American Ranch

Chapter 395 Qin Yi Baozi

Chapter 395 Qin Yi Baozi
During this period of time, under the arrangement of Hans, the Bonebreaker has completed two breeding tasks, including a quota for Baucus.

The two breedings brought Qin Yi a total of 400 million US dollars in income. At first glance, it is a huge sum of money, but compared to the income from wine, it is nothing.

However, the long stream of water, accumulated over time, is also a considerable income.

On the phone, in the process of chatting with Box, the old guy inevitably talked about the breeding. Although Qin Yi received money, he knew very well that there were certain human factors in it, so the words Still filled with joy and gratitude.

After all, the Bonebreaker has only sold two breeding quotas now!

In fact, in the past month, it wasn't that no one had sought a breeding quota for the Bone Crusher. However, the Bone Crusher had just turned three years old and was in the golden period of service. Hans didn't recommend accepting too many breeding needs right now.

Therefore, Qin Yi planned to wait until the Bonebreaker won the Breeders' Cup in December, and his worth would rise to a higher level, before considering the matter of large-scale breeding.

At that time, not only was the breeding fee higher, but it also allowed the Bonebreaker to be in a state of energy before the competition, which was also very important for the competition.

Although it is difficult for the bonebreaker to find an opponent in the world, it is better to be careful when a lion fights a rabbit.

Flipping through the address book and making a phone call, the whole afternoon passed like this.

On his side, he kept in touch with each other and maintained contacts. Susa and Ke Luo were also busy with work. It was not until the evening that the work of the two women was basically finished.

The work seems to be quite troublesome, but they don't do everything by themselves, they only need to be responsible for the overall planning, and the specific implementation will naturally be done by the following people.

Just like Susa, she is responsible for supervising the finances of all Qin Yi's industries, but she doesn't always stare at those detailed financial statements. For these things, Joanna, who owns her own financial firm, and her clerks Huggins and Evra do it.

Although Susa occasionally checks some, but more directly checks the overall income and expenditure, and is in charge of the overall situation rather than the details.

Therefore, her work seems to be busy, but as long as she arranges things to Joanna and the others, it will be much easier.

The same is true for Khloe.

The [-] cows that were slaughtered before have already accumulated many high-quality customers for the Sun River Ranch, and these customers have already reserved part of the beef, and the deposit has been paid!
Therefore, the focus of Ke Luo's work is to negotiate with the procurement department of restaurants and hotels on the specific supply quantity, and the development of new customers comes second.

In addition, it is to arrange the slaughtering and packaging work related to the slaughterhouse, and at the same time emphasize the hygiene of the beef, which is related to the reputation of the Sun River Ranch, and Ke Luo attaches great importance to it.

Just like before, she will often make surprise inspections, for fear that the people below will slack off!
Now that the work is arranged, they will be able to relax a lot.

Especially Susa, in the next few days, she just needs to keep paying attention and wait for Joanna's statistical report. Of course, with Susa's temperament, she will definitely not let it go like this, spot checks are a must!

On the contrary, Ke Luo will be a little busier than Susa in the next period of time. After all, it will take ten days and a half months to slaughter and pack [-] cows.

Anyway, after a busy day, the two girls who had arranged their affairs could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Qin Yi saw that the daughters-in-law relaxed their spirits and lay on the sofa, and immediately leaned forward with a smile, served tea and water, squeezed their shoulders and beat their backs, with a doggy face, but let alone, it coaxed the daughters-in-law to smile !

Angel and Betsy, who had been playing with the ducklings in the henhouse all afternoon, saw how tired they were, so they obediently approached them and sang the song "Big Rooster Crowing" for everyone, and imitated the big rooster's dancing posture , it made everyone laugh!
In the evening, the family took Sarah and Becky to prepare a barbecue on the lawn in front of the house. It was mainly Qin Yi's craftsmanship. Qin's mother had never made a barbecue before, so she didn't dare to do it.

