone who was worried about Er Yuanqiu exclaimed, a little unbelievable, but seeing that Er Yuanqiu was not damaged, they were pleasantly surprised!
A few seconds later, the killer whale finally surfaced, but with its white belly turned up, it just floated motionless!
One tail slapped to death?
To be so cruel!
Qin Yi and the others were stunned. My good fellow, killer whales have always abused humpbacks and baleen whales, but today it's the other way around?

Even if Qin Yi knew about the great power of the two balls, he never expected to be so cruel!
It seems that in the past month or so, Er Yuanqiu has completely absorbed the effects of the spirit spring water and the blood spirit fruit, coupled with the transformation of his big head that is full of spirituality, he has suddenly become courageous and resourceful!
It's just that this move is so proficient, I'm afraid that their family has been provoked in that sea area in this month!

He waved his hand to let the guards relax.

Just now they received the order, they have already opened the safety, if Eryuanqiu loses a little bit, they will shoot, even if they can't kill the killer whale with a few shots, they can help Eryuanqiu get out of danger!

But at this time, seeing the boss's whale pets so abnormal, everyone was dumbfounded!
Only Angel didn't know how powerful the killer whale was. Seeing that Er Yuanqiu had defeated the villain, she clapped her little hands and cheered excitedly!

However, Er Yuanqiu, who had turned somersault in the seawater, did not give up. He swung his tail and rushed up again. When he swam closer, his serrated pectoral fins [-] to [-] meters long slammed towards the killer whale fiercely!


A slightly dull blow directly turned the killer whale over, with the skin on its back turned outwards, and Qin Yi and others who were a little far away were also faintly visible!

That hideous bloodstain was dripping with fresh blood, staining the sea red, then diluted again, and finally turned back to the original ink blue!

But the pain of this blow also woke up the killer whale from its drowsiness. It quickly pulled back and retreated. During the struggle, the sea water was churned!
After the guy opened the distance, he opened his mouth to reveal his sharp teeth. Seeing that Er Yuanqiu was about to charge up again, he hesitated for a moment, then dived and retreated!

A humpback whale defeated the famous killer whale head-on?
Stop joking!
When most people hear this news, they will definitely react like this, and it is even possible to call the other party an idiot!
John and the others are no exception. After witnessing Eryuanqiu's combat effectiveness until today, everyone can only sigh: the world is so big, there are so many wonders!
But after sighing, there was cheering, and each of them was not stingy with their own praises, boasting Er Yuanqiu as the general of the sea god Poseidon in the myth!
Only Angel cheered but also felt a little regretful: the big fishes have all run away, and they still want to catch them and play with them!
After encountering the killer whale by chance, in the next few days, although the Yuanqiu family was swimming around and guarded, everyone never dared to swim in the sea again, for fear of the killer whale or other predators. Feel out!

Entering the fishing ground at this time, everyone's attention on Yuanqiu's family has somewhat shifted. After all, the endless sea field is still very spectacular.

The workers who drove the speedboat to inspect the fishing ground first spotted Qin Yi and his party. After they came up to say hello, they continued to inspect the surrounding area. It's working time now!

After walking a little further, I ran into old professors like David, who were instructing workers to scatter bundles of seaweed seedlings into the sea.

These old professors are in charge of the transformation of the fishery. For the past few months, they have been floating in this sea area, trying to cultivate improved deep-sea seaweed, and improve the water quality of the fishery through seaweed, thereby improving the meat quality and growth of fish in the fishery. Higher economic benefits.

However, at present, the old professors have just made some progress in deep-sea seaweed and are cultivating it on a large scale. If they want to achieve great benefits, they may have to wait until next year.

However, in the past few months, the fish farm has gradually become profitable. The ocean fishing fleet that goes out to sea every month can bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars in income. In addition to supplying the operation of the fish farm aquaculture industry, there is also a lot of surplus.

This has already satisfied Qin Yi. After a year, the addition of several fleets has an income of over [-] million, which is more than the profit of a tourist farm.

I stayed at the fishing ground for half a day, mainly to arrange for the Yuanqiu family.

Qin Yi spent some time to make them understand not to run around, protect the fishing ground, etc., which can be regarded as a formal arrangement for them.

Afterwards, he inspected the fishing ground again. Everything was fine, so Qin Yi didn't plan to stay in the fishing ground any longer. It took several days to bring Yuanqiu's family home this time, so there should be no further delay. The grapes in the vineyard are ripe , this cannot be delayed.

So, he returned to Los Angeles that day, and the yacht was handed over to Benxiong to guard him. Qin Yi took his family and John and boarded the flight to San Francisco.

(End of this chapter)

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