On the contrary, Angel happily participated, and with Becky's help, a lot of beef and vegetables were roasted.

Everyone has tasted Angel's barbecue before. Although the roast is a little old, the meat is marinated and delicious, and with the sauce prepared by Qin Yi, the taste is quite good.

Therefore, the two girls smiled and accepted a lot of compliments!

In the evening, it was still Viviera who came to pick Becky back, the old man Walker had to arrange tomorrow's rides, and Brown and Jenny had already gone to Great Falls.

In summer, the business of the clinic is very good, and they will be busy for a while.

In the next few days, Qin Yi took the little girls to play hard in the playground on the farm. Qin's mother was also very interested in these lively rides, and there were many Chinese tourists here, and Qin's mother could still find someone Chatting is a good place for pastime.

In addition, patrolling the ranch is also essential.

The whole family, together with Betsy, rode a horse or drove a quad bike, laughing and laughing all the way, just like an outing!
There are also Amanda and Sara, this is more like a group action for outings, they will not miss it, and Sara herself came to the ranch to play, if she is not afraid of disturbing Qin Yi's work, she will not run every day Amanda's Styling Cabin!

Since he came out to play, the modeling hut, which had just opened for business for two days, went out of business again, causing Qin Yi to chuckle: If ordinary people work like this, they will starve to death!

Everyone wandered around the pasture, but it wasn't aimless. Adults and children were playing, and Qin Yi was also checking the growth of the pasture, and had a more detailed understanding of the current situation of the cattle herd.

It took a few days after some inspections. During this period, Qin Yi chatted with the people in charge of various pastures, such as Big Cooper, for a long time.

It not only expresses concern for the cowboys, but also draws in their relationship with each other. This will be of great benefit to Qin Yi in controlling the ranch and maintaining the good operation of the ranch.

This afternoon, Mother Qin, who missed her hometown steamed buns, began to prepare the fillings, planning to steam a pot of steamed buns for everyone to eat!
Well, Qin's mother, who is used to eating steamed buns and noodles, is a little tired of eating bread, pancakes, roast beef with potatoes every day, so she thought of steaming steamed buns.

But I thought again, steamed buns are not as delicious as steamed buns. I used to be busy with things in my hometown, and I didn’t have the time to make steamed buns. Now that I am leisurely all day, making steamed stuffed buns has become a healthy thing, and there are so many vegetable gardens. Dishes, it seems that they don't do anything, which is a waste of resources!

So, the plan of making steamed stuffed buns was put on the daily routine.

Last night, under the guidance of his mother, Qin Yi made a large bowl of noodles. After a day of fermentation, it was ready in the middle of the afternoon.

Therefore, even though it was only three or four o'clock in the afternoon, far from the time of cooking in the past, the main house was already on fire.

Qin's mother prepared a lot of fillings, mushrooms and vegetables, leeks and eggs, dried vegetable vermicelli, and meat fillings, a total of four fillings.

There is nothing else to say. This dried vegetable vermicelli is something new to Susa and Ke Luo.

Because dried vegetables are made from dried purple potato leaves and radish stems and leaves in the vegetable garden!
These were things that were thrown away, but in the hands of Qin's mother, they turned into delicious food!
Of course, it's not that Qin's mother is frugal, but that the elderly people in Qin Yi's hometown are used to collecting these dried vegetables.

Don't look down on it, this kind of dried stems and leaves has a unique meaty texture, chews very chewy, but also has the fragrance of plants, whether it is making soup or stuffing, it is a very good ingredient.

It's just that the material life is much richer now, and these low-grade old-fashioned ingredients have become less and less. Maybe it won't take many years, and I'm afraid it will become a good memory!
Qin Yi doesn't care whether he recalls it or not, he is very busy at the moment. He is kneading the dough under the curious onlookers of his daughters-in-law, Angel and Becky, and is about to enter the filling session!

(End of this chapter)

